
Warning: This site contains images and graphic descriptions of extreme violence and/or its effects. It's not as bad as it could be, but is meant to be shocking. Readers should be 18+ or a mature 17 or so. There is also some foul language occasionally, and potential for general upsetting of comforting conventional wisdom. Please view with discretion.

Monday, August 31, 2015

"The Rules of the Game"

The West's Takeover Machine, Before Libya
(old post I forgot - likely incomplete)
September 23, 2011

This is a big subject touching on two areas of interest of mine. A bit expansive, and with too many knowledge gaps, to write a complete essay - rather I'll just drop some related bits of food for thought on the Western regime change industry of the past decade.

It was really a simple and run-of-the mill demand that the"peaceful protesters,"and increasingly the world community, made on the regime of Muammar Gaddafi. It and its unique socio-economic system should commit suicide, step down and disband in favor of no one and nothing in particular. But the regime didn't want to die and - allegedly - turned its guns on the people to say no with the blood of hundreds of peaceful protesters. And he didn'tstep down in favor of ... whatever was there waiting to fill the void.

I saw an interview somewhere with Nouri al-Mesmari saying that in so doing, Gaddafi "changed the rules of the game." an early plotter saying that by refusing to bow to "protester" demands and step down, But fo the life of me, I can't re-locate the video interview where I was sure I saw him saying that. But the quote sticks anyway as the kind of thing someone would say. raising the question "just what is this game and who wrote - or agreed to - its rules?"
Nouri al-Mesmari, from Paris
Al Jazeera February 17 ??

Everyone knows the answer - the people of oppressed countries came up with it themselves, in the game they initiated and most have enjoyed playing, called "the Arab Spring" - In Januray and February it became clear, as if by a sign from God, that it was simply and cosmically time for nations in the Tunisia-Egypt-Libya region to shuck off their brutal corrupt old regimes - it was a masterful bit of fantasy-creation, perhaps planned out to surround and drag in Libya - and Gaddafi was screwing with it by insisting that national survival trumps the West's regime change game.

Planning people's revolutions? the idea is a fairly new one - with social media and liberal ideals, western-oriented, idealistic youths craft a new future, somehow cripple and drag down the old, replaced with a Western-backed anti-whatever reform candidate who becomes the new president and starts towards NATO membership.

The Game Rules are Written
This is an area I've studied in the past, and have some interesting if none-too-deep research together, pressed into sometimes embarrasingly-written articles
Utopian means for imperial gain in the former USSR - weaponized non-violence, turning a target nation's people against them with sanctions, propaganda, misguided idealism, funding and flattery, clandestine workshops, etc. Just like a CIA operation to support anti-whatever guerillas, but with no guns.
Helvey, weaponizing nonviolence
Weaponizing Nonviolence: Col. Helvey
Some Notes on Timing and Consent
Jonathan Mowat, in a brilliant 2005 piece for the Center for Research on Globalization, noted a 1967 report from the UK’s Tavistock Institute (the psychological warfare arm of the British military) that focused on the then-new phenomenon of “swarming adolescents” found at rock concerts. Author Dr. Fred Emery reported the underlying energy of it was associated with “rebellious hysteria,” and predicted that with more study the phenomenon could be controlled effectively as a sort of weapon. By the end of the 1990s, he predicted, these hormonal mobs could be used at will to bring down a national government. Mowat noted “the tactic of swarming” at work in the "revolutions" of 2004-05 as a “a new philosophy of war, which is supposed to replicate the strategy of Genghis Khan as enhanced by modern technologies […] intended to aid both military and non-military assaults against targeted states through what are, in effect, ‘high tech’ hordes.”

Right on target, these and other ideas fed into Yugolsavia's Bulldozer revolution, 1999, and soon after in a growing list of former Soviet republics. The site focused largely on the strangely consistent youth movement aspectof these -the well-branded group Otpor!(Resist!) was crucial in Serbia, helping bring down Milosevic.

The Game in the Former USSR
Kmara, trained by Otpor and using its ideas, helped in Georgia's Rose revolution 2002, and the larger Pora was central in Ukraine's Orange one 2004. Belarus (Zubr, denim revolution), Azerbailajn, Moldova, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan...

The Game in the Arab World
This all being former soviet sphere, these patterns would change on export. I'm far hazier on the next phase in 2005, where besides several central Asian former SSRs, protest movements in the Arab world made themselves felt, esp. Cedar revolution in Lebanon. I never followed up on that either.

excursions into the Arab world crowned at the time by Lebanon's early 2005 Cedar revolution, sparked by the still unsolved bombing murder of former PM Rafik Hariri in February 2005 - blamed widely on Syrians who were then partially occupying the country - the Cedar revolution forced a Syrian withdrawal and resignation of the sitting government by the end of April - accusations that this revolution too was manipulated by Americans and Israelis (not to mention possible Australian assassins setting it off) have never been cleared away

Might is Right: Abdelnour's Philosophy
As for the Arab proxies the West worked with in such adventures, one of them, a Ziad K. Abdelnour, gave an admirably candid interview with journalist Trish Schuh in late 2005

Schuh: What is the future of Syria, of President Bashar Al Assad's situation?

Nour: Both the Syrian and Lebanese regimes will be changed- whether they like it or not- whether it's going to be a military coup or something else... and we are working on it. We know already exactly who's going to be the replacements. We're working on it with the Bush administration. This is a Nazi regime of 30 years, killing ministers, presidents and stuff like that. They must be removed. These guys who came to power, who rule by power, can only be removed by power. This is Machiavelli's power game. That's how it is. This is how geopolitics -- the war games, power games -- work. 
Q: I didn't see forensic proof in the Mehlis report that would legally convict Assad of Hariri's death in a court of law.

