last updates Feb. 17
<< The Tripoli Massacres
<< 25 Activists / 17 Corpses
This is regarding a "Tripoli massacre" I've neglected until now - 25 or so people allegedly executed near Gaddafi's Bab al-Aziziyah compound, found and turned to 17 corpses and a survivor seen by many at Mitiga Hospital in the east of Tripoli. I'm getting a grip on the sources and the case, but before I assemble a detailed post, I wanted more visuals, or to at least get that started.
I'd like to number the fifteen seen in news videos and ascertain whatever clues are present, especially (as usual) their skin color. Among these fifteen of 25 executed anti-Gaddafi "political activists," al Jazeera reported "some men had been identified. One man, Abdelsalem, came from the town of Taghma. Others were simply marked “non-Muslim” for burial purposes. " Usually that means "African mercenary,"
unapologetically killed by rebel fighters, shamelessly called an ordinary Libyan killed by the baddies when speaking to the Western media. It seems a good number of the dead - possibly a majority, but not all - are black-skinned. Never a good sign for an alleged Gaddafi atrocity. (The "survivors," however, are never black - no exception here)
And then also I'll be looking for this, from BBC: "about half the bodies had bullet wounds to the back of the head while others had disfiguring injuries to their limbs and hands."
The only place I know we've been allowed to see these is not being killed, and not in situ at the execution site.It's only after they've been dumped at the hospital and had an acceptable story attached that we see fifteen corpses under blues plastic shroud shrouds in "the outroom of a Tripoli Hospital" out at Mitiga Air Base.
There are very few photographs I can findof the scene. The first was this image from Al Jazeera, from an article of August 25. The area of interest is enhanced in this optional image.
Gulf News also ran a piece, mostly about the scene at Abu Salim trauma hospital. with one photo of the Mitiga 15 included, usefully showing all of them laid out. With a bit more looking, I found a slightly better version I'll use to number the victims below. Credited to Youssef Boudlal, Reuters.
With one exception, the rest of the imagery I have found is all from the online videos I know of, and not great clarity. I may have something better to replace these later. The videos:
Al Jazeera English: James Bays
BBC, John Simpson:
In numbering I used #16 and 17 as tagged at the scene (see below), counting backwards and then forward down the left side, with some guessing in the middle. My #1 is the body laying uncovered at lower left, whether it's how they did it or not (let's say #2 and 3 were the ones "claimed by family" so far, bloody bodies dragged out, leaving a smear). This victim #1 is clearly not a black man, perhaps a clue why he's exposed. I'll return to him in some detail at the end.
Just looking at visible color, I'd say six victims (4, 5, 6, 13, 15, and 16) seem black-skinned. four (1, 8, 12, and 17) seem light-skinned, with five (7, 9-11, and 14) too covered to say. I'll qualify that guess with the fact that I had included Victim #8 as appearing black as heck from a distance, but less so close-up and enhanced at right). He has wrist injuries, perhaps from shackles, worsened by moderate decay. Like #1 he look discolored, a bit green. Bearded, perhaps, and with some gray hair.

We have too many views of these two bodies, and hardly of anyone else. Lower right corner of the panoramic view, and at the center of the al Jazeera photo enhancement, all show mostly #16.
Below are the feet and lower left leg of #17 from the BBC's footage, badly sliced up and bloodied. Again aswith #1, a light-skinned male, selected for the most visible outward position. Perhaps by chance. He remains covered except for the feet. I believe that's 16's feet behind them, chocolate brown.
Serious injuries under #17's shroud. #8 in the back is a little more visible here than in the panoramic view. #12's pale bloated belly and ... [#11's elbow?] and the other invisible victims of someone's cruelty lurk mysteriously in between.
Here I'd like to return to victim #1. He suffered uncertain but widespread cruelty, and might be bound behind the back, except... his right forearm isn't right (the Boudlal photo above agrees). It's burnt, and seems to get too long and thin, as if pulled like taffy, and it's not clear his hand remains. This is at least some, and hopefully all of of the "disfiguring injuries to their limbs and hands." The photo alsoshows general trauma to his side, with multiple puncture wounds.
A photograph from an unusual above angle helps clarify his injuries in a broader context. Uncredited at All Voices, it's captioned "A dead body lies on the floor at a hospital in Tripoli." Below is a lightened version with an enhancement over his head.
