
Warning: This site contains images and graphic descriptions of extreme violence and/or its effects. It's not as bad as it could be, but is meant to be shocking. Readers should be 18+ or a mature 17 or so. There is also some foul language occasionally, and potential for general upsetting of comforting conventional wisdom. Please view with discretion.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Bani Walid Attacks, Poison Gas Allegations

October 14, 2012
Updates Dec. 2018

I've let the blog lapse, haven't been following comments, etc. Sorry. But Leonore Massanet has at her site some disconcerting reports in the last few days (Spanish language). Several posts there address reported use of poison gas by rebel forces against the people of Bani Walid in their recent assaults on the area. It's a little Déjà Vu, or at least not  the first time reported (but mainly ignored) poison gassing of recalcitrant Libyans who resist their new master-puppets. Last year, if leveled against the sovereign Libyan government, it'd be taken as fact. Now, it's not even on page 10.

URGENTE. 09/10/2012

BENI WALIT 10/10/2012
Video of some victims in a hospital

A doctor reports from Bani Walid hospital, speaking to 108Morris108 (video, English)

October 10

People protesting and resisting in Bani Walid, Oct. 11 (is it still Arab Spring there, like it is in Syria?)

Even if I don't get to assessing the evidence here, here's a space for comments and more to accrue. I turn it over to "H," (see below) and will at least follow this one.

December 30, 2018: After some years looking into CW allegations, I could comment now - the symptoms mentioned by Dr Meleshe Shandoly include difficulty breathing (type unclear - paralysis or edema?), secretions from the mouth (kind unclear - foam, vomit, other?), muscle spasms, and blurred vision. Both of the latter suggest a nerve agent, possibly sarin, or at least something more than a simple irritant like tear gas or chlorine. Fatalities would be likely, but not guaranteed. Anyone with more info on that, dilated pupils are a clear sign - nausea/vomiting, excess tears, drooling, paralysis, fatigue, headache, loss of consciousness. Obviously, OPCW sent no one. The reported doctor was knifed by the CW-wielding Al Qaeda victors.


  1. Libya: UN Urges Protection Of Civilians Following Deadly Clashes In Bani Walid



    The international community, especially the U.N. Security Council, walked away from its obligations to the ICC a long time ago

    particularly the U.N. Security Council -- has shown virtually no interest in supporting the Court's mandate in Libya



    NATO Secretary General congratulates the European Union for winning Nobel Peace Prize

    1. "Denmark’s defence chief has confirmed that the Air Force bought munitions from Israel for the Libya campaign."


  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yMrMomIqkk&feature=youtube_gdata_player

    masks & rocket parts found

  3. Hundreds of Bani Walid political prisoners from the direct participatory democracy Jamahiri system of the Libyan Jamahiriya, which included over 6,000 congresses in which all citizens freely participate in the forming of legislation prior to the imposed war, are still being held in Misrata.


    UNSMIL has been assisting the country’s transition toward a modern democratic State, after the toppling of the former government.


    Joan Ewson:"[Bani Walid] is a cancer in a democratic and human rights driven Libya[...]one day it might kill you!" https://www.facebook.com/LibyanYouthMovement/posts/371070912974228 …

    As a pro-democracy member from @ShababLibya-FB,Suzette Canatoy,once said "About time to wipe them off!!" http://www.facebook.com/LibyanYouthMovement/posts/467688493263117 …

  4. http://lizzie-phelan.blogspot.nl/2012/10/video-bani-walid-under-siege-black.html

    VIDEO - Bani Walid under siege: Black Libyans risk losing a place of refuge

  5. We do not know who the suspects are”, said Mohammed Barguti, the head of Bani Walid’s de facto ruling council.

    “Law no.7 is wrong and puts us in an impossible position. Before this law was passed, nobody came here to investigate what was really going on. All these decisions have been taken by people far away and that is unacceptable”.

    Barguti said that he would have no objections to police coming from outside Bani Walid to investigate the incident, but said that no such offer had been made.

    “Law no.7 is ludicrious. It is the judiciary, not the Congress, who should be responsible for such matters. There are perhaps 200 prisoners from Bani Walid being held in Misrata, but nobody is threatening to go to war over them”.

    “Bani Walid does not want to fight with anybody”, said Ahmed Almaried, a local businessman. “It just wants to be left in peace”.


  6. 13 oct
    #Libya: United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) calls for authorities to allow supplies into #BaniWalid

    12 oct
    Outside #baniwalid the fighters from #misrata have just denied entry to the reconciliation commission despite letter from the #GNC #libya

  7. http://libyasos.blogspot.gr/2012/10/libya-bani-walid-report-13092012.html

    Libya, Bani Walid report [13.09.2012.]

    1. http://www.algeria-isp.com/actualites/politique-libye/201210-A12018/libye-les-nouvelles-bani-walid-octobre-2012.html

      Libye - Les nouvelles de Bani walid (13 octobre 2012)

  8. Libye - Les photos des victimes de la barbarie des rebelles de Misrata (13 octobre 2012)




    Libye - Un convoi de plus 800 pickups

    de rebelles de Misrata

    se dirige vers Bani walid (13 octobre 2012)



    Libye - La résistance recherche le rebelle Ibrahim Mlitane Misrati (13 octobre 2012)

  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjzjrKdGWPI&feature=em-uploademail-new

    Bani Walid Hospital, October 7th 2012. A family from Tawergha who have already been forced out of their city by racist militias from Misrata are injured in the shelling of the besieged city of Bani Walid, where they had found refuge.

  10. Writing on the wall in BW :

    http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=449419168442688&set=a.267927079925232.77141.267920459925894&type=1&relevant_count=1 …

    Allah, Muammer ow Libya ow bes. 1993 brigade Salem al waer. Muammer ow bes, where’s NATO?

    Coincidental when the writings appeared on the wall ,MSM writes :


    The fighters who rose up in Bani Walid on Monday belong to Brigade 93, a militia created by Qaddafi loyalists who reassembled after the fall of the regime in August, said al-Khazmi and the local council chief.

    Hundreds of well-equipped and highly trained remnants of Qaddafi's forces raised the green flag over buildings in the western city late Monday after hours of clashes that drove out the local "revolutionary brigade," said Mubarak al-Fatamni, the head of Bani Walid local council.

    Revolutionary brigades are militias that are nominally loyal to the National Transitional Council, the national government.

  11. Could it be PSYOPS again from the Democratic Libya think tank ?

    Luca M. Venturi :
    Democratic Libiyan Information Bureau in Tripoli,Benghazi,Geneva,Lugano,Milan,Rome,London,Sao Paulo,Doha,Dubai & more :

    we send our releases to 1289 individual journalists,including in the United States the Wall street journal,the New York Post & even the Drudge Report


    Notiziario Marketpress di Giovedì 24 Febbraio 2011


    14 oct 2012
    @Gheblawi @niz_fgm Same Same. This time last year Thuwar were surrounding BW, only difference now instead of NTC we have GNC! #DejaVu!

  12. Or must the focus on BW distract the attention of :


    Libya Fallout Gives Rise to Obama-Clinton Feud

  13. On 12 October, Amnesty International obtained information that a private car carrying medical supplies to Bani Walid was stopped some 40 kilometres away from the city by a group of armed men.

    Its two passengers were reportedly taken by the militia, along with their car and the supplies. Another man travelling to Bani Walid at about 1pm on 12 October told Amnesty International that he was told to turn back at the same checkpoint, without being provided with an explanation.

    http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=388128304590354 … Sounds like Joha's voice (Misr. militia cmdr) they coordinating to stop shelling for the entering convoy

    14 oct 2012 Misrata militiamen allegedly opened fire on an aid convoy from the east for Bani Walid this morning

    BANI WALID: Reports of aid convoy to BaniWalid stopped by blockading militias. Supposedly for the 3rd time now #libya

    A rocket fell on the southern outskirts of Bani Walid
    roughly two hours ago.

    What is believed to be Grad (acc to the sound) were hit again few hours ago close to the residential areas that are near Murdom. #BaniWalid


    Bani Walid besieged and under the bombs still heroically resists

    Nyangu ‏@nyangu
    @jenanmoussa Can u give us news on #BaniWalid siege and mass sentencing and punishment of the whole town? @MahmudShammam @AliZidanPM #Libya

  14. The Union of Wise Men and Consultation in Libya which numbers over 100 elders from across the country in an attempt to replace the Social People Leaderships which consisted of tribal and other social leaders in the Great Jamahiriya, was sent by the General National Congress to seek communications with Bani Walid.

    The Union of Wise Men of Shoura (Consultation) in Libya was prevented by the Misrata terrorist militia from continuing on their mission for the regime to enter Bani Walid for efforts at face-saving and stalling further attacks on the town, by intercepting them on the road and turning them back to Tripoli.

    They were told by the Misrata terrorists that the latter "answer directly to their superiors not to the (government regime) and that the time for negotiating was at an end."

  15. Bani Walid again came under shelling from the northern front today, with the fall of several rockets in residential areas.

  16. * Egyptian embassy has started to evacuate Egyptian citizens from BaniWalid



    15/10/2012 16:04:00 The Egyptian ambassador in Libya Hisham Abdul Wahab has confirmed to Rosaelyoussef magazine in its current edition, that the Libyan military forces have managed to locate 18 Egyptian citizens who were being detained by the Khames Gaddafi brigade belonging to the Bani Walid brigades, freed them and transferred them to Tripoli.