A: I don't give a damn. I don't give a damn, frankly. This Bashar Al Assad-Emil Lahoud regime is going to go whether it's true or not. When we went to Iraq whether there were weapons of mass destruction or not, the key is -- we won. And Saddam is out! Whatever we want, will happen. Iran? We will not let Iran become a nuclear power. We'll find a way, we'll find an excuse- to get rid of Iran. And I don't care what the excuse is. There is no room for rogue states in the world. Whether we lie about it, or invent something, or we don't... I don't care. The end justifies the means. What's right? Might is right, might is right. That's it. Might is right.

Q: You sound just like Saddam. Those were his rules too.

A: So Saddam wanted to prove to the whole world he was strong? Well, we're stronger- he's out! He's finished. And Iran's going to be finished and every single Arab regime that's like this will be finished. Because there is no room for us capitalists and multinationalists in the world to operate with regimes like this. Its all about money. And power. And wealth... and democracy has to be spread around the world. Those who want to espouse globalization are going to make a lot of money, be happy, their families will be happy. And those who aren't going to play this game are going to be crushed, whether they like it or not! This is how we rule. And this is how it's going to be as long as you have people who think like me.

Q: When will this regime change take place?

A: Within 6 months, in both Lebanon and Syria.


Q: But if it's just trading Syrian control for American or Israeli control?

A: I have -- we have -- absolutely no problem with heavy US involvement in Lebanon. On an economic level, military level, political level, security level... whatever it is. Israel is the 51st state of the United States. Let Lebanon be the 52nd state. And if the Arabs don't like it, tough luck.

2009-2011: Deeper Into the Arab World
The idea has been bouncing around, but used less openly it seems for a couple of years. It was tried again in Iran in 2009 -
2010 presidential directive - France-UK alliance and war games scheduledfor almost exactly the day they started their joint bombing of Libya - then this year uprisings on similar lines in Tunisia and then Egypt just appeared, sweeping aside the Ben-Ali and Mubarak regimes. Arab Spring - imitators in Bahrain (failed, no support, an ally was targeted), Saudi Arabia (same), Morocco (no support), Yemen (some support) and Syria (we'll see).planning that seemed serious enough they might in themselves be clues the whole row of three dominoes was set off by a careful plan on someone's part.

2011: The Rules of the Game Change in Libya
The payoff to the West is less obvious here, and so is the impression of Western engineering. Arab hands, domestic and foreign, seemed to (I also haven't looked into that). But boy did it ever put Libya into the frame just in time for Feb 17, fice year anniversary of a government-suppressed protest, and 15 years after a crushed uprising. And that is clearly a thing CIA types would desire, and there are signs of pre-planning

These start, as this article does, with al-Mesmari in Paris - Dabbashi in New York - signs of conspiract between them and others running back to late 2010, and sealed with their contemporaneous defections on February 21, both strangely speaking of a"genocide" that wasn't happening, and citing every wild rumor as proof. 

No more weaponized non-violence here - Libya would never crack that way, if anyone would after seeing it happen so manytimes, and finding ways to grow immune - this ime, protests were only paper thin, giving way by day three to military-level ... Whenever the Libyan rebellion is referred to in context of the goody-two-shoes Arab Spring, I'm reminded of the old commercials for the soap Irish Spring - after a hard, sweaty night slaughtering Gaddafi loyalists and beheading black men, a quick wash with Arab Spring® will leave you seeming as clean as a whistle.


  1. all interventions are to bring about a change in a regime

    The events in Libya in 2011 will be instructive for many years to come


    Regime change has been the American goal on each occasion


    Lets Not Forget: Bush Planned Iraq 'Regime Change' Before Becoming President


    On Feb. 15, 1991, then-U.S. President George H W Bush urged the Iraqi military and people to rise up and “matters into their own hands.” On March 1, he said:
    “The Iraqi people should put [Saddam] aside.

    October 7, 2002: Bush Uses Groundless Evidence to Tout Hussein
    as a Direct Threat to US In a televised speech, President Bush presents the administration’s case that Saddam Hussein’s regime is a threat to the security of the nation and insists that regime change would improve lifes for Iraqis

  2. https://twitter.com/Nrg8000/status/638605057563365376

    The forces allied to, and aiding the ISIS insurgency further expose this concrete reality.
    The Naqshbandi militia, the General Military Council for Iraqi Revolutionaries (MICR), the former Ba’athists, Sunni politicans and defecting Iraqi army officers are largely the proxies and stooges of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf monarchies, ergo: the NATO/GCC axis.

    The Kurdish regional government – now calling for de facto partition in the anticipation of gaining the oil-rich province of Kirkuk, and making deals with the very actors tied to the ISIS insurgency – is also in alliance with NATO-member Turkey and Israel, ergo: the NATO/GCC axis.
    The actors responsible for the historic rise of ISIS et al in neighbouring Syria are of course the NATO/GCC alliance, as has been thoroughly documented [4,5,] and objectively proven regardless of the propaganda and misinformation [6,7,] that aims to depict otherwise.

    These actors primarily responsible for the fall of Mosul and the anticipated partition of Iraq
    are the de facto regional clients of dominant imperialism – ISIS are merely the shock-troop proxies that implement such policy, creating “facts on the ground” when diplomacy and old-fashioned economic coercion no longer suffice.
    To deny this rational knowledge is to deny concrete analysis, deny historical materialism, the totality of imperialism, to suggest it does not exist beyond the abstract, and that there are no classes employing all means available to uphold it.