His head always seemed like anindistinct black mass, and even from the angle that should change that, itlooks the same, with the addition of whitish patches. Is that even his whole head? Was it burnt, or what? His right arm looks more normally proportioned here, so the above thoughts might be irrelevant. The left arm however seems to possibly stop short or have an extra angle added halfway to the elbow, right where it gets bloody.
And one can hardly miss the big round hole in his upper abdomen, where he was punctured by some device of cruelty. We can see blood down his side from that, or perhaps infected/discolored veins, and then blood on, or something else wrong with, his back. Both known views show blood from a possible groin injury on his jeans, and here we see that he seems to be the source of the blood smear as his intensely brutalized remains were swiveled into place.
Update, Feb. 17:
Speaking of swiveling into place, I just stumbled across a Youtube video, dated Aug. 25, of what seems to be these bodies being taken off the truck and placed here. I haven't analyzed it closely yet, but made sure to save a copy. Our final mangled victim #1 is apparently placed at 2:22 to extra thick cries of Allahu Akbar." His face appears somewhat burnt but intact, and they poke at a slashin his belly I didn't notice before (dark/burnt, off-center). Also, his shoulders look badly tweaked-look at that stratched skin. 3:05 body #8 on the platform? Appears to be a black man here, bloody and brutalized, right arms half gone, maybe eyes messed up.
I came across these bodies when I was collecting videos for my Abu Salim hospital playlist. I was not interested in this at the time, as my focus was on creating a timeline for the Abu Salim hospital – so I would know when the hospital beds were pushed outside, so I confirm the date for the Google Earth satellite image labelled "August 29th." This again was needed so I could date another pile of bodies on the other end of town...
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I ended up having two videos of these bodies on the playlist. One of these you already listed. Here is the other one:
Evidence of 'mass execution' in Tripoli
Uploaded by AlJazeeraEnglish on Aug 25, 2011
This much of what James Bays says is true: "political activists" ... "near the Gaddafi compound" ... "when the opposition fighters started to enter the compound" ... "they were killed." ... "injuries have the hallmarks of a mass execution."
ReplyDeleteOff topic – LOL: John Simpson at 3:15:
ReplyDeleteColonel Gaddafi's regime did huge damage to Libya. The wast oil-wealth was spent on things like his palaces – this one for instance – rather than on the Libyan people.
The sad thing is that every photograph, video and satellite image of Green Libya shows a level of spending on people unsurpassed anywhere in the world. What is totally missing is the oppressive luxury of capitalism and feudal Gulf states. The fact that Libya's new Western rulers see nothing good in this is a sad omen for the future of Libya.
Is Dr Moaz Zeiton in the Al Jazeera photo, one wonders?
ReplyDeleteThree audio clips assembled by Guardian writer Matthew Weaver here.
Volunteer doctor Muad Pensasi describes injuries of wounded and killed rebel fighters brought to field hospital in Tripoli #Libya (25 August) and 69 civilians were among 410 bodies at two Tripoli morgues, Kirsty Campbell from International Medical Corp reports (25 August) and also Mitiga hospital awash with blood as medics treat wounded Gaddafi fighters after gun battle in Abu Salim, Martin Chulov reports #Libya (26 August)
Campbell was at Mitiga with Zeiton.
Petri has alerted me to a Sky Video showing the multi-tasking Dr Rajub. However, it carries on to show the Abu Salim hospital massacre,Michelle Clifford reporting; at 7.13 an un-named arabic doctor speaking English says
ReplyDelete"we just collect the bodies and we'll go to put them in another hosptal. Tripoli hospital, the big hospital" (code for Mitiga??)
{Is that the fence through which bodies were filmed beside the road at 7.39, with abandoned luggage?}
Notice too suited NTC spokesman and UK resident (at 7.40), Guma al-Gamaty who says "I think those bodies found in the Abu Salim hospital are most likely killed by Gaddafi agents, that's what they do, they have no mercy whatsoever,they have no regard for human life."
Sky video referred to here
ReplyDelete@felix – The Sky News video is here:
(It was Adam who found this long version of the video.)
I never watched this past the first 5 minutes. Also note Stuart Ramsay in the end. He has totally been duped by the Dr. Rajub performance.
I think you failed to link to the al Jazeera article by Evan Hill from August 25th you used as the source:
ReplyDeleteSurvivor tells of mass killing (mirror)
The article is full of holes!