    Mr Abdul Wahab said he had been informed by by telephone by the Libyan authorities on October 9 that his fellow citizens had been found by the Libyan military forces recently while they were scouring the area between Wadi Al Mardoom and Bani Walid.

  17. Bani Walid has become the Libyan Tora Bora. Remember the search for Bin Ladin in the mountains of Afghanistan?.
    In the Libyan case, it's the search for Gaddafi aides, or his son Khamis. So whenever distraction is needed, the 'spectre' of aides or Khamis is raised again.
    The militias of Misrata used nerve gas against Libyan soldiers in Misrata during the 'civilian' uprising in 2011.
    I am trying to get a hospital report of a case.


    1. @ zainab :
      19 october 2011 : A Libyan reporter for nsnbc could inform that Bani Walid has been under massive attack from both land and air. TNC troops reportedly succeeded at securing an industrial district of Bani Walid, paying the price of massive casualties, and only after NATO planes used FAE bombs, that disperse a cloud of microscopic fuel particles in the air before exploding.


      Also other sources report of NATO´s use of inhumane and illegal weapons against Bani Walid. Algeria ISP reported of the use of White Phosphor against Bani Walid.White Phosphor and FAE bombs are hardly weapons one would expect to be used by forces who just have to fight down a few remaining pockets of resistance.

  18. @ Zainab : marhaba

    Des nouvelles de la Libye occupée (15 octobre 2012)

    les milices de Misrata positionnés à l'entrée
    ouest de la ville de Bani Walid ont arrêté trois ambulances envoyés par Zenten à Bani walid et les empêchent de pénétrer dans la ville et frappent les conducteurs des ambulances.
    le chef de rebelles Salem Joha quitte Misrata et se
    refuge à Benghazi et critiqueles milices de Misrata.
    Many young Libyans sit in front of the headquarters of the United Nations to condemn the unjust siege on Bani Walid and indiscriminate shelling of civilians

  19. 15 oct 2012 Nasser El houari, le Président des droits de l'homme a visité l'hôpital Bani Walid et enregistré tous les crimes des milices de Misrata contre la population de Bani Walid.


    1. http://www.algeria-isp.com/public/libye2(231).jpg

      Nasser El Houari, el presidente de los Derechos Humanos visitó el hospital de Bani Walid y grabó todos los crímenes de los bandidos de Misrata el pueblo de Bani Walid.

  20. #Libya: Emerging reports that two soldiers from the Libyan Shield Brigade (supported by Min of Def) were wounded outside #BaniWalid

    the Tripoli government-sanctioned Libya’s Shield Brigade /
    some Misrata Brigades or the “Libyan Shield Brigade”
    During the run-up to the elections several loyalist cells were identified
    and eliminated in the greater Tripoli area.

    In many of the former main loyalist areas like Bani Walid, Tarhouna and Mizdah “selfdefense”
    militias were established in order to protect the population from other militias.

    But there is no indication that the former loyalists will try to trigger a major conflict.

    As the surviving sons of Qhadafi
    have a lack of leadership skills there is also no real leading figure for them.

    Moreover as the remaining more competent aids of Qhadafi are (currently) neutralized there is also nobody to lead from behind.


  21. Rami EL OBEIDI ‏@ramielobeidi

    Chief of Staff Mangush signed orders to attack Bani Walid on three points. Bani Walid pre-empted with tactical strike on western entry point

    16 oct 6.03 pm

  22. The city under heavy attack since 03/10/2012 by using different types of heavy weapons, such as Grad, Strela and Huzer, many people have died involving children women’s.

    Furthermore, Misrata militias has siege the city from all the sides and prevent any medical, food and children milk to enter the city, we have tried to call international community to protect the city and civilian inside the city and till now there is any reaction against those militias, where is the international community and United nation from what happing on the city Bani Walid ?

    We are sure that in the next 48 hours more than 1000 people will be died as the militias has increased the attack randomly and people inside the city have made decision that they will not going to leave the city and will defend their city and their people.

    We call the international community and media to deal with the conflict of Bani Wail as there is crime against humanity been happened.


  23. Colonel Hamid al Hasi, commander of Barqa military council has given criminal militias surrounding Bani Walid ultimatum. Stop shelling and withdraw by today evening,or else. According to Dardanel TV .


  24. 17 oct 2012

    1st Ten days slaughter of children of #BaniWalid by Government Militia of No legitimacy
    - Some prisoners from Mauritania say that they were forced to take up arms and some people were eliminated within the city

    Warfalla pages reporting the deaths of one civilian and two fighters in today's attack on Bani Walid.
     Dead and intoxicated in Beni Walit by terrorist aggressors

    indiscriminate shelling of the city of Bani Walid

    Splits inside armor battalion #Misurata after rejection missiles on civilians. Attempt to withdraw, threatened with death for treason

    Oct 17, 2012 , entering Dahra area near Bani Walid
    At least six people were killed in Bani Walid and dozens more injured, a local resident said, adding that the fighting ended in the evening.

  25. A medical source in the neighboring town of Misrata told Reuters that three fighters from Misrata and one from the town of Zlitan,
    were killed and a further 23 people injured as violence erupted in Bani Walid.

    #Libya forces killed in Bani Walid: Hamza Mohd BinArous(Zlitan) Abdulla Mohd Jibril(Misrata) Omar Mokhtar alAjeeli(Misrata).4th unidentified

  26. August 24, 2012 In the last few months, the security services have intensified the campaign against the late dictator’s loyalists in strongholds such as Bani Walid and Tarhuna.
    March 19 2012 , Bani Walid

    Statement of Warfalla tribe about the explosion of the man-made river pipeline: It was not a technical fault, it was a sabotage, they are trying to displace the whole city, not caring about the children, or the ones which they already orphaned!
    Sept 11, 2011

    03 October, 2011

    1. http://wakeupfromyourslumber.com/comment/48928

      Bani Walid’s resistance is about maintaining tribal unity.

      Its people are mainly from the Warfalla tribe (Libya’s largest). Their feelings about Gaddafi are irrelevant.

  27. The front-line camp is stationed at Bir Dufan, approximately 60km northeast of Bani Walid.
    Periodically, forces from the camp, over 1,000 strong, have moved forwards to the Mordum area around 30km down the road to engage with forces from Bani Walid and undertake shelling operations against the town.


    The terrorist authorities in Misrata are calling for a quick and strong military operation inside Bani Walid, a town they describe as the “cancer of Libya”.

    Earlier Human rights group Amnesty International, asked authorities to avoid unnecessary force in Bani Walid,


  28. #Libya “The army is out of General Mangoush’s control; that’s true 100 per cent” "strategy to deny publicly any government involvement, given that chemical weapons have been used again frequently over the past 2 weeks" #Libya


    As #Misrata forces continue to fight in #baniwalid, one man grinned as he said to me "it will be flattened" #Libya

  29. http://www.middle-east-online.com/english/?id=54976

    A military source said regular army forces were on their way from Tripoli to Bani Walid, 170 kilometres (110 miles) southeast of the capital, in order to take control of the hilltop town.



    Tripoli SSC head Hisham Bishar (right)

    Bishar replies in the affirmative:
    “Yes, they are being paid. They have our ID cards but only show up in extreme situations.

    But to be honest, we don’t mind it as at least they are not being involved in any criminal activities and not acting like a ticking bomb.”

  30. Clashes between misrata & zliten rebels yesterday @ majar , because 2 battalions of zliten rebels retreated from mardum refusing to fight with warfala's


    Provisional list of mercenaries from Misurata

  31. genocide in BW


    Forces from Misrata have been firing Grad rockets from morning till evening, sometimes 30 in a day"

  32. BANI WALID HOSPITAL yesterday LIST of MEDICAL EQUIPMENT URGENT needed. ICRC Geneva will you help? pic.twitter.com/GB59smse

    @msdjkr Txs. I got your message. I understood : ICRC WILL DO NOTHING for BANI WALID. Lesson learned.

    ICRC Geneva won't help #BaniWalid. They Say Tripoli shall help. But Tripoli failed so far. #ICRC burocracy while children die


    Libya in chaos, divided as never before'

  33. Reports that #BaniWalid is fortifying Dahra and the area around the town's airport (which means Misrata dont control it)

    “We are still in control of the airport and they have not entered the town”, said Ibrahmi Warfalli, a lawyer inside Bani Walid.


    Overstatement! Wounded ok, but dead... Meh?? “@ramielobeidi: 90 dead from Misurata and 20 dead from Zawia in today's combats in Bani Walid.

    @sonsofmalcolm What is Nato still doing in Libya, especially so far inland in Bani Walid? Seems strange, it's just a tribal villiage

  34. http://www.libyaherald.com/?p=16390
    By George Grant. Exclusive: Full-scale assault on Bani Walid begins

    george grant, director of global security,henry jackson society
    henry jackson society advocates an interventionist foreign policy to spread democracy

    Halef ‏@AlGossarah
    Why so difficult to understand? @libyaherald 10.10 Quote: "Bani Walid does not want to fight with anybody.It just wants to be left in peace"

  35. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=19194500&l=51e74b9f6e&id=297509086955875
    Bani Walid BEING HEAVILY BOMBED, surrounded by 2000 militia soldiers. Dozens dead & hundreds injured in 2 days of fighting.

