(Thanks to an e-mail tip - from Spanish to Italian to English, the last step anyway in Google Translate)

Since yesterday or maybe two days most of Libya do not have electricity and were cut social networks, calling cards are scarce and scarce food.
Same as what he did with his NATO bombs, the so-called Muslim extremists are destroying the medical, food shops and infrastructure of the Libyans. Exactly the same "work" https://www.facebook.com/NessBookcom/photos/pcb.805072429514591/805072369514597/?type=1
It seems that this morning clashes in Tripoli have been reduced a lot and runs the rumor that the mercenaries are attacking the capital city of Tripoli in Libya because they do not want it to be the capital city and want to convert Misrata to the capital of Libya.
Misrata, along with Benghazi was the place where this invasion (was designed?). Already long before he started in February 2011 in Misrata had installed business of war, became sottterránei communicating channels between the harbor and some buildings and settled the Zionists together with companies from the war.
There invaders in Libya leading the Libyans to torture, executions do, imprison, mercenaries come from there ... the whole world and armed with drugs to invade, attack, steal, rape. From there come the aggressors professionals who invaded Beni Walid with toxic gas, cluster bombs and all the artifacts for illegal killings.
Misrata has been transformed into the black box of terror to Libya and now want to convert in the capital ... obviously this intention has nothing to do with the desideio Libyans.
For a few days it became a Libyan returning to his home in terrible conditions. Quest 'man was gone for six months, and the family had given him up for dead. He said he was 5 months in prison under the ground in a house and they threw the food through a hole. And 'there remained closed for 5 months. One day I pulled out of the hole and took him to Misrata where he was tortured to see if they knew "something". Seeing that he did not know anything about anything they released him.
If we analyze this fact tells us many things that seem impossible. In the first place there is the law in Libya because NATO is responsible to delete it and to ensure the 'impunity to all criminals and psychopaths who introduced in Libya.
The fact of releasing it after all these barbaric shows us that you feel safe all these psychopathic killers assured that no law makes him nothing. In Libya, there are thousands of thousands of people who have gone and go through these experiences, similar or worse, and then they must continue to live, the suffering of the families.
Leonor Massanet Arbona
عقيلة صالح عيسى Akila Saleh Issa
ReplyDeleteIssa Saleh Akila as the new head of the Libyan Parliament
Winning "77" votes in the runoff,
compared to "74" votes obtained by his rival Abu Bakr Mustafa Bairdh.
MP for the city dome east of Libya
The other members of the new Council of Representatives has opposed the move,
refusing to go to a meeting in the city of Tobruk, instead of Tripoli
For his part, Ali Makhlouf Aqila, a candidate for the House of Representatives in Benghazi,
said that the legislature "should be located in the heart of the revolution,
the most tense city,
so that its legislation will be close to the pulse of the street and translate the aspirations
of the Libyan citizen - provided, however, that it chooses its location carefully".
The election was also boycotted by the Amazigh, or Berber, minority
which lives in the west near oil installations.
Its leader, Ibrahim Makhlouf, has rejected the vote because the Amazigh want a bigger say in the body and guarantees that their tongue will become one of Libya's official languages.
In the past, Amazigh have backed their demands by blockading oil installations such as the Mellitah oil and gas complex, co-owned by Italy's ENI, as well as pipelines.
ttempts to write a constitution have been delayed by political infighting in the GNC, which was elected in July 2012 for an 18-month term in Libya's first free vote in nearly 50 years. 21 february 2014
7 august 2014
a leader of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (Khaled al-Sharif) said :
that the process of the transfer of prisoners Saadi Gaddafi and Abdullah al-Senussi
to the city of Misratah has been successfully ..
According to the same source, this measure enables the force defending the city of Tripoli and the control of the green plateau prison in Tripoli, especially after incurring a complete inability to achieve any progress on the ground
Militia"s fighting in tripoli :
militia Agneoh +
militia hater +
Haitham tribal militia known as Tagouris +
Almsarit = misrata
In the meantime missile strikes and indiscriminate artillery on several neighborhoods in Tripoli continue with the aggravation of living due to power outages
and scarcity of petrol and cooking gas,
and the lack of food
and a severe shortage of financial liquidity in banks
A picture of the inauguration ceremony of the LIFG Mahdi Alharatne
as mayor of the city of Tripoli 6 august 2014
thanks for your work.
ReplyDeletethis is interesting: "...Najjair, who had never picked up a gun until the Libyan revolution, was also a prominent member of the Tripoli Brigade -- some of his fellow fighters labeled him "the Dublin sniper."..."
isnt mahdi alharati british or us/israeli agent?