First it says the 17 dead were "civilian men, held by armed Gaddafi loyalists. Then it goes on to say the bodies of the same men we marked “non-Muslim” for burial purposes. Synonyms include "African mercenary", "nigger", – and most appropriately – "Christian". Fortunately for Libya, no one will come looking for these.
It is clear from the context and the site of execution that these bodies were in realty Gaddafi supporters from the activist camp outside Bab al-Aziziya.
Hill describes the makeshift prison across the street from Muammar Gaddafi’s compound" as a "rundown apartment building". How does he know? Did he visit the place?
This again sounds like a well-rehearsed propaganda attack. The Western media regularly refers to the Abu Salim neighborhood as "rundown", "poor" or "slum" – in a deliberate effort to delegitimize the people living there and discount their opinion. The fact is that Abu Salim neighborhood is one of the finest in Libya. It is a part of a larger attack on Libyan infrastructure. The magnificent Libyan social housing and urban planing is referred to as "Soviet-style poured concrete." I am sure the the new Libya will be unable to build anything of equal quality, let alone maintain the exiting ones.
There is not much on the web about the "Mitiga Hospital." Here is one interesting item that came up on top:
ReplyDeleteLibya: Rebel fighters turn guns on each other in hospital battle
By Katerina Nikolas, Nov 1, 2011
Quote: Rebel fighters from Zintan who had earlier shot a man demanded entry to the hospital to finish him off.
By the way, who is "Kirsty Campbell" and what is the International Medical Corps?
ReplyDeleteGerman Euronews showed a clip, Gemetzel in Tripolis: Rebellen töten Hunderte... (Massacre in Tripoli..rebels kill hundreds ...) which shows bodies being loaded from "one of the oldest hospitals in Tripoli" into the back of a refrigerated truck, and taken for burial in a mass grave. The victims seem mainly black. Is this the "cheese transporter wagon" spoken of by doctors at Mitiga?
ReplyDelete(see from 0.50 onwards)
The reporting of Euronews is deconstructed by Hinter der Fichte in a video, uploaded 26 October 2011 by BeyerlHartmut.
ReplyDeleteI am guessing that Kirsty Campbell, another important witness, works or worked at Motherwell , Scotland.
Interestingly another witness, Scottish nurse Karen Graham who worked at the Oil Clinic in Abu Salim during the takeover by rebels, has just been shortlisted for the Robert Burns Humanitarian Award, 2012
Karen Graham is a Scottish nurse who has worked in Libya for around a year, delivering the highest possible level of care for patients coming to the Oil Clinic – also known as the 11th June Clinic – in Tripoli, regardless of political affiliation or allegiance, or regard for her own personal safety. Staying put during the battle of Tripoli in August 2011 – putting the welfare of her patients and colleagues first while gunfire and shells rained down on the city – she epitomised humanitarian work in action and is an inspiration to others.
Speaking from Tripoli, Karen said: "I am both surprised and honoured to be nominated for the Burns Humanitarian Award and it's great to know that people are aware of what we're doing out here – and actually care about what we're doing. My focus has always been on doing the job – whether that's caring for oil workers and their dependants or treating major trauma patients caught up in a civil war. Everyone is a patient and deserves the best possible care – regardless of who they are. I'm just a nurse, doing what millions of nurses – including my colleagues here in Tripoli – do every day and I hope my nomination highlights not only the importance of the nursing profession, but also the quality of the British nursing profession. In that way, we're all humanitarians."
International Medical Corps....
I notice the UK address
3 Anselm Road, Hatch End, Pinner HA5 4LH
is in the same town, coincidentally, where Guma Al-Gamaty lives....
The IMC hardly leaves a trace, and the UK address is a private house which is blocked from Google street.
also, the UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office has a guest blog written by Karen McLuskie, Political Officer at the Embassy,Libyan Smeddum which details several citizens who stayed behind despite FCO advice to leave....including Karen Graham (pictured) and Scottish Haemotologist from Paisley, David McGonigle
ReplyDeletePress TV's Roshan Muhammed Salih visited the Mitiga hospital, and there is a nice shot of the entrance at 0.18 in the video Tripoli hospitals full of dead and wounded Notice too, the rape story of a 19 year old girl in the programme. Dead black man at 1.28, and another body is described as a Russian - Ukrainian sniper working for Gaddafi (shows only the shoes and clothes....) A spokesman describes about 40 dead being brought here.