    Call w/ cousin: Heavy shelling of #BaniWalid right now from all sides. Doesn't know human casualties yet, but plenty of homes smashed #Libya

    Bani Walid reports at least 5 people killed in shelling today, including 13-year-old child and two women.

  36. Bani Walid sources claim assault was defeated and say local hospital is full of abandoned bodies of Misrata militiamen.

    -Great Warfalla says help requested from Red Crescent to remove bodies after a militia party was destroyed in an... http://fb.me/2rQiMCaAL


    the death of rebel Abu Salem Sadik Debous


  37. http://www.algeria-isp.com/actualites/politique-libye/201210-A12401/libye-une-video-des-combats-bani-walid-octobre-2012.html

    Libye – Une vidéo des combats à Bani walid (19 octobre 2012)



    The Siege of Bani Walid and Libya - Yusuf Shakir


    If the new regime doesn't cease with their attack on Bani Walid, they are going to turn the civil war into a societal-destroying tribal war.


    A Gaddafa tribesman was arrested and tortured in Sirte today, which is under lockdown with more Misratan families.


    International Law Suffers Another Blow in Libya Conflict: NATO silent as its client regime vows "no mercy"


  38. 19 october 2012


    Casualties Of Today’s Brutal Assault On Bani Walid (Graphic Warning!!!)

    1. photo 5 in link above not a civilian :

      Disgraced and defeated in #BaniWalid: #MisRATa Militia commander Saleh Badi on the run http://sphotos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/c0.0.843.403/p843x403/554012_440878929280581_365469656_n.jpg …

  39. http://www.algeria-isp.com/actualites/politique-libye/201210-A12407/libye-une-video-bani-walid-octobre-2012.html

    Libye – une vidéo de Bani walid (20 octobre 2012)


    Libye – Des mercenaires étrangers bombardent Bani walid (20 octobre 2012)


  40. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgQbRdtNcrs&feature=player_embedded


    Although GNC Regime is denyes being involed in siege it is supporting the militias with logistics and supplies

    This decision was taken by only 50 [out of 200] representatives. Moreover, such a decision can only be taken by the judiciary.
    It is a dangerous move, unprecedented in the world.
    How can they punish and destroy a city just to arrest people?"


    Does this make sense? To cut water supply?

    Unfortunately ICRC Geneva rejected today to help and said ICRC Tripoli shall do it.

  41. the Libya Herald’s George Grant was in Sufageen Valley to the east of Bani Walid this morning

    Saturday, October 20, 2012 ,Tripoli, :

    The Qaddafi regime’s media spokesman, Moussa Ibrahim, has been reported as captured in Bani Walid and is now being held at Mitiga airbase in Tripoli after a brief check-up in hospital in Misrata. He was flown to Tripoli from Misrata this afternoon.

    Around 30 other Qaddafi figures are also said to have been caught in the past 24 hours in and around the town, both as a result of fighting there and when the national army entered it early today.

    “We know that Moussa Ibrahim was in Bani Walid,” said one Western ambassador in Tripoli today. “We also know that as many as 30 Qaddafi supporters have been captured in the town”, he added but did not know their identities.


    Hend ‏@LibyaLiberty
    if true....Best. Gaddafi death anniversary. Ever. RT @A_Addarrat : Musa Ibrahim was said to be captured w/ 6 other wanted individuals #Libya

  42. They've tried to sell us photos of wounded Muhammad Ibrahim as "proof" for Moussa Ibrahim's arrest.

    Moussa Ibrahim in hospital in Misrata (courtesy of Ziad Libya)


    Moussa Ibrahim in audio recording says reason for rumor is to distract from "crimes" being committed in Bani Walid #Libya

    Published on Oct 20, 2012
    jomana karadsheh ‏@JomanaCNN
    Audio recording by Moussa Ibrahim today denies he was captured, says he is outside #Libya

    1. http://sonsofmalcolm.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/gaddafi-govt-spokesperson-moussa.html

      English translation of Moussa Ibrahim audio recording

  43. Khamis Gaddafi is "in Bani Walid", his face is hurt along with an amputated leg:

    http://www.presssolidarity.net/%D9%85%D8%B5%D8%A7%D8%AF%D8%B1-%D8%B9%D8%B3%D9%83%D8%B1%D9%8A%D8%A9-%D9%88%D9%85%D8%AF%D9%86%D9%8A%D8%A9-%D8%AE%D9%85%D9%8A%D8%B3-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%82%D8%B0%D8%A7%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%B9%D9%84%D9%89-%D9%82/ …

    There are also persistent reports that Khamis Qaddafi is or until a couple of days ago was in Bani Walid. 

    One report today has Ibrahim in hospital in Misrata “confirming” that the dictator’s youngest son was in Bani Walid. Anther rumour is that he was lifted out of the town by helicopter some days ago.

  44. Leader says Libya not "fully liberated" year after Gaddafi death

    http://af.reuters.com/article/topNews/idAFJOE89J01I20121020 …

    Libya was declared "liberated" a few days after his death on October 20, 2011, and while its new rulers have led the nation to elections, they have struggled to impose their authority on a country awash with weapons.

    "This lack of care has led to the spread of chaos that has lured the old regime to infiltrate the country's institutions inside and to conspire with the regime loyalists on the outside,"
    Magarief said.

    "And the chaos has lured others to kidnappings, stealing, and to create non-legitimate prisons.

    What has happened in Bani Walid in the last few days falls under this ... it has become a safe haven for a large number of those who are outside of the law."

    1. @StefanMugitsch @Enasuk @libya_Horra Well then they should continue "liberating" Libya:



  45. leader magariaf :

    #Libya: While accused of stealing #NGO funds based in #Libya, #NATO-led rebel leader #Magariaf at #UN calls on others to return money. ‏@cdoebbler

    Mohamed Al Magarief & NFSL & attempts to kill Gaddafi

    NFSL Leadership ,Ashour Shamis, Libyan exile journalist in London.Secretary General Dr. Mohammad al Magharief,Col. Abdoulgassim Khalifa Haftar.Commandant Abdoulsalam Cherafdine.Former Prime Minister Abdelhamid Bakouch,Mohammad Saifal-Nasr, Shaikh of the Awlad Sulayman Tribe and former Governor of Sabha


  46. http://twitpic.com/b5qg1n

    Misrata women assisting in civil war

  47. Press selling unfounded rumours as truth :

    jomana karadsheh ‏@JomanaCNN
    #Libya gov confirms capture of moussa Ibrahim trying to enter tarhuna says he is being transported to tripoli


    Khamis Gaddafi's body was found after a day of fighting between a pro-Gaddafi garrison and militias allied to the Libyan government.


    Khamis Gaddafi, youngest son of the former Libyan dictator, has allegedly been killed during fighting in the town of Bani Walid, a year to the day that rebel forces killed his father, Muammar.

    A short statement from the Libyan national congress spokesman, Omar Hamdan, said the 28-year-old was killed "in battle" but gave no further details.

    His body was apparently found after a day of heavy fighting between the town's pro-Gaddafi garrison and militias allied to the Libyan government. Government forces reported 13 dead and 121 wounded, amid a fourth day of bitter clashes for control of the town.

    4.16pm : Email from PM communication office "Moussa Ibrahim arrested" / 9.06pm : email "No former Gaddafi followers arrested" #Libya #Mess

  48. ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSPBu8JwdRo&feature=player_embedded#!

    Bani Walid hospital today

    1. correction :


  49. The question which raised here is:

    Where are the world organizations(UN, EC, Arab league, HRW and so on)?

    The UN should take the responsibility for such humane crimes.
    where is the international crime court?
    where is the security council?


  50. this morning more then 10.000 AlQaida rebels hv surrounded #BaniWalid.They got the OK from NTC 2kill all ppl in BW

    This morning at 6 A.M. Misuratah AlQaida rats have KILLED 6 Families (21 ppl most of them were kids) in #BaniWalid

    3:04 PM - 21 Oct 12 doctor said civilians, 6 families most of them were kids they were sleeping..

    they couldnt send me videos and pic from last night&morning, Internet services have been cut in #BaniWalid



    Ibrahim Alloush: Well I think the picture speaks for itself. For the last three weeks Bani Walid has been lying under siege and recently it was bombarded, many civilians were killed and wounded, the city was not allowed to receive medical supplies, food or fuel for that matter.

    Let me remind you that several hundred people from Bani Walid have been abducted after the new regime came into power.


  51. 21 october 2012

    TRIPOLI (near rixos hotel) right now huge demonstration against the attack on #BaniWalid.

    Protest against the siege of Bani Walid came under fire from security near the Rixos Hotel today

    Libyan ppl are screaming down with the Noto Puppets.

    3ppl got killed.NTC rebels are shooting the Protesters

    1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mT9LBXak_NE&feature=youtu.be

      Targeting protesters shot dead in Tripoli21-10-2012

    2. https://twitter.com/StefanMugitsch/status/260010417588432896/photo/1

      why does this man from austria point to a tribe when he tweets about the demonstration in Tripoli?

    3. at least one protester has been shot, by one of Megarief's body guards, as the protest took place outside the so-called National Congress hall.

      the entire country is coming out in support of the besieged, and now invaded and brutalized town, with the exception of Misrata.

      Green flags are being unfurled by the many supporters of Muammar Qadhafi and the Jamahiriya, but in Tripoli today the protesters compared Megarief to Qadhafi and said that the former has much blood on his hands, and is a CIA stooge. Megarief has been CIA agent since around 1980.