    In addition, the narrative of the spontaneous rise of ISIS, and its apparent takeover of the western and northern regions of Iraq is a fantastically ahistorical concept built from years
    of media misinformation and propaganda. ISIS, its former incarnations and confrère across the region – particularly those of the last three years operating in Libya and Syria – are most definitely not abstract spontaneous expressions of Sunni discontent or a “Sunni-Shia divide”; nor the Iraqi governments mismanagement and corruption; nor the alleged “sectarian policies” or the threat of Iranian “Shia expansion”


    The simplest explanation of course, is that there never were any “moderates,” and that the United States and its allies, precisely as renowned journalist Seymour Hersh warned in 2007, went about raising
    a regional army of sectarian terrorists to fight an unprecedented proxy war with the predictable outcome being an orgy of genocide and atrocities – also as warned by Hersh
    in his prophetic article.


    Brand new Ukrainian weapons were purchased by Saudi Arabia and conveyed by the Turkish secret services who gave them to the Islamic Emirate. Final details were coordinated with the Barzani family at a meeting of jihadist groups in Amman on 1 June 2014. [23]
    The joint attack on Iraq by the Islamic Emirate and the Kurdistan Regional Government began four days later. The Islamic Emirate seized the Sunni part of the country, while the Kurdistan Regional Government increased its territory by over 40%.
    Fleeing the atrocities of jihadists, religious minorities left the Sunni area, paving the way for the three-way partition of the country.

  3. The New York Times in its article, “Leader of Al Qaeda group in Iraq was fictional, U.S. military says,” would admit:
    Brigadier General Kevin Bergner, the chief American military spokesman, said the elusive Baghdadi was actually a fictional character whose audio-taped declarations were provided by an elderly actor named Abu Adullah al-Naima.

    The ruse, Bergner said, was devised by Abu Ayub al-Masri, the Egyptian-born leader of Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia, who was trying to mask the dominant role that foreigners play in that insurgent organization.

    The ploy was to invent Baghdadi, a figure whose very name establishes his Iraqi pedigree, install him as the head of a front organization called the Islamic State of Iraq and then arrange for Masri to swear allegiance to him. Ayman al-Zawahiri, Osama bin Laden’s deputy, sought to reinforce the deception by referring to Baghdadi in his video and Internet statements.

    Indeed, the “Islamic State in Iraq” was fictional. It was Al Qaeda all along, just like the “Islamic State in Syria and Iraq” or “ISIS” is also fictional, a functionary of Al Qaeda and the foreign interests sponsoring it.

    New York Times, July 8, 2007:
    “For more than a year, the leader of one the most notorious insurgent groups in Iraq was said to be a mysterious Iraqi named Abdullah Rashid al-Baghdadi.
    As the titular head of the Islamic State in Iraq, an organization publicly backed by Al Qaeda Brigadier General Kevin Bergner, the chief American military spokesman, said the elusive Baghdadi was actually a fictional character whose audio-taped declarations were provided by an elderly actor named Abu Adullah al-Naima.”

    The operation was planned well in advance, even before the meeting
    between John McCain and Ibrahim al-Badri.
    For example, internal correspondence from the Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs, published by my friends James and Joanne Moriarty [19], shows that 5,000 jihadis were trained at the expense of Qatar in NATO’s Libya in 2012, and 2,5 million dollars was paid at the same time to the future Caliph.

    Libya came back into focus on Feb. 14, when Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) militants published a gruesome video, “A Message Signed in Blood to the Nation of the Cross.” The five-minute video shows ISIS militants simultaneously beheading a group of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians, who had been abducted in Libya earlier this year.
    “Interestingly, Libya’s fall to ISIS appears but a repeat of Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan — all of which saw heavy U.S. military intervention and all of which saw, at one point or another, millions of dollars poured toward the funding of West-backed militias,” Adnan Al-Raheji, a political analyst specializing in radical movements and a journalist at the Yemen-based independent news website Khabar, told MintPress.


  4. Soros and Mrs. Clinton in particular held one another in the highest esteem/newly built American University of Kyrgyzstan, she delivered a speech in which she lavished praise on Soros's Open Society Institute

    George Soros: "I set up a foundation in Ukraine before Ukraine became independent of Russia. And the foundation has been functioning ever since and played an important part in events now."


    Notably, Wesley Clark is also a business associate of Soros in BNK Petroleum which does business in Poland.


    Friday, Oct 12, 2007
    “Seven countries in five years”


    Well, starting with Iraq, then Syria and Lebanon, then Libya, then Somalia and Sudan, and back to Iran

    1. Wesley Clark - what a case. Is he a wistleblower, or is publicizing the hit list part of the psyop?

    2. not a whistleblower , a smokescreener I guess


      US General Wesley Clark: Our friends and allies funded #ISIS to destroy #Hezbollah.

      I said if you want to worry about a state, it shouldn’t be Iraq, it should be Iran.

    3. foxnews.com
      2011-03-27 Lieberman Suggests No-Fly Zone an Option in Syria if Violence Escalates
      Sen. Joe Lieberman suggested Sunday he would support military intervention in Syria if its president resorts to the kind of violent tactics used by Libya's Muammar al-Qaddafi.

      Dozens reportedly have been killed in protests against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's government, raising questions about whether the international community would get involved.

      In a 2007 speech, US General Wesley Clark recounted a conversation he had back in 1991 with the then Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz.
      During that talk, the Secretary told the General that the Pentagon had already drawn plans in order to achieve the change of regimes in Iraq, Syria and Iran. “…We’ve got about 5 or 10 years to clean up those old Soviet regimes – Syria, Iran, Iraq – before the next great superpower comes on to challenge us.”
      General Clark went on to reveal that six weeks after the attack on the twin towers in 2001, an official from the Department of Defense told him that the Pentagon had issued a classified document describing the strategy of the USA in order to overthrow the regimes of seven countries in the next five years.