ReplyDelete@felix – The Russian - Ukrainian sniper is stuffed into freezer. I wonder if he was dead when this happened. I have seen other pictures of the frozen body.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, we would need a post on the captured and possibly killed foreigners, including the Ukrainian road workers.
Wonder all these guys are still alive :
serbs captured tripoli
journo mikija stojcica
تصوير مباشر لحظة القبض على مرتزق اوكراني في تيجي
man of ukrain arrested , alleged being sniper
The Foreign Ministry spokesman said that "up to 3,000 Ukrainian citizens, mainly nurses and doctors, were in Libya before the Gaddafi regime was overthrown."
@felix – The AGD "cheese transporter wagon" may belong to AGD Alimentation Générale Divonnaise in Divonne les Bains in France.
ReplyDeletethanks petri - couldn't visualise the alleged Ukrainian's photo. The cheese truck is Libyan registered, although I find it interesting that the World Medical Association has met several times in recent years in Divonne-les-Bains!
ReplyDeleteThe frozen Russian sniper is also seen on this video:
ReplyDeleteFrozen Russian Sniper Found in Libya
Quote: According to the source, this is a Russian sniper who was killed by Gaddafi regime soldiers and apparently placed in a deep freezer for unknown reasons. The body was discovered by the Libyan rebels.
The video has been removed from YouTube.
Interesting - looks like he was stuffed into the chest before rigor mortis set in.
ReplyDeleteOut of interest, I notice that the Mitiga Hospital - مستشفى معيتيقة طرابلس - has no fewer than 10 doctor members of the The Libyan Association for Diabetes and Endocrinology listed there c 2009, so not such a small hospital.
DeleteCorrection: Not the Canadian-Libyan mission graduating the nurses, rather its the Arab-European Center #Benghazi 4 Human rights & Int’l law
Many Libyan Docs frm outside including surgeons arrived & r on the way 2 Libya 2 help with increasing casualties frm Brega battle & other
Video of the "Liberation of prisoners in Mitiga hospital" 21 August here:
ReplyDeleteتحرير السجناء فى مستشفى امعيتيقة 21 اغسطس , August 21, uploaded by LibyaTV 25 August.
External views of Mitiga hospital for reference here from about 19.10 onwards.(Visiting the wounded in Mitiga Hospital, زيارة للجرحى في مستشفى معيتيقة )
On 16 September, Al Aan TV had an interview with the (new?) director of Mitiga Hospital, Dr Salem / Salim El / Al Saqr / Al-Saker - د. سالم الصقر - who seems to leave no internet trace.
One body from the refrigerated truck, laid in the grave on the far right, is the guy in front of the fire station.
The raped girl is Nisreen, looks like, whose alleged killing of rebels is not mentioned.
The frozen Slavic sniper I could believe maybe. Unusual boots. The issue of these dead white niggers is something I should cover here, esp. the road work people. 22 captured and just killed on suspicion? Cold as ice, no freezer needed, just their deadly touch.
The Il Dopo 25 Aug video has Abu Salim in the title - but it's not the usual footage.
ReplyDelete....because ir's at Mitiga (location correlates with Bayes AlJ), yet I don't see that name in the titles.Massaging the location?
Delete@Adam . There is an Iranian Press TV video presented by Roshan Muhammed Salih from the Mitiga Hospital, uploaded 27 August.
ReplyDelete0.54 - This 19 year old girl says she was raped by pro-Gaddafi forces (unverified) In the morgue "some (bodies) have been severely mutilated"
1.30 - A Doctor (?) wearing a tee shirt with American Association Tripoli Libya badge shows the familiar contorted Russian Ukrainian sniper in the morgue.
"we have had about 40 dead people brought to this hosptal" he says.
Video here
19 years old?Without watching I think that's Nisreen al-Farjani again. No relation to the doctor I know of. Watching it, yeah, that's her at 0:51. That scum "admittedly" killed a dozen captives before she tossed herself out the second-floor window and got run over by a rebel truck. Then they gave her water and shackles and a chance to come clean about it all. The rape was fairly incidental in her story, BTW.
DeleteI saw this video before, but didn't catch the frozen sniper. There's a post I should add this to.
The injuries described by the nurse at 1:10 sound like signs of torture, like what these activists seem to have suffered.
all the time I stay feel a Swayi Mitiga connection in this story [ though it must be said that there are many 15-17-25 stories :
-15 , 2 taken away for burial
-On August 26, Human Rights Watch also examined two corpses that were still in place at the Al-Amal al-Akhdar Internal Security building in Gargur where the suspected execution of detainees took place.