      The many Libyans who protested at the "National Congress" of the CIA butcher Megarief "President" of Libya in Tripoli were shouting slogans including "stop the killing in Bani Walid" and "We are all Libyans, get out Megarief!" before being shot at and dispersed by tear gas.


    4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygwZmzbjIek&feature=youtu.be

      Peaceful demonstration in Tripoli supporting Bani Walid city21-10-2012 مظاهرة طرابلس

    5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnKAIrl4hvk&feature=youtu.be

      shooting at peacefull , unarmed protesters


  52. By Michel Cousins. Sunday, October 21, 2012


    Khamis Qaddafi captured in Bani Walid, dies on way to Misrata

    Khamis’s death occurs exactly a year after that of his father, the dictator who was captured, then killed, in Sirte.

    Mahmoud Jibril has claimed that an international intelligence agency orchestrated the killing of Muammar Qaddafi and not Libyan revolutionaries as previously thought.

    jomana karadsheh ‏@JomanaCNN
    Good night #Libya - its been a very long day ending with more unconfirmed reports... hope people who r out celebrating dont get disappointed

    jomana karadsheh ‏@JomanaCNN
    #Libya deputy PM @MustafaAG in tweet confirms Khamis #Gaddafi killed in Bani Walid & his body in #Misrata hospital

    #Libya deputy PM Abushagur apologizes for announcing arrest of Moussa Ibrahim & killing of Khamis
    21 0ct 3.00 pm

  53. Burnt out vehice, Bani Walid:
    Remnants of the armed militias that have been crushed in Bani Walid21-10-2012
    Armed militias targeted civilian houses in Bani Walid city 21-10-2012
    See also channel of SirtNews

    1. Sorry for ignoring you and all of Libya. The action is now in solving the Houla Massacre.


      On Bani Walid, did you hear the bad news: Khamis Gaffafi was killed?
      Bani Walid protesters storm Libyan parliament grounds

      Started playlist here:

  54. Good to see the others appear. Sorry I haven't, I followed, but not closely.

    Aside from the all-too likely truth of a hideous and genocidal ignored assault on a major Libyan city, this has all gotten really fascinating. What the hell is going on there? What are the "official" Libyan sources saying? Atthe very least some "fire fight" that netted Khamis, again, more than a year after his last death (which as we know I never quite bought). AND, get this, on about or exactly the anniversary of his dad's similar execution, so not likely to be un-planned. Not unlike the now spontaneous, non-Al-Qaeda, non-planned consulate attack right on the anniversary of 9/11. Suuuure...

    Still intending to catch up. Thanks for keeping the faith and compiling this all here, Miss H! You rock!

  55. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=GS3S3Hybnx4

    MT@GreatWerfalla gmt 22.30"So far, rockets are falling and force and violence and intensity on #Bani Walid .These are the morals!

    The members of the Security Council expressed their grave concern about the escalation of violence in and around the city of Bani Walid, in particular reports of growing civilian casualties, including children.

    it's proposed by Russia,weak statement,&meaning all the other 'glorious' members of UNSC obviously remained completely silent
    Three weeks before the Nobel was awarded, a major conference discussed the formation of the EU army. Five of the six biggest countries signed (Germany, France, Italy, Spain and Poland) The Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Portugal and Luxembourg also joined. Nobel's final wishes could hardly have been more flagrantly trashed than on October 12, 2012.

    1. http://humanrightsinvestigations.org/2012/10/22/obaba-libya-humanitarian-disaster/

      US government documents: Libya an escalating humanitarian disaster

  56. http://rt.com/news/bani-walid-gas-bomb-904/

    Bani Walid civilians bombed with gas – RT source

    “There are no Gaddafi people [in the city]. Even a member of Libya’s National Transitional Council, after visiting Bani Walid, also said there were no Gaddafi people there"

    “What is happening there is a battle between [Bani Walid’s people] and Misrata, which wants to eliminate Bani Walid from existence. They want to do to Bani Walid what they did in Tahoura."

  57. 22 october 2012 :

    Turkish ship came 2misrata 2day with weapons &mercenaires.why turkey support terrorists, murders,AlQaida #Libya

    report #Libya : People of #Baniwalid captured Foreign fighters including #syrians that were fighting along with #Misrata brigade

  58. Warplanes are said to have begun with the bombing raid of #BaniWalid.


  59. 23 oct

    Jamie Dettmer ‏@jamiewrit
    Fred Abrahams of HRW tells me two Bani Walid doctors say hospital virtually closed because of shelling, area around unsafe.


  60. There is indiscriminate shelling of civilian areas. The hospital has been hit by rocket fire. Militia open fire on families fleeing for safety.

    Perhaps the West should intervene?
    The problem is, the shelling is in Bani Walid, Bani Walid is in Libya, and the West has been there and done that.

    Black Libyans, and black Africans still stranded in the country, have borne the brunt of this due to their lack of arms and support networks


    In this instance, it is Amnesty International’s refusal to acknowledge the external source of Libya’s current problems (that is, the NATO bombing) which reveals its own self-consciousness, and possibly even guilt, over its encouragement of a military solution to solve human rights problems – a very dangerous, and at best unreliable, solution indeed. 

    We are now witnessing the fruits of this solution in Libya, and it is not a pretty one.


  61. http://libyasos.blogspot.gr/2012/10/libya-bani-walid-report-22102012.html

    Libya, Bani Walid report [22.10.2012.]

  62. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJEXF9gkfFQ

    القصف الهمجي على بني وليد

  63. Libyan families and foreign workers from Tchad, Bangladesh & India working in the textile factory were fleeing #BaniWalid yesterday #Libya

  64. United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL)

    Tripoli, 20 October 2012 - The Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) for Libya and Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL), Mr. Tarek Mitri, praises the huge efforts exerted by President Mohammad al-Magariaf, the General National Congress, as well as by civil society representatives and reconciliation committees, to prevent an outbreak of armed hostilities, and later, through political means, to put an end to various forms of violence.

    Banker` Moon `Alarmed` at Bani Walid Fighting

    The SRSG added that in light of the publicly stated positions, the United Nations remains fully convinced that a comprehensive peaceful outcome is achievable.

    This includes the right of the State to fully assert its national authority over the city of Bani Walid through the deployment of units from the national army and police;
    the immediate and unconditional release of all detainees who continue to be held inside Bani Walid;
    the handover to the judicial authorities of all those wanted on suspicion of having committed crimes, along with guarantees for their security and fair trial;
    the resumption of all basic services to the city; and the holding of local elections in due course.

    SRSG Mitri has reaffirmed the United Nations’ readiness and commitment to work closely with all concerned to achieve a peaceful outcome.

    The United Nations Support Mission in Libya will continue to encourage all concerned to work towards a mediated settlement to the current crisis.


  65. “We brought 250 families from the desert area yesterday”, said Ali Shiltat, a former army colonel
    now in charge of a unit from the Libya Shield brigade.

    “Our duty is to help civilians, and many of the families we found were happy to see us”.

    Shiltat also disclosed the size of the list of names wanted for arrest by the authorities following the enactment of Resolution No. 7 on 25 September.

    “We have the list, and on it are about 1,000 names”, he said. “Many of the names are former members of the 32nd Brigade [the Khamis Brigade].

    In our area, we have only caught three of them so far.”


    The names were NOT given to the elders.
    There are no names existing.

    1. What is happening in Bani Walid is beyond the imagination. It is a tragedy. The so-called Libyan army, which are in reality a bunch of thugs, are behaving like locusts. They are attacking everything in their way.

      This Misrata army are stationed at the entrances of Beni Walid and using all sorts of weapons, tanks, rockets and gases against the people.

      They keep shooting the city for 10 hours at random and then have a few troops on the ground and some others in small vans trying to infiltrate, but the men of Beni Walid who are hiding in houses open fire and push them back.

      Till now these thugs could not get inside the town owing to the fierce resistance by the people of Bani Walid. Before, we had Gaddafi's army. Now we have armed militias killing women and children. They have been surrounding the city for 20 days but within the last five days they got crazy and have made our lives here a real hell.

      There is no safe place to hide in Bani Walid. I was in opposition to Gaddafi and was imprisoned in Abu Salim prison for a long time, but I regret every moment I opposed Gaddafi after what I have seen here.

      This is an act of revenge and racism. People have decided to defend their homes and honour with the arms they have and I can assure you if the situation continues like that, Libya will slip to a civil war eventually.

      They are destroying an entire city but people will not keep silent, there are more than 53 tribes in Bani Walid and they have decided to die for their land.


  66. Seige of Bani Walid, Day 20: ‘Militia committing genocide’ – RT source

    I remember a telephone conversation I had with a Bani Walid resident about the day he said media and Al Jazeera had helped topple Colonel Muammar Gaddafi by reporting on his use of Grad rockets against his own people.

    "Well now, where is the media and why no one is reporting the president of the general national congress, Mohamed el-Magariaf, who has ordered the use of rockets and force against the residents of Bani Walid."

    As we pull back 50 kilometres, we see a commander who says has had enough of his bosses. He says that they are outgunned and that the 'enemy' is more like an organised army.

    I ask him who the 'enemy' is?He answers, "Gaddafi soldiers."

    He then shows me sniper rifles, heat seeking rockets and other rockets and machine guns.