      Those claims were confirmed by the former French Minister of Foreign affairs, Roland Dumas when he told a French television station that Great Britain used
      to train and suport Syrian rebels at least two years prior to the revolt aiming to overthrow Assad from power.

      Between 2006 to 2010, the US spent 12 million dollars in order to support and instigate demonstrations and propaganda against the Syrian government. WikiLeaks released over 7000 secret diplomatic cables that document that funding.
      The cables revealed that up to 6,3 million dollars was funneled to the Movement for Justice and Development, a Syrian dissident organization based in London.

      The Movement operated the Barada satellite channel that broadcasted anti-government propaganda in Syria and that played an important part in the 2010-11 anti-Assad protests.

      The remaining 6 million were spent by the US in order to support rebels and activists and educate journalists in ways of manipulating the news about the Syrian crisis in a manner that would benefit the rebels.

      Director of International Crisis Group;

      Wesley Clark on how to confront Russia on Ukraine

    4. 2006 December 13, 16:03 Possible Action: -- ENCOURAGE RUMORS AND SIGNALS OF EXTERNAL PLOTTING: The regime is intensely sensitive to rumors about coup-plotting and restlessness in the security services and military.



      In July 2011 during the “Arab Spring” President Obama announced that Assad had “lost his legitimacy” by firing upon his own people during protests.

      Syria was, after all, cooperating with the U.S. in the “War on Terror,” in 2003 apprising Washington of an al-Qaeda plot against the Fifth Fleet in Bahrain.

      In 2010, during the Obama administration, a new U.S. ambassador was sent to Damascus for the first time in five years. In March 2011, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton even declared Bashar al-Assad a “reformer,” implying that the U.S. could work with him.


      In fact Washington had been seeking to topple the Syrian leadership for years.

      This was a key goal of the neocons who controlled foreign policy during the administration of George W. Bush (and retained much influence thereafter). They’d seen Syria as “low hanging fruit” ripe for the plucking.

      Gen. Wesley Clark has often related how, days after 9/11, he visited the Pentagon and was told by a former colleague about a memo stating, “We’re going to take out seven countries in 5 years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran.”

      In 2005, the odious neocon and former Defense Policy Board chair Richard Perle (nicknamed the “Prince of Darkness,” presumably for his eagerness to use blatant lies to promote war) was meeting with old friend Farid Ghadry,
      a Syrian-American who headed something called the “Syrian Reform Party.”

      (Recall how dual national Perle had co-authored the Israeli white paper
      “A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm”
      for Binyamin Netanyahu, outlining a strategy for U.S.-Israeli transformation of the Middle East, including the achievement of regime change in Syria.)

      Ghadry (a former employee of a U.S. defense contactor and failed businessman, whose Syrian citizenship was revoked after he appeared before Israel’s Knesset in 2007) had told the Wall Street Journal that Ahmad Chalaby (the Iraqi charlatan and neocon darling who had promoted some of the lies surrounding the U.S. invasion of Iraq) had “paved the way in Iraq for what we want to do in Syria.”
      Perle & Co. were then urging the bombing of Syria.

      Israel’s support for both Al Qaeda and ISIL is part of its historical penchant for dividing and conquering the Arab and Muslim worlds through a constant «strategy of tension» and «clash of civilizations» between the West and Islam.

      This Israeli strategy is outlined in the Oded Yinon plan of 1982 and Benjamin Netanyahu’s «Clean Break» plan of 1996, written by U.S. neocons like Richard Perle
      and Douglas Feith.

      The latter’s actual title is «A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm» and the «realm,» according to the earlier Yinon Plan is an Israeli realm extending from the Nile to the Euphrates


    5. The move for the war in Libya was again quickly picked up by a plethora of leading neoconservatives, including Bill Kristol of the Weekly Standard, Robert Kagan of the Brookings Institution, Dan Senor, Eric Elderman, Elliott Abrams, Paul Wolfowitz, Max Boot, Eliot Cohen, Thomas Donnelly, Reuel Marc Gerecht, John Hannah, Michael Makovsky, Joshua Muravchik, Danielle Pletka, John Podhoretz, Randy Scheunemann,
      Richard Perle,
      Michael Ledeen, Charles Krauthammer, etc.[7]


      US interests
      Worried that they were missing out to European competition, a group of powerful US companies (including BP, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, Dow Chemical, ExxonMobil, Fluor, Halliburton, Hess Corporation, Marathon Oil, Midrex Technologies, Motorola, Northrop Grumman, Occidental Petroleum, Raytheon, Shell and United Gulf Construction Company) set up a US-Libya Business Association to catch up.

      Among the Gaddafi regime’s new lobbyists in Washington was arch neocon Richard Perle,
      a former Reagan-era US Defense Department official and George W. Bush-era chair of the US Defense Policy Board.

      According to US political reporter Lauren Rozen, Perle traveled to Libya
      as a paid adviser to the Monitor Group, a prestigious Boston-based consulting firm with close ties to leading professors at the Harvard Business School:


  5. The Map of the “New Middle East”
    A relatively unknown map of the Middle East, NATO-garrisoned Afghanistan, and Pakistan has been circulating around strategic, governmental, NATO, policy and military circles since mid-2006.

    Anglo-American occupied Iraq, particularly Iraqi Kurdistan, seems to be the preparatory ground for the balkanization (division) and finlandization (pacification) of the Middle East.