Al-Swayi told Human Rights Watch that two men had also been killed on the ground floor where he was held just before the massacre, not in the courtyard. It could not be confirmed that these corpses were of the same men
-Doctors showed Reuters 15 dead bodies in the yard behind the Mitiga hospital. They were riddled with bullets, and were bloated, indicated they had been left in the heat for some time.
One of the doctors at the hospital, Hizar Ali, said the prison guards had thrown an explosive device into the prison cell before opening fire, but the survivor who spoke to Reuters did not confirm this
-And the discovery of a grim pile of corpses of executed men in the Bab al-Aziziya compound that had once been Colonel Gaddafi's citadel offered grim evidence of retribution being exacted in the bloody civil war. A dozen bodies were seen by The Independent lying inside the complex with their hands tied behind their backs.
"Mercenaries, mercenaries," shouted a group of shabab (youths), as armed volunteers pointed at the dead men. The opposition had accused Colonel Gaddafi of hiring gunmen from sub-Saharan Africa during the conflict and many of those captured had been killed.
An interesting comment on victims outside the compound :
More bodies turned up in the streets on Friday, where occasional volleys of gunfire were heard. Near Colonel Qaddafi's abandoned citadel, Bab al-Aziziya, rebels began hauling away nine bloated bodies.
The face of one was so badly decayed it appeared charred.
Six were dumped near a trash receptacle, two left under a stairwell and one thrown in a large ditch, his hands apparently cuffed.
From Hurriya..
ReplyDeleteWarning/Graphic: Forensic evidence we gathered from Gharghour execution on 24/8/11 #libya #feb17
Zeiton's photo of bodies at Mitiga hospital here
And acc to the media el swayi escaped from both locations :
ReplyDeleteIn the Gargur district, located on the south side of a dry riverbed from Bab al-Aziziya, at
least 25 people were killed in this time period, said residents of the neighborhood. They
say a unit of Gadhafi fighters commanded by a local man from Gargur left the leader's
stronghold and fell back to this neighborhood on the night of Aug. 20.
Mabrouk al-Gout, who lives on the street where the gunmen were retreating, said the
gunfire was deafening that night, as was the screaming of men dying and pleading for
their lives. "They were shooting at anything," Mr. Gout said, pointing at multiple pools of
dried blood that ring his home on two sides.
He said he saw at least six corpses strewn near the bridge that fords the dry riverbed separating his home from Bab al-Aziziya. He said he saw 10 more bodies around 200 meters farther away from his
home in an abandoned vegetable shop.
At the shop, 20 bullet holes scarred the green-and-white painted cement wall to the right side of the front entrance. The holes were randomly sprayed across the wall, but none were higher than slightly above the ground, indicating that those who were shot were sitting or kneeling against the wall when they were killed.
Mr. Gout said the bodies discovered at the shop were those of men whose hands had been tied with their own belts. None were carrying identity cards, both he and a municipal worker who helped remove the bodies said.
Roughly a kilometer away from these apparent executions, residents discovered
another charnel house where another 19 people died in a municipal building once
used by the equivalent of Col. Gadhafi's
Interior Ministry and that now appears to be a utility substation.
Off of the main driveway lined with shrubs and pink impatiens flowers, the building's side
patio was slick with congealed pools of blood and choked with swarming flies.
Behind a side door stairwell, at least 17 detainees had been executed, overnight between
Aug. 20 and 21, said two Gargur residents who saw the bodies and helped remove them.
They found two other bodies outside the building as well, they said
the el swayi data again :
ReplyDeleteOff of the main driveway lined with shrubs and pink impatiens flowers, the building's side
patio was slick with congealed pools of blood and choked with swarming flies.
Behind a side door stairwell, at least 17 detainees had been executed,
overnight between Aug. 20 and 21,
said two Gargur residents who saw the bodies and helped remove them.
They found two other bodies outside the building as well, they said
Human Rights Watch confirmed these numbers through interviews with medical staff who
had helped remove the bodies, local residents and one survivor of the massacre.
Osama Al-Swayi told Human Rights Watch that he had been detained by soldiers from the
Khamis Brigade two days before the shooting and placed in the Gargur building.
Twenty-five people were detained there, he said.
On Aug. 20, detainees heard rebels advancing and shouting "Allahu Akbar!" or "God is
great" he told Human Rights Watch.