    Libyan authorities say they want to establish their authority over Bani Walid and all of Libya.


    1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtD5WJznSIU

      Besieged Bani Walid: Who's in control?

    2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=1Z-JrYE9sGs#!

      Bani Walid 19.30 GMT - 24 Oct - Sound Only

    3. 24 October, 2012, 18:11

      Bani Walid’s fate unknown amid conflicting reports of govt, militia takeovers


    4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAAMf1tcznc&feature=channel&list=UL

      3 Desperate Libyan Voices Downing St Demo 24 Oct


    5. matthew weaver ‏@matthew_weaver

      Shooting outside Bani Walid, Libya as residents blocked from returning and Gaddafi-loyalists continue to resist, audio http://bit.ly/S7VJbb


    6. About message of the occupation regime’s media there they reported about arrest in Bani Walid members of the 32th Brigade and other units of the Jamahiriya. In fact, out of prison Misrata were taken prisoners, they were dressed in the form of the Libyan army, in one of the suburbs of Bani Walid or the outskirts of the city they are given a green flags, portraits of Gaddafi and the weapons unloaded. Their "capture" were shot on video (for mobile phones) for distribution to the media.


    7. Mathieu Galtier ‏@mathieu_galtier

      @_darkhours "Nobody enters cause still fights inside" at last check-point, 2km to the citycenter, I heard RPG blast...

      3.56pm 25 october

    8. Dardaneel is Bani Walid’s TV station, named after the nickname it earned from the Italians – the Dardanelles of Libya – for its stiff anti-colonial resistance in 1923. Its main broadcasts after Friday, when the town began to be shelled heavily from three sides, have been of funerals, of tours of the hospital morgue, with close-ups of dead children and adults with gruesome wounds and of mosques and homes hit by what is claimed to be indiscriminate shelling.

      Such broadcasts usually have a running commentary. The father of a small boy testifies besides the mangled corpse how, last Sunday, his son was simply sitting outside the house. Others walk the viewer through the mosque where a group of men were saying their Friday prayers, pointing at the blood-stained carpet or else through a half-wrecked home which, pointedly, is full of stickers of the flag of the (anti-Gaddafi) February 17 revolution. Fighters, walking through positions previously held by fighters from Misurata, point at two abandoned gas masks.

      At the mass funerals of dead fighters, the prayer leader, with breaking voice, identifies the dead men with the honour of the Warfalla, Bani Walid’s tribe. Behind him, rough, tough middle-aged men wipe their eyes with their woollen togas. As the coffins are carried away, the youth begin to cry with one voice: “The blood of the martyrs will not be wiped away! With my blood, with my soul, I will redeem you, Warfalla!”

      Another cry is that Bani Walid will not be another Tawargha – that is, the town that was devastated by Misurata’s fighters after men from Tawargha had participated in the siege against Misurata last year.


    9. Mathieu Galtier ‏@mathieu_galtier
      25 oct 3.27 pm

      They said still fightings going on inside the city contrary to waht Mangush said yesterday at the press conference ...

      Apparently, Libya Shield has just opened the last check-point to #BaniWalid for families not journalists (@Maryline_Dumas source)

      In one hand if Libya Shield let the check-point closed, for sure there would have got bloody clashes wth #BaniWalid pple, so open it is good

      In other hand, they refuse to let the journos go inside #BaniWalid for "security reason" but what about pple who they let go in...

      it proves Misurata stronger than Gv #BaniWalid #Libya

    10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imZrsua1xrY

      pathetic scum

    11. Thursday 25 October 2012 17.27 BST

      Libyan militia's warning shots cause panic among refugees attempting to return home while bloody resistance continues

      Also clear is that it is the army, not its leaders, who are calling the shots. Last Friday, chief-of-staff Youssef Mangoush announced a 48-hour ceasefire to allow refugees to leave, but the following day the army launched its heaviest offensive of the battle, which has already cost an estimated 20 dead and 200 wounded.

      On Wednesday Mangoush announced the military operation was over and the town had been handed back to civil control. The reality on Thursday was that resistance has not yet been crushed.

      The aim of the Bani Walid operation was to eliminate the last resistance to a government itself in chaos, with parliament unable to agree a cabinet three months after being elected.

      Instead, the offensive has inflamed Bani Walid, and seen anti-government protests and shooting in another former Gaddafi stronghold, Sirte.

      The longed-for consensus July's elections were supposed to deliver remains a distant prospect.

    12. Alwarfally also claimed that at least hundreds of people were killed during the 20-day siege.

      “The number is really big,” he said. “One the first day that [the militia] came, there were about 70 bodies from the fighting. Yesterday night there was 600.”

      “The number of people in the hospitals is over 1000,” he added.

      An eyewitness in Bani Walid – who called herself Fatima – had a very different story to tell. She said the situation in the town is anything but stable.

      “These are not governmental forces. These are militias and armed gangsters surrounding Bani Walid without any legitimacy. The media is prohibited from reporting on what’s happening in the city. The situation is horrible. Crimes are committed.

      Communications were deliberately cut in order for these gangsters to prevent any person from communicating what is really happening. They are bulldozing houses. They’re setting houses on fire, stealing everything they can find. They’ve committed massacres, killing as many people as they could,” she told RT.

      Whether government forces or militias are behind the violence, video footage from the town paints a very graphic picture.


      Edited: 25 October, 2012, 22:36

    13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IJefPkBaDk&feature=youtu.be

      Bani Walid People Refused Right of Return - Stranded in a Valley

    14. PaulaSlier_RT ‏@PaulaSlier_RT

      #Bani #Walid - #UN mission in #Libya refuses to comment - says it's not in city and information it receives is from government sources

    15. They've been clearing out cars, weapons, gold, any belongings. Like Sirte. Nothing they say means anything after prev. lies.

      It's obvious, before we had some sources in BW , now nothing imagine whats happening

    16. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=1292767&l=156312046f&id=213928688666963

    17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QoM6fDeUF0&feature=relmfu

      @ 0.11 media and politics centre

  67. So #Magariaf caved under the pressure... understandable. To admit lack of control over #Misrata militias would be to admit failure #Libya


    - The U.S. intel­li­gence sup­ports some senior mil­i­tary offi­cials who defected from the Gaddafi regime, specif­i­cally those who are asso­ci­ated with the Mugharief Move­ment (National Front for the Sal­va­tion of Libya),
    which formed dur­ing the early eight­ies of the last cen­tury in Khartoum-Sudan with the sup­port of for­mer Sudanese pres­i­dent Jaf­far Nimeiri, Saudi Ara­bia and the CIA (Red Ant Lib­er­a­tion wrote on this con­nec­tion).

    Funny is that the U.S. started to con­nect Al-Qaeda and Hezbol­lah fight side by side with the Libyan Islamists to block them from power in the future.



    1. report #Libya : after you observe #GNC politics for awhile you notice its all #GADDAFI blame game forever.. there is no other program

      Report #Libya : right now Libya has record Oil profit in foreign accounts.. meanwhile locally #GNC Militia are protesting for wages

      opinion #libya : heavy fighting in #Tobruk as #GNC Armed militias started going street to street and looting cars and possessions.

  68. Report #Libya : UN secretary general ban ki-moon called Misrata militia's "heroes" ... this is twisted morality of United nations at work

    Report #libya : UN office in #Tripoli refuses to help people of #baniwalid .. Instead it told the people to Surrender entirely to #Misrata

    report #Libya : North #misrata brigade warcrimes keep piling up and UN tells People to surrender themselves to genocidal/rapists/racists.

    Report #Libya : EU foreign minister cathrine ashton and US diplomat both praised Genocidal North #misrata brigade.. 0% morality in politics

    1. Those trapped in Bani Walid have been crying out to the United Nations for help, but they are not being heard, with the UN Mission in Libya saying it has no men in the city and cannot provide any additional information on what is happening on the ground. The director of the UN mission refused to comment on why they were not inside the city.


  69. report #libya : Girls and women , who Tried
    to escape "chemical weapons" fired by #Misrata brigades were killed and raped in mountains


  70. The Libyan authorities may have lost any semblance of control they believed they had over the Misrata militia and now they (and the US) face a potential PR disaster as a gruesome massacre and destruction unfold. There is something of a deafening silence from the media,


    #Libya: Despite reports that ‘official’ military ops in #BaniWalid ended on 23 Oct, clashes continued, particularly in the Dahra district
    26 october 1.30 pm

  71. Gangs of foreign mercenaries reportedly from the Gulf states and Turkey have joined the assault on Bani Walid in Libya. #chaos #Libya

    2.59 pm , 26 october

  72. #BaniWalid slaughter not even deemed newsworthy by NATO's "Newsroom" http://www.nato.int/cps/en/SID-8932E899-55DE9977/natolive/news.htm …

  73. http://multimedia.telesurtv.net/media/telesur.video.web/telesur-web/#!en/video/libia-beni-walid-en-tension-por-combates/

    Libya: More violence in Bani Walid, 26 oct 2012

    The whole world needs to see who they are targeting,” he added. “Are they really Gaddafi’s men? Are the children, women and old men killed, Gaddafi’s men?”

  74. PaulaSlier_RT ‏@PaulaSlier_RT

    #Bani #walid - sources say militias trying to hide and remove from city bodies of those killed by chemical attacks

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. BW is very disturbing. News is sporadic and one doesn't know whose 'psyops' is working. Most reports say BW now taken but this brings hope, if correct. Some interesting backlinks.