    Already the legislative framework, under the Iraqi Parliament and the name of Iraqi federalization, for the partition of Iraq into three portions is being drawn out. (See map below)

    Moreover, the Anglo-American military roadmap appears to be vying an entry into Central Asia via the Middle East. The Middle East, Afghanistan, and Pakistan are stepping stones for extending U.S. influence into the former Soviet Union and the ex-Soviet Republics of Central Asia.
    The Middle East is to some extent the southern tier of Central Asia. Central Asia in turn is also termed as “Russia’s Southern Tier” or the Russian “Near Abroad.”

    Waiting in the Wings
    Each of the “spontaneous velvet revolutions” has had a man-or-women-in-waiting; someone standing in the wings, perhaps for several decades, ready to assume leadership at the right moment. These individuals are often Western educated and were long ago selected and groomed by globalist think tanks. The Czech “velvet revolution” brought forth Václav Havel,
    a founder of the Charter 77 dissident group
    funded by the National Endowment for Democracy,[7]
    and publicized by Radio Free Europe and the Voice of America.

    As leader of the Civic Forum he assumed the first presidency of the Czech Republic after the “velvet revolution,” in 1989. He played his part in bringing the Czech Republic into NATO and advocated NATO’s expansion into Eastern Europe.

    Here is what Havel says in tribute to George Soros:
    I recall vividly—and it’s something we should commemorate and give thanks for—that among those who tirelessly supported civil society in Central and Eastern European countries was George Soros and his network of foundations and institutes.

    Without the contributions from him and his network, the fundamental political changes would not have taken root so quickly in the civic consciousness of people throughout Central and Eastern Europe. [8].


  6. The targeted five remaining communist nations are China, Cuba, North Korea, Laos, and Vietnam.

    The priorities for U.S. propaganda include stepping up efforts to effect political change
    in what are termed the five remaining “Communist” countries in the world through Cold War-era dissemination of “news” and other content via the Voice of America (VOA),
    the Office of Cuba Broadcasting (OCB) ,
    and “grantee” organizations RFE/RL (Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty), Inc.,
    and Radio Free Asia (RFA).

    Soros’s Open Society Institute holds a predominant role in the administration of the “grantee” broadcast arms, which were originally operated by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) before de facto control was passed to Soros after the collapse of communism in Europe. The targeted five remaining communist nations are China, Cuba, North Korea, Laos, and Vietnam.

    The BBG claims that America’s propaganda efforts reach a global audience of 187 million people and that the 59 language broadcasts to over 100 nations costs less than a mere $5 million per year. The BBG budget request contains all the Soros code phrases in describing America’s “highest standards of journalistic independence, ethics, and objectivity” and support of “democracy, civil society, and transparent institutions around the world.”

  7. Soros's "Twitter Revolution"April 21, 2009

    The Harvard report cites the "Two-Step Flow Theory" of Paul Lazarsfeld, partner of cyberneticist Kurt Lewin, the intellectual father of today's Behavioral Freakanomics,
    which models the effect of media on society as mediated through multiple "opinion leaders," who each possesses a network of "individuals in social contact with the opinion leader."

    The LaRouche PAC pamphlet "Is the Devil in Your Laptop?" published in 2007, documents the long history of the use of this type of "social engineering" and "group psychology" to threaten the stability of sovereign nation-states.


    On February 16, 2011, protests continued to sweep through Arab countries. Demonstrations now taking place in Bahrain, Yemen, Libya and Iran

    Key nations involved in the Arab Spring include:
    Tunisia: starting from December 17th, 2010

    Egypt: starting from January 25th, 2011
    Yemen: starting from January 26th, 2011 Libya: starting from February 17th, 2011
    Syria: starting from March 15th, 2011

    Libya November 16, 2010

    1. Egypt 2009
      Interestingly, the NED may have been seeding Egypt for a revolution since at least 2009. In an article for the NED 2009 Annual Report entitled “Middle East and North Africa Program Highlights 2009,” the NED reveals its involvement with various activist groups striving to bring political change to Egypt.
      The close relationship and monetary ties between Freedom House and the NED appear to have continued to the present. In its 2007 Annual Report, Freedom House lists NED as one of its donors (“Freedom House Annual Report 2007”).
      In Freedom House’s 2007 Annual Report, the Open Society Institute is listed as one of the foundation’s donors (“Freedom House Annual Report 2007). At its website, the Open Society is described as a foundation founded by George Soros
      Wikileaks cable . The classified diplomatic cable, dated 30 December, 2008 was sent from the U.S. Embassy in Cairo to the U.S. State Department (“U.S. covertly aided Egyptian protest leaders for regime change, secret December 2008 Wikileaks cable reveals”). Daya Gamage shares the cable’s revelation:
      The US State Department officials, US Congressmen and their immediate staff were engaged in having discussions with the Egyptian rebel leaders on US soil. The US embassy in Cairo was instrumental in organizing a summit in New York in 2008 to meet one of the young Egyptian activists. (Ibid)
      Readers will recall that it was Freedom House’s “New Generation” program that trained Egyptian activists on how to using Facebook and other social networking tools. According to Gamage, the April 6 youth movement “has a presence on the social network site Facebook” (“U.S. covertly aided Egyptian protest leaders for regime change, secret December 2008 Wikileaks cable reveals”).
      The ICG may have begun facilitating just such a “presidential transition” when one of its participants, former director of the International Atomic Energy Agency and 2005 Nobel Peace Prize recipient Mohamed ElBaradei, returned to Egypt. At its website, the ICG claims that ElBaradei “suspended his membership from the Board of Crisis Group concurrent with his Jan. 2011 return to Egypt” (“Crisis Group’s Board of Trustees”).
      By May 17, 2006, Brotherhood deputies were openly attacking the Mubarak government for not pursuing an active nuclear program. Ikhwanonline, the official website of the Muslim Brotherhood, stated that Brotherhood “deputies accuse the government of abandoning the nuclear program and [being content with not] building atomic power plants for peaceful purposes and electricity production at the same time many other countries such as India advanced in this field.”
      In the run-up to the 2009 U.S.-Egyptian summit, rumors that Obama was going to offer a nuclear umbrella to Mubarak generated concern in many different political circles. Mubarak, however, opted for preemption, insisting in an August 17 interview with the Egyptian daily Al-Ahram that “Egypt will not be part of any American nuclear umbrella intended to protect the Gulf countries” (Mahdy). Fareed Mahdy provides further details on Mubarak’s interview with Al-Ahram:Such an umbrella, he (Mubarak) said, “would imply accepting foreign troops and experts on our land – and we do not accept that.” Mubarak also emphasised that a U.S. nuclear umbrella “would imply an implicit acceptance that there is a regional nuclear power – we do not accept that either.”
      The Egyptian president asserted that “the Middle East does not need any nuclear powers, be they Iran or Israel – what we need is peace, security, stability and development.”