Osama Mansour el-Hadi : It was Tuesday [ 23 aug]
A Libyan man, who sustained injuries during a gun battle at Tripoli's Abu Salim district against forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi, lies on a stretcher as he arrives at a hospital on Zawia Street in Tripoli August 25 , 2011.
@Petri: The AGD "cheese transporter" is also seen in an Alex Thomson Channel 4 video on Mass graves in Tripoli, 27 August 2011: Latest from about 4.30 onwards. It also appears in a video Hurriya found, ضحايا الثورة الليبية ،القاتل والمقتول . The Euronews video (referenced above, Gemetzel in Tripolis: Rebellen töten Hunderte... also from 27 August, shows bodies from Abu Salim hospital being loaded into the same AGD truck.
ReplyDeleteThomson says:
...only today at least 120 bodies were disposed of and transported to this cemetery on the outskirts of Tripoli. Some are confirmed rebel fighters who still haven't been identified; others equally unidentified thought to be pro governement forces but some of those have clearly had their hands tied prior to execution it appears
ReplyDeleteI don't buy the unidentified rebel fighters - what, lone rangers nobody knew about? I think the truck was just a mop up from the river bed, roundabout, Mitiga and Abu Salim.
new el swayi story : By the CNN Wire Staff /August 24, 2011 10:23 p.m. EDT
ReplyDeleteDr. Mohammed Rashed said the victims had been executed.
Rashed, a Libyan who has worked as a consultant in Britain for 25 years, said he was volunteering with a medical group at a Tripoli hospital when a patient showed up Wednesday seeking treatment for a leg wound.
The patient told Rashed that he was one of 25 people who had been abducted from their homes by Gadhafi forces, taken to a military barracks near Gadhafi's compound and accused of complicity with the rebels.
As the Gadhafi forces began to execute them, rebel forces began storming Bab al-Azizia, he said. The resulting confusion gave some of the captives the chance to escape, he said.
"Several escaped with leg injuries and they made it to the hospital," Rashed told CNN in a telephone interview. "These are the people who are telling the story."
On Wednesday, relatives of the dead brought the bodies to the hospital loaded in a truck, Rashed said. Having examined them, he said, he was certain they had been executed.
The relatives said more bodies remained in the compound, but gunfire kept them from trying to remove them, Rashed said. CNN could not independently confirm Rashed's account.
See also this thread for Rashed comments.
ReplyDeleteWhy does the MSM only say "could not be independently confirmed.." in areas of Regime Change? Surely all verbatim reports of any MSM story rely on witnesses? It is surely a code that the witness is lying and the MSM knows it, for propaganda purposes.
@ felix : y have a huge memory box :
DeletefelixFeb 11, 2012 11:50 PM
"Rashid" is in fact Dr Mohamed Daw Rashed, qualified 1981, who is a general surgeon at Kettering General Hospital in the English Midlands.
3524415 Mohamed Daw Rashed Registered with a licence to practise 1981
He was in touch with the rebel-supporting Guardian newspaper here , 24 August 2011.
11.34pm: We've been forwarded an email about an apparent civilian massacre in Tripoli in which around 200 people may have been killed.
The email from Mohammed Rashed, who we're told is a surgeon from Kettering hospital, Northamptonshire, who is currently in the Libyan capital, says almost 20 bodies of executed civilians have been brought into Matiga Hospital in Tripoli in the past hour. He says it appears that at least one of those killed was an anti-Gaddafi activist.
X- I witness Amer Omar Mohammed Shtiwi
ReplyDelete- On 17th of July 2011 twelve cars stormed his house and took him into prison
along with other sixteen of his colleges in single car which supposed only five persons.
XIV- Osama Al-Boashi.
- Alyarmok camp.
- Date 28th of August 2011.
- 150 burned bodies and other massive graves where discovered.
- The bodies could not be identified.
- An eye witness was among the detained stated that the victims were shot with RBG missiles and life bullets, some of the prisoner them escaped.
All these execution were under the command of Al-Khmis Al-Gheddafi.
II- Nader Abd-Alkader.
- Date: 21th of August 2011.
- Sedi Belal camp was burned and rubbed.
- Abd-Alkder Algeblawi Alwindi the commander of the camp who sent the students to the front lines to fight with Gheddafi brigades contacted Libyan TV Channel
saying that rebels attacked and burned the camp.