      Even then it's disturbing (26/10) Not only Qatar SF but Jordanian ones reportedly involved, unsure if true:

      "Today witness reported the Turkish troops in chemical protection suits, which are on the outskirts of Bani Walid, collect bodies of civilians and defenders were killed by bombs and white phosphorous chemical weapons and possibly depleted uranium, and then transported them to the dead city for Tavarga In order to burn them and bury the remains in a mass grave. They destroy the evidence that the invaders used these prohibited weapons, especially white phosphorous."

      It's Russian and one doesn't know if true, yet hopes so. More:

      "City Bani Walid has not been taken, the collisions occur mainly in the eastern part of the city between the defenders of Bani Walid Brigade and "May 28", that is, rats that have to live in an area called Sdada, Bani Walid.
      Many in Libya and abroad influenced the spread of misinformation on the part of the occupation. town of Bani Walid is still struggling."

      There's also tweets indicating tribes are uniting against the BW decimation, but even though Khamis data a furfy the fact some Khamis Brigade are left is hopeful.

    3. "Today witness reported the Turkish troops in chemical protection suits, which are on the outskirts of Bani Walid, collect bodies of civilians and defenders were killed by bombs and white phosphorous chemical weapons and possibly depleted uranium :

      22 october 2012 : Turkish ship came 2misrata 2day with weapons &mercenaires.why turkey support terrorists, murders,AlQaida #Libya

      @ 11.02 The Turkish accomplice

    4. They use foreign snipers, I think from Qatar or Turkey,
      with Qatar covering all the costs,” he said.

      He claimed that a ship with weapons and other equipment recently docked in the port city of Misrata, where the assault on Bani Walid is allegedly being directed.


    5. Foreign heavy-armed mercs attack Bani Walid – witness


    6. report #Libya : #Syrian foreign fighters #FSA were among those that aided #Misrata brigade warcrimes on #baniwalid

  75. “Are they really Gaddafi’s men? Are the children, women and old men killed, Gaddafi’s men?”


    استخدام طائرات حربية في قصف بني وليد لاحظ الثانية

    Oct 26, 2012

    "Where is the international community?" Bani Walid tribal elder Mohammed al-Shetawi said by phone after leaving the town.

    "Where is the United Nations and the European Union and the other people in the world, why have they forgotten us?"

    Benghazi congress member Saleh Gaouda said the priority of the authorities was to give Bani Walid residents the security to be able to return to their homes.

    "It is important to make people inside Bani Walid believe in February 17th," he said


    1. @libyaherald Eid-Al Adha: Did other Libyan families receive the LYD 1000 promised for Eid? Ours in Libya did not.

  76. "Where is the international community?" :

    But midway through the closed door meeting, another Security Council member told Inner City Press, "we should pass something on Bani Walid but US not making it easy."

    And when the meeting broke up, the draft statement (which Inner City Press put online last night) had not been agreed to. UK Ambassador Mark Lyall Grant said that Libyan authorities were being reminded of international humanitarian law.

    Inner City Press asked Lyall Grant, who is doing this reminding?
    He said his government and he believed the US as well.

    Another Security Council source told Inner City Press that US would not accept the Council press statement. "Nothing until after the election," the source said. Another said this first year anniversary was not the time for a "discordant note." And so it goes at the UN.


  77. "Where is the international community?"


    #BaniWalid TV station destroyed by an airstrike, several workers killed. GNC plans to intensify the psy-war against BW, just like in 2011.

    FB account of #GreatWarfalla, last message on Wednesday, then fatal storm blocked everything. To silence is killing twice

  78. http://www.algeria-isp.com/actualites/politique-libye/201210-A12748/libye-ville-bani-walid-est-pas-tombee-octobre-2012.html#.UIv-HWcrCMo.twitter

    The city of Bani Walid is not fallen, Warfalla's continue to resist.

    Civilians in Tripoli have protested in front of the rixos hotel against the war committed to their brothers in Bani Walid.The rebels have arrested them and put them in ain zara prison and in the militair base mitiga in tripoli

    The resistance is looking for Misrata rebel Tarek Houdoud who has burned and looted the houses of Warfalla's.

    The barberians of misrata are in the way to Jofra with a list of 58 persons they want to arrest.

    The rebels of battallion 28 may are stopping the people of Bani Walid to return to their houses.


    Bani walid bombardée avec des avions de guerre (27 octobre 2012)

  79. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dWhHdCVp6c&feature=youtu.be

    misrata militia burning homes in #baniwalid #libya

    حرق مليشيات 28 مايو لأحد منازل المواطنين في بني وليد

    1. http://www.twitlonger.com/show/jq6nci

      Names of the owners of homes that burned in the city of Bani Walid by militias

  80. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwyEoyB3hQ4&feature=youtu.be

    Published on Oct 27, 2012 / @ 7.19


  81. Bani Walid Doctor Who Exposed Gas Attack Symptoms Reported Killed


  82. It has been reported this Dr Meleshe Shandoly has been killed today in Bani Walid by Alqaeda with a knife because he is from Warfalla tribe and sits on a council.

    Nothing is verifiable from Bani Walid.

    1. Report #Libya : #Misrata brigades entered parts of #baniwalid almost half of City and are looting and Bulldozing homes - hospitals - schools

      #Misrata militias may have killed Dr Shandoly but they cannot kill the evidence :

    2. October 29, 2012

      The city is still fighting, its defenders are gradually sweeping rebels.

      After the NATO (most likely USA) special forces attack on the night of October 25 and 26 the defenders had to pull back further into the city, into Dahra and Souk districts, which make up to 36% of the overall territory of Bani Walid.

      Other territories were ravaged by May 28 Brigade bandits which is comprised of local criminals and Libya's Shield Brigade band where the majority are mercenaries from Egypt, Tunis, Qatar and the Saudi Arabia and other countries.

      Besides local al-Quaeda militants joined in the ravaging.

      The bandits which rob and burn housed, kill civilians, had been since October 26 destroying any evidence of that night attack


  83. HR activist & #BaniWalid Protester Haitham Warfali was assassinated in #Benghazi by masked gunmen #Libya @hananHRW

  84. Haitham Warfali, who was killed in a cafe in Dubai Street in the city of Benghazi .. And who was against the war in Bani Walid and was sending relief to them there!



  85. 28 october
    Report #Libya : Misrata brigade and its Alqaeda allies called for "Permanent siege of #Baniwalid " turning it into concentration camp

    report #Libya : #Misrata requested #GNC " #Tripoli military council under Abdulhakim belhaj" to manage..permanent siege of #baniwalid

    1. Bani Walid 29 october 2012


      Bani Walid Road Opened [ ?]

    2. déja vu
      The road to Al-Awiniyya was blocked on 13 June, pending the end of the offensive, and all Machachiya left the village.
      The only traffic allowed to pass was Zintan pick-up trucks armed with anti-aircraft guns and rocket launchers, and ambulances bringing back the wounded. The source of the conflict was unclear.

      The Zintan claimed that the Machachiya killed one of their men in an ambush, with help from officers who formerly served under Gathafi.

      Wounded members of the opposite camp, interviewed in the Gharian hospital, insisted however that they were the victims of a campaign to clear them off their land, like the operation in August 2011 when 40,000 people in Tawergha, suspected of supporting Gathafi’s men, were forced to leave and their houses systematically destroyed.


      There are allegations of extreme abuses the people are trying to resist, including poison gas, perhaps mustard gas.




  87. #Libya: Reports that 40 families in Jabal an Nasamah are fleeing due to attacks from armed groups who accuse them of being pro-Gaddafi

    Jabal an Nasamah located approx 100 km southwest of #BaniWalid

    The "pro Qaddafi" label has become a pretext under which hundreds of civilians have been jailed, killed or driven from their homes by those who claim to be liberators

  88. #Misrata militia fired on minister of defence convoy when trying to enter #Baniwalid


    Defense Minister's statement on the entry Bani Walid


    1. armed groups from Misurata mobilised young people, even suspending schools in the process, to fight in Bani Walid.



    2. Ahmed Addarrat ‏@A_Addarrat

      I dnt know when the intrvw from PT took place but yest, the Army prevented Jwaili from entering BW yesterday. #Libya

    3. There is no real Army in #BaniWalid. Like the Defense Minister has said. Random militias are arbitrarily kidnapping & openly looting.


  89. 30 october 2012 The head of the Libyan armed forces, General Yousef Mangoush, has no control over Bani Walid and civilians are being prevented from returning home by vigilante “gunmen”, Defence Minister Osama Juwaili has said.


    In a scathing broadside, almost certain to be his last as defence minister ahead of Prime Minister-elect Ali Zidan’s expected announcement of a new government later today, Juwaili said the hilltop town was near-deserted as a result of the fighting and that the small number of people who remain are living in terrible conditions.

    “The chief of staff has no control over the town and therefore armed men are able to prevent families from coming back”, the minister was quoted as saying by AFP, following a televised speech on Monday.

    “The town is completely empty except for a small number of people who are living in tragic conditions; there is no activity; the impact of shelling is visible everywhere”.

    He went on to describe soldiers controlling the checkpoint leading into the town as “gunmen”.



  90. They are operating together in a loose coalition of the country's largest militias known as Libya Shield, which is relied on by the defense ministry


  91. 18 Oct 2012 , Libya Shield fighters put out a statement Tuesday saying they will not enter Bani Walid without orders from the military chief of staff Gen. Youssef Mangoush.