    2. Libya May 6, 2010


      Freedom House is supportive of NED programs but has been around since
      its creation by Elanor Roosevelt and they have been very active against Libya.

      Freedom House is funded by, amongst others, UNILEVER Corporation, USAID and the US Information Agency (USIA).
      Freedom House, in alliance with USIA, has provided covert and overt 'Radio Free' disinformation programs all over the world since at least 1952: e.g. Radio Free Europe, Radio Free Asia.

      The USIA is directly involved with US Army's 4th Psychological Operations Group in planning and coordinating major military operations (e.g. the Gulf War and the UNITAF intervention in Somalia).



      The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is an independent U.S. federal government agency that partners with groups worldwide to build infrastructure, promote global health, and offer humanitarian assistance

  8. April 14, 2011 A number of the groups and individuals directly involved in the revolts
    and reforms sweeping the region, including the April 6 Youth Movement in Egypt,
    the Bahrain Center for Human Rights and grass-roots activists like Entsar Qadhi,
    a youth leader in Yemen,
    received training and financing from groups like the International Republican Institute,
    the National Democratic Institute and Freedom House, a nonprofit human rights organization based in Washington, according to interviews in recent weeks and American diplomatic cables obtained by WikiLeaks.


    The April 6 Movement, after training with CANVAS, would return to Egypt in 2010, along with UN IAEA Chief Mohammed ElBaradei.

    Classified US diplomatic cables show that the state department has funnelled as much as $6m to the group since 2006 to operate the satellite channel and finance other activities inside Syria."

    The same report highlights a 2009 cable from the US Embassy in Syria that says that
    the Democracy Council received $6.3m from the state department to run a Syria-related programme, the "Civil Society Strengthening Initiative".

    The cable describes this as "a discrete collaborative effort between the Democracy Council and local partners" aimed at producing, amongst other things, "various broadcast concepts." According to the Washington Post: "Other cables make clear that one of those concepts was Barada TV."


    Let's look closer at the MJD. Last year, the Washington Post picked up a story from WikiLeaks, which had published a mass of leaked diplomatic cables.
    These cables appear to show a remarkable flow of money from the US state department to the British-based Movement for Justice and Development.
    According to the Washington Post's report: "Barada TV is closely affiliated with the Movement for Justice and Development, a London-based network of Syrian exiles.

  9. in this astonishing year of revolutions.

    The International Crisis Group reports do not shy away from acknowledging that there are gradually-growing elements of an armed insurgency in Syria; not surprisingly, given the government’s absolute refusal to stop murdering and torturing its own people, or to offer any genuine reforms whatsoever.
    created and edited by Will Straw, the son of Alice Perkins and Jack Straw

    An early warning sign perhaps was their long-running spat with George Monbiot,
    over the Rwandan genocide and the terrible atrocities in Bosnia.

    But things have taken a further and more serious turn with their dogmatic opposition
    to any Western intervention in the Arab World, in this astonishing year of revolutions.

    Presently, a lot of young unarmed policemen get killed. The media propaganda immediately labels them as victims of the regime.

    AK: They talk a lot about it in Syria. Rumor has it that trained commandos came across the border from Iraq.

    People in Syria are well-aware that after the US occupied Iraq, they formed special squads there.

    They were killing people, stirring up conflicts between the Shiite and Sunni communities, and between Muslims and Christians;


    It has to also be emphasized that Britain sent commandos into Iraq that were disguised
    as local Arabs to bomb local mosques and areas with civilians in order to create sectarian fighting amongst the Iraqis. [20]

    It is not beyond the realm of possibility that this is also being replicated
    amongst the Libyans and other Arab peoples in order to divide them and to fuel civil strife.


  10. George Grant of the Henry Jackson Society says Nato has proved the doubters wrong



    Henry Jackson Society advocates an interventionist foreign policy to spread democracy.


    In 1995, British MI6 approached the LIFG, many of whose leading members resided
    in the U.K

    2010 UK meets with the families of abu saleem

    Tuesday 29 June 2010 Islington and Hackney Amnesty Group
    Protest at the Libyan Embassy regarding the Abu Salim Prison Killings

  11. A meeting on March 2 2011 in the British parliament of the Henry Jackson Society “
    urged the Prime Minister to stand fast in his commitment to put a stop to the crimes of Colonel Gaddafi, including through the implementation of a no-fly zone and active assistance to Libyan opposition movements in conjunction with our allies”


    Stars of the meeting were that fearless champion of the oppressed and seeker after truth whom Israel asked to conduct the whitewash investigation into its murderous commando raid on the aid flotilla to Gaza,
    Nobel Peace Prize Winner Lord David Trimble,
    joined by such fellow fearless champions of the world revolution as
    Khaeri Aboushagor (UK Representative of the [CIA-sponsored] Libyan League for Human Rights)

    and Air Vice-Marshal Tony Mason, CB, CBE, DL, the former Air Secretary for the RAF

    According to David Rothscum, “The main opposition group in Libya now is the National Front for the Salvation of Libya.

    This opposition group is being funded by Saudi Arabia, the CIA, and French Intelligence.

    This group unified itself with other opposition groups, to become the National Conference
    for the Libyan Opposition. It was this organization that called for the “Day of Rage”
    that plunged Libya into chaos on February 17 of this year.”2

    2March 2011
    Mr Aboushagor also schmoozed with UK parliamentarians inside the House of Commons on 2 March 2011 at a Henry Jackson Society Emergency Meeting: Committee for a Democratic Libya:

    "This evening, Nobel Peace Prize Winner Lord David Trimble, Khaeri Aboushagor (UK Representative of the Libyan League for Human Rights) and Air Vice Marshal Tony Mason

    will join more than 100 Parliamentarians, diplomats, journalists and others at a meeting in Parliament to discuss the British Government’s response to the crisis

    'Strategic location'
    "(Zawiyah) is a very strategic location," said Khaeri Aboushagor, spokesman for
    the London-based opposition group the Libyan League for Human Rights.

    "He wants it for the refinery ... but more importantly he needs to take Zawiyah to move forces up. Only then can he hope to make a move on Benghazi."

    The counter-offensive by Gadhafi, almost three weeks after
    an uprising began against him in eastern Libya,
    has halted the rebels' advance in the east and left others stranded in Zawiyah and another western city, Misrata. msnbc.com news services Wed Mar 09, 2011

  12. Khaeiri Aboushagor said he had lived in Libya until 1982.

    Khaeri Aboushagor Media Training and Development Coordinator, Libyan Centre for Democracy and Human Rights, Benghazi, Libya


    p 62 Tigers on Air – New Players in Developing Media Markets

    As Aboushagor reported, Qatar had played an essential role in the Libyan revolution
    by making huge investments in media and was still providing training.

    The Transitional Council too has been waging an intense propaganda war.
    With the help of Qatar,
    the Transitional Council has established its own television and news channel.[25]
    This is how the Los Angeles Times described the news sources run by the Transitional Council:
    It’s not exactly fair and balanced media.
    In fact, as [Mohammed G.] Fannoush [the former librarian who runs the media for the Transitional Council] helpfully pointed out [in his own words], there are four inviolate rules of coverage on the two rebel radio stations, TV station and newspaper:

    -No pro-[Qaddafi] reportage or commentary (at least until the tyrant in Tripoli is deposed).

    -No mention of a civil war. (The Libyan people, east and west, are unified in a war against a totalitarian regime.)

    -No discussion of tribes or tribalism. (There is only one tribe: Libya.)

    -No references to Al Qaeda or Islamic extremism. (That’s [Qaddafi’s] propaganda.) [26]

    Moreover, Fannoush himself as the head of the opposition media acknowledged to the Los Angeles Times that the media in Benghazi serves as a mouthpiece for the Transitional Council. [27]


  13. Nevertheless, it wasn’t until the Libyan episode that the masks started to fall.
    In fact, the boss of JTrack
    and mentor of Wadah Kanfhar is none other than Mahmoud Jibril (the "J" in "JTrack" stands for "Jibril"

    International Crisis Group,
    The founding of the ICG was based on a chance meeting in January 1993 between former US diplomat and then-President of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
    Morton I. Abramowitz and future World Bank Vice-President Mark Malloch Brown
    on a flight to Sarajevo.[2]

    The International Crisis Group gives advice to governments and intergovernmental bodies like
    the United Nations, European Union and World Bank on the prevention and resolution of deadly conflict.
    It combines field-based analysis, policy prescription, and advocacy, with key roles being played by senior management and board members.

    Other Trustees Continued : Wadah Khanfar George Soros

  14. Furthermore, it should be noted that ICG members such as Richard Armitage and Kenneth Adelman are also signatories of the extreme right-winged Project for a New American Century, the literal architects of the extremely fake "War on Terror," and now some of the most vocal fear mongers regarding the unrest they themselves have not only planned by have funded and organized as well via the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and Freedom House.


    Soros’ Open Society Institute is also one of only three nongovernmental funders of the Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect,


  15. Revenue Watch began in 2002 as a program of the Open Society Institute & focused on Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan & Iraq,


    Lebanese Pierre Akel hosts the popular Web site Middle East Transparent,

    Pierre Akel  Saturday 26 February 2011 We are publishing the names with a view of the coming International Sanctions against the Qaddafi regime.

    4- The following is a Preliminary Black List (to be completed very shortly) of Libyan personalities who represent the financial striking arm of Qaddafi’s regime. Some of the following names are Libyan officials and sons of Libyan officials.

    1. Revenue Watch
      To the extent that it can be reconstructed, OSI-Zug funding appears to be directed at a variety of international causes in South America, Europe, Africa and Asia.104

      It also supports projects in the United States, including Revenue Watch,105

      the Sunlight Foundation,106
      and a major initiative called the “Alliance for Progressive Communications,”
      which is an offshoot of the Tides Foundation.107

      A full listing of OSI-Zug grants does not appear to be available.
      Interestingly, OSI-Zug funding is sometimes made in addition to other grants from OSF entities.


    2. The Problem of the Swiss OSF Foundation

      One of the main sources for OSF funding appears to be an Open Society Foundation institution based in Switzerland.
      This entity is not wholly transparent and is extremely difficult to understand.

      One possibility is that OSI-Zug simply operates with minimal supervision and makes its own funding decisions.
      This seems improbable given that OSI-Zug is the sole supporter of OSF-London, to the considerable amount (113)
      of $17,000,000.

  16. Libya has had sanctions imposed on it for a decade when it was regarded as a pariah state by the United States and other Western countries, before they were lifted in 2003.

    Belgium Andrew Stroehlein (communications director, International Crisis Group)(2011)

    In an interview with RFE/RL, Andrew Stroehlein, communications director for the International Crisis Group, called for countries to follow Switzerland’s example and impose an immediate assets freeze.
    "There's no reason that sanctions against Qaddafi and his family could not be enacted by individual countries or, say, on the European Union level, really right away," he said.

    "In terms of asset freeze, these things can happen quite quickly. That is a matter, really, of days."

    Another proposal gaining some traction was for the United Nations to declare a no-fly zone over Libya to prevent it using warplanes to hit protesters.

    There have also been calls to establish an international commission of inquiry into alleged crimes against humanity in Libya.

    Andrew Stroehlein is European Media Director of Human Rights Watch. Based in Brussels,
    he oversees media outreach and strategy in Europe and West Africa, ...
    Britain Sara Bronfman (Libyan Human Rights Activist) (2009)


    American candidate for the country to succeed German Ali Zeidan is Hassan Abdel Basset Igtet Obtained Swiss citizenship. - Married to Sarah Edgar Bronfman, a Jewish American. Edgar Bronfman is president of the Jewish World Congress

  17. Writing for Asia Times Online, Ellen Brown, president of the Public Banking Institute and author of Web of Debt, notes that one thing that the seven countries on “the List” have in common is that none is one of the “56-member banks of the Bank for International Settlements.

    That evidently puts them outside the long regulatory arm of the bankers’ central bank in Switzerland.”

    Brown quotes Eric Encina, a Filipino activist, “One major problem for globalist banking cartels is that in order to do business with Libya, they [had to] go through the Libyan Central Bank and its national currency [the dinar], a place where they [had] absolutely zero dominion or power-broking ability.
    Hence, taking down the Central Bank of Libya may not [have appeared] in the speeches of Obama, Cameron, and Sarkozy but this [was] certainly at the top of the globalist agenda for absorbing Libya into its hive of compliant nations.

    The Libyan Investment Authority invested oil income in corporations and banks overseas.
    In the estimated $150 billon invested outside Libya, the USA held $34 billion,
    UK-$19.7 billion,
    France-$10.56 billion, Belgium-$19 billion, Italy -$9.23 billion, Netherlands-$4.17 billion,
    Canada-$2.4 billion, and Germany-$9.73 billion.

    Michel Chossadovsky of Global Research points out that with the exception of Germany, the remaining seven countries comprised the NATO forces that blitzed Libya on behalf of an “humanitarian intervention.”


    Two articles discuss how the current NATO intervention in Libya is not about humanitarian aid,
    but focused on the country’s strategic importance for the U.S. and investing oil companies.

    Cables from as far back as 2007 discuss U.S. relations with Libya and the U.S.’ single-minded focus on U.S. strategic interests in the region – in particular the advantages of Libya’s natural oil resources.

    Growing resource nationalism in Libyan policies from 2007 to 2008 forced major international oil companies including ExxonMobil, Petro-Canada, Repsol (Spain), Total (France), ENI (Italy), and Occidental (U.S.) to accept contracts “on significantly less favourable terms than they had previously enjoyed – and were collectively made to pay $5.4 billion in upfront ‘bonus’ payments.”

  18. MoveOn.org
    They include financier George Soros who gave $1.46 million to MoveOn.org
    Soros and his Open Society Institute are the 800 pound gorilla on the left

    Something’s fishy here, and, as you suspected, it’s all connected … to the United States Government. LibyaFeb17 and EnoughGaddafi are pushed by Movements.org, the web site of an Alliance of Youth Movements.

    This “alliance” turns out to be a USG-sponsored outfit “dedicated to identifying, connecting, and supporting digital activists from around the world.”

    It was launched by, and funded by, the State Department in 2008 with corporate sponsors including Facebook, Howcast, MTV, Google, YouTube, AT&T, Pepsi, CBS News, MSNBC, JetBlue, Gen-Next and Access 360 Media,
    as well as Columbia Law School (see graphic, right).
    The Alliance’s 2009 Summit was addressed by Hillary Clinton, heard papers such as one by State Department official Jared Cohen (now Director of Google Ideas) on “Moldova’s Twitterrevolution,” and included such “youth movements” as the Teheran Bureau, Un Millón de Voces contra las FARC (Colombia) and the Movimiento Joven de Venezuela which has been active against the government of Hugo Chávez. These are “youth movements” made to the measure, and on the orders, of imperialism.



    Though the name "MoveOn" appears nowhere on the Avaaz site

    Zbigniew Brzezinski of course is the father of MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski, who daily feigns ignorance over the true nature of the protests and that her father is openly involved in orchestrating them. MSNBC itself is a corporate sponsor of Movements.org.



    In 2011, the Alliance of Youth Movements rebranded as “Movements.org.”
    In 2012 Movements.org became a division of “Advancing Human Rights,” a new NGO set up by Robert L. Bernstein after he resigned from Human Rights Watch (which he had originally founded) because he felt it should not cover Israeli and US human rights abuses.28

    Advancing Human Rights aims to right Human Rights Watch’s wrong by focusing exclusively on “dictatorships.”29
    Cohen stated that the merger of his Movements.org outfit with Advancing Human Rights was “irresistible,” pointing to the latter’s “phenomenal network of cyberactivists