    About that Libya Shield Brigade which 1) fought under the black flag of al Qaeda during the February 17 Revolution, and 2) escorted the eight US Marines who arrived from Tripoli to aid the Benghazi consulate under attack on the night of 9/11/12.

    The jihadist inclinations of bin Hamid and his Libya Shield forces are not unknown to the U.S. government.
    Indeed, a recent study prepared by the research division of the Library of Congress links the Libya Shield Brigade to al-Qaida and even cites speculation that bin Hamid may be the leader of the al-Qaida network in Libya.

    Wissam bin Ahmed (Commander, Libya Shield 1)

    An authoritative source confirms that Libya Shield commander "bin Hamid" and "bin Ahmed" are one and the same -- it bears repeating, is a supporter of rule by sharia.


    Muhammad al-Gharabi (Commander, Rafa' al-Sahti Brigade, Libya Shield 2)

    They claimed to exercise "control" over Libyan Armed Forces Chief of Staff Yusef Mangoush who "depends" on them to secure eastern Libya.

    In times of crisis, Mangoush has no other choice than to turn to their brigades for help, they said, as he did recently with unrest in Kufra.

    As part of this arrangement, Mangoush often provides the brigades direct stocks of weapons and ammunition, they said.


  92. [Faraj Al-Swehli] ordered his Tripoli-based militia, originally from Misrata, to join others who have surrounded parts of the town. [Bani Walid]

    [ 20 September 2011 ,It is worth mentioning that the Union of Misurata Libyan rebels issued a statement late Sunday in which he called the political opposition to the nomination of former Libyan Abdel Rahman Swehli for the post of President of the Libyan government.
    The statement that the Union, which represents some of the Brigades, the rebels in Misurata strongly supports this nomination.]


    Posters of Omran Shaban, a fighter [ of libiyan shield] who found Gaddafi hiding in a drainage pipe a year ago, as well as historical Misrata hero Ramadan al-Swehli hung atop one town-centre building.

    Note our “friends” in “Libya Shield” fly the same black flag of jihad that Al Qaeda flies.

    Video from June showing them in a rally in Benghazi for the implementation of sharia law. Their vehicles have Gold and Red Libya shield logos:


    Arabic sources report that bin Hamid commanded the rebel forces that besieged Gadhafi’s hometown of Sirte and ultimately captured and killed him.


    report #Libya : many #libyans feel that #GNC wants to wipe out Werfalla tribe and black #libyans and is really using #Misrata brigade for it


    1. Why Misrata don't accept Omar Shaaban get DRUNK and Drugged as an IDIOT and had a car accident? Yeah: is a Martyr of Whiskey & Drugs! #Libya

  93. elections to come :

    Awad Al Barasi for Prime Minister and they said that. if elected, Al Barasi would appoint Fawzi Bukatif, Commander of the February 17 Brigade, as Minister of Defense.

    Bukatif's appointment would open the MOD and other security ministries and offices to plum-appointments for his most favored brigade commanders -- giving February 17 and Libya Shield tacit control of the armed forces.


  94. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odQJeFzeRPE&feature=youtu.be

    Bani Walid resists against the salafi's

  95. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L159rcU6F74&feature=youtu.be

    Besieged Bani Walid lacks food, medicine, fuel eyewitnesses LIBYA 30.10.12

  96. http://twitpic.com/b5q9tu
    Evening prayers in #Baniwalid Child martyr God willing Abdul Hamid Ali Abdulnabi passed away rocket attack #Libya

    A convoy of ten armed SSC vehicles carrying 35 personnel from the Supreme Security Committee’s Kufra branch left the town yesterday, Tuesday 30 October 2012, for Bani Walid.


    The International community must respond urgently
    We must stop the genocide.”
    not Bengazi BUT BANI WALID is like Guernica.”


    BW was militias AND army.Army has airforce not militias.Army gave logistic support.Govt wanted militia to loot BW

  98. Dardanelles TV reports 11 million Libyan dinars stolen from the Republic Bank in Bani Walid by Misrata militias.

    On his way out along Misr-BW road, he saw a group of militia trucks looting the electricity cables in #BaniWalid

    So far this 'liberation' is worse than the first. Aside from freeing a few prisoners (who were healthy btw) no original objectives achieved.

    Most fighters who resisted arent even on the 'wanted list'

    the dead squads committing genocide to resisting people @ 3.04

  99. = NTC has paid USD 3.5 million to the criminals who took command in the attacks on Bani Walid


  100. A terrible accident of the Supreme Security Committee after robbing bank in Bani Walid





  101. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=_YkxnAKrJbo&NR=1
    Bani Walid , new vid

    Zahra Albo-Aishy found dead in #Cario flat after being fatally stabbed 5 times #Libya #Egypt

    Zahra organized Bani Walid protests in Cairo. Egyptian media silent about killing.

  102. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cM-udluRErk&feature=youtu.be

    #LIBYA #Misurata militias #crimes #against innocent #Children #Bani Walid

  103. bani walid destroyed




    In last 3 days around 104 persons arrested in Gharian city, 102 ppl in #BaniWalid

    According Great Werfalla the barbarians of Misrata murdered prisoners of Bani Walid in their prisons, this is Mr. Ali Said Jomoa Mareache,
    Othman Abu Sata, Salah Abu Knida.


    1. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=492623600768925

      The armed militias burned 145 apartments in a modern residential

  104. http://www.leonorenlibia.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1503:bani-walid-tragedia-humanitaria&catid=9:catinfo

    BaniWalid, HumanitarianTragedy

    5 - The militias, which claim to be part of the National Army are accused of stealing , looting , burning some private houses of social leaders and demolishing others by bulldozers ,Almrdom, an agricultural part of BaniWalid , is a good example of that.Armed groups rejected the return of citizens because they will find their houses in ruins , destroyed , stolen or looted andthis is must be a programmer with the authorities who had preparedcampuses outside these areas for displaced families and pushing them to the non-return.

    6 - The authorities were watching people suffering displacement and staying in the open areas where no ways of life , without taking any action to enable them to return to their homes before being robbery, looted and vandalised.


  105. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ejXncx2rE5Q

    Bani Walid residents return home to find property destroyed, valuables looted, and homes torched by outlaw militias.


  106. http://news.feedzilla.com/en_us/stories/world-news/africa-libya/265556699?client_source=feed&format=rss&sb=1

    Khaled al-Sharif in his intervention yesterday on the Misurata TV channel said literally:

    "We have successfully liberated Bin Walid of the infidels and lechery and deployed the army of Allah. I had the honor and dignity to have been the leader of one of the forces on the fronts of Bin Walid, which is now an Islamic emirate. We, the National Guard are currently clearing Tripoli from the people of Werfalla [the tribe of Bani Walid area] in order to become a safer and more stable city.

    "Nowadays, and in cooperation with the honorable Sheikh Ghnewah al-Kikli we implement a plan to clean Tripoli especially the areas of Abu Saleem and al-Hadba of the last remnants of this city.

    I would say that some of the tribes that have deviated from the curricula of our revolution will be cleansed soon.

    We will crush anyone who thinks of disobeying the State whether he was sheltered behind stolen weapons or trenches and mounds with which he surrounds his city. We will not retreat from crushing him.

    "Those who think of antagonizing Misurata think of antagonizing Libya.

    The cliques that now and then come out on the channels and sites to stultify our war on Bin Walid and show it as illegitimate we say to them: your blood is wasted, and your tribes that protect you will soon be pounded from everywhere until they become under the obedience and loyalty (of the State) and we have religious opinion from the Mufti to do that.

    You shirk from your responsibilities towards the country by stultifying the Guardian's decision to wage the war on Bin Walid and try to assault the mujahid al-Mangoush.

    You are ignorant and stupid and do not know what awaits you.

    Death is coming to you and you will only be like Bin Walid now.

    You will go back to your profession known to all Libyans, collecting food from the underground, to carry it to your masters in Misurata and to all houses of Libyan rebels and honest people. That is your normal position…

    May peace and God's mercy and blessings be upon you."

  107. http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.494505990580686.112306.483297225034896&type=1

    Pictures of types of shells that were used by militias attacking Bani Walid

  108. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=1018865&l=8f1a7b82d8&id=175383629221520
    Banİ Walid tribal elder dies in captivity in Misrata following his abduction on 24 October:
    martyr Bani Walid


    Sharing the Bani Walid Report that @UN/ @HRW #ICC are Ignoring


    Report in question states senders are SOCIAL COUNCIL OF BW + CIVIL SOCIETIES INSTITUTIONS


  109. http://i45.tinypic.com/2629v9u.jpg

    Nato sept 10 2011 bani walid mustard gas


  110. H.Hamed ‏@H_Hamed90 @oneway2011_ly I still don't understand why misurata didn't storm BW,it's shameful how we let the Warfelli clan still think they're great

    sj ‏@oneway2011_ly @H_Hamed90 if they did without the ok from gov. #Misratah would be considered outlaws too, but the gov should do something and soon

    sj ‏@oneway2011_ly @H_Hamed90 plus the 4 kidnapped men from #Misratah are still missing #baniWalid , this also needs to be sorted

    French Quebec Canada ‏@Kinojevis
    #SyriaDeserves to be free, without dictators, tortures, rapes, lies, killings, kidnapings, shabihas, thugs, trolls, etc #SyriaDeserves life.

    French Quebec Canada ‏@Kinojevis @oneway2011_ly Laughing Out Loud! :D And Operation Mermaid got the true Libyans in Tripoli, pushing back Daffy all the way to Sirte #Libya
    Retweeted by sj

    1. ‏@Kinojevis
      Uploaded by anonvish17 on Jan 17, 2011

      I'm mirroring all videos I can of protests and riots in Libya. The Libyan government has censored YouTube, and are possibly taking down accounts and videos of Libyans who managed to post videos. Some of the videos I've uploaded here have already been taken down. Please mirror these, make sure they spread. - Anonymous


      Uploaded by anonvish17 on Jan 17, 2011

      United States

  111. sj ‏@oneway2011_ly

    Abdel Hamid Darrat http://www.feb17martyrs.com/english/abdel-hamid-darrat/ … brother of Dr.Ali Darrat, such sacrifice

    Dr. Ali Darrat http://www.feb17martyrs.com/english/dr-ali-darrat/ …

  112. iyad_elbaghdadi

    Sometime during Feb 2011 I started getting reports from inside Libya, esp. Tripoli, and started aggregating & posting them. #ArabSpring

    Many were via a lady who took great risks to send me detailed reports, till early March when Tripoli's internet was cut. #ArabSpring

    I think it was around that time, in March 2011, when I started working on the #ArabSpringManifesto. Project of a lifetime. #ArabSpring

    Iyad El-Baghdadi ‏@iyad_elbaghdadi
    Syria's revolution took off on March 18th 2011 after the incident in Daraa. It spread so fast, soon it was in Homs & Hama. #ArabSpring

    Amina's husband and two children fought against Gaddafi. Her husband died fighting in Sirte. May God bless his soul. #Libya #ArabSpring

    After liberation I managed to get in touch with her again. Amina Tunally, aka @oneway2011_ly, you're a hero, much love. #Libya #ArabSpring

  113. aka @oneway2011_ly,
    Proud wife of Martyr Jamal Mustafa Tunally, Martyed in the battle for Sirte 8 October 2011.

    Proud mother of freedom fighting sons.

    Sandra James, most commonly known as Ameenah in Libya, is a British woman who was married to Jamal Mustafa Tunally for 31 years.


  114. 21 feb Meanwhile Zawiya was in the hands of the people. Jamal, Mustafa and Mussab went to protests over there, and rumours was that the people there in Zawiya heading for Tripoli to free it as well

    My e-mails sent to the outside world:
    To admin@libyafeb17.com 23-2-11-Zawiyah has been under attack by Gadaffis tanks and armed mercenaries

    To Aljazeera: Friday 25-2-11-Please can you give me a number to ring that does not have an answering machine they are massacring the protesters in Al Hani district in Tripoli
    please my family are there and it is terrible please contact me I have a net phone and am trying to get the news out but can not contact you please help us
    s.james British citizen living in Tripoli

    1 march 2011 Jamal had hold of important information, from 2 reliable sources. One of them is an air force captain working in Matiga airport that informed him that until last night two Algerian air planes have landed with mercenaries.

    Friday 18th March 2011Jamal and Yusef had their bags packed as they decided to leave Tripoli and try to get to Misrata to fight alongside the people there against Gaddaffi’s regime.

    April 2011 During this time I got a phone call from my husband and Yusef telling me they were now entering Libya from the Egyptian boarder.
    Apparently Jamal was on a mission from Misrata, and had gone to Jarjees in Tunisia on a launcher boat loaded with ammunition for, I think Tripoli

  115. report #Libya : Source in #Libya said " militia's are watching old tapes and hunting anyone that looks like people in Pro- #Gaddafi rallies"



    Social Council and Rafla tribes all are mourning the
    "martyrdom of Sheikh Mohammed Ahmed Cndolee" at the age of 78 years ,

    who passed away in one of the prisons of the armed militias in Tripoli (militia Nawasi) and holds the government responsible for the safety of the rest of the members of the Council held in militias prisons

    War criminals in Libya :
    14 Abdalrav hater battalion commander Nawasi criminal
    Inkerman Insights ‏@inkermangroup
    #Libya: The so-called Private Deterrent Force is believed to ultimately fall under the control of the extremist group, the Al Nawasi militia

    Twelve alleged homosexuals abducted last week from a private party in Tripoli's Ain Zara district will be handed over to the justice ministry; Libya Herald quoted a senior member of the Nawasi Brigade as saying on Tuesday (November 27th).

  116. 8 – Taha (Tarrar) Abdul Salam Andishe
    [FB1 #18]

    I O zedan yarmouk class

    A story of UN visitors with one of their fixers : Taha from misrata .

    The smoke from Taha’s massive cone joint flowed through the cabin of our silver Hummer. The A/C was on high and blew long fingers of smoke to the back seat. We were all mellow. Taha’s aviator sunglasses hid his tiny black eyes as he cranked the volume on the Arabic Reggae beat until it became painful. Then he floored it.

    “He has to drive fast here,” Hamid said in flat Arabic-accented Canadian English. “This is where the snipers were, and if we didn’t do this we were dead.”

    “What the fuck is your story?” I asked Hamid.“I’m from here but my family moved to Canada.” He had photos of himself from the war. He had faced Qaddafi’s army in a Montreal Canadians jersey, a baseball cap turned to the side. Taha had driven a front-end loader before the war.

    -Misrata The drive to their base, what they called the “Lions Den,” was not far once Taha had recovered from his PTSD episode. We pulled into western Misrata near the sea.


  117. -I was back in the US after two trips to Libya in three months when I pitched Dan Rather with the idea of doing a documentary on Muammar Qaddafi’s death. I used to be one of the UN’s war crimes investigators in Libya after the war.

    I primarily looked at NATO’s bombing. But we were short staffed, and so I was also given the lead on investigating Qaddafi’s death.

    The UN wanted to know if he was “EJE’d” or Extra-judicially Executed as they say in international legal circles. It was an odd request I thought. Who gives a shit if he was EJE’d I asked?

    -Working for the UN is funny. Everyone thinks we have some great karmic authority. It is as if people say, oh, it’s the UN, how can we help?

    -We flew to Libya via Rome in November, shortly after Qaddafi was killed. There were 12 investigators, a chief of security, and a close protection guy that had the guns.
    The chief of security was a massive ark-skinned Brazilian and the close protection guy was a dashingly handsome Tunisian who never stopped smiling.

    -My first site was in Gargour. It was Qaddafi’s command bunker during the war and NATO just missed killing him there when two bunker busters slammed into it on April 30, 2011.

    – Misrata :“I’m Hamid,” said the one with the hoodie in perfect English. “This is Taha. I hope you don’t mind but we need to find out who you are before we can just let you in.”

    -Bani Walid Taha’s cell phone rang :One of our men who had been kidnapped by Qaddafi men in Bani Walid has been released.

    He was tortured, and we are going to storm the parliament.” We all jumped and ran out. There was a roar and Taha sat before us in a massive silver Hummer.

    Bani Walid is a pro-Qaddafi town [says the UN representant]

    – In Bani Walid Welcome to Bani Walid. I represent the people and welcome the UN.” The Libyan said through the interpreter.

    UN representant :“Many thanks, we represent a delegation of eminent scholars here to investigate the crimes of the war.”

  118. -Tripoli The protest in Tripoli was a crazed affair, Misratan men climbed over the bamboo walls to the Rixos Hotel, where Parliament was held, trying to breach security.

    Hamid came, expressing his gratitude, and Taha appeared, happy we had come to record their grievances with the government.

  119. Taha: Qaddafi’s boys had magic.
    You might laugh but there was black magic.
    Man I saw it. We would shoot them and nothing happened. Nothing. They stood there and laughed at us.
    Then Ramadan came and everything changed.
    We were chaste Muslims. No Hash, no alcohol, no sex. And God was with us. We killed them all.

    I saw stuff. Man it will never leave me.
    But I try not to focus on it.”

    “So now what?” I asked him.
    “Now the government is full of Western ideologues, and we will remind them who won the war.”

    “Will you demobilize?”

    “Absolutely. But Misrata will be last.

    Bani Walid needs to be first.
    Then the other cities.
    We will follow but we won’t give up our arms until everyone else does.”

    UN representant :“Don’t you think that is kind of a zero-sum game? I mean, don’t you think the other cities say the same thing?”

    “Yeah, but they didn’t face what we faced.
    They didn’t fight like we fought.”
    His phone rang. He and Taha conversed.“Can you roll a joint?” Hamid asked us.

    Note: The names of several UN officials in the story have been changed to protect them.


  120. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNg6vyFWjHI

    @ 6.28 the elder of the tribes come together to mediate between misrata & Bani Walid

  121. 16 january 2013 May 28 militia reportedly attacked a security office in Bani Walid to save a detained thief and also kidnapped 2 policemen from the building

    حملة خير بني وليد عصابات درع ليبيا وأفعالها في المدينة
    Good campaign Bani Walid gangs , Libya Shield and their actions in the city

    Man from Bani Walid killed by militias under torture in Tripoli yesterday: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=1071031&l=dc60106004&id=175383629221520 …


  122. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QfSiBB6voc&feature=youtu.be

    Tribute to martyrs who falling in Bani Walid against Salafists 10-20-2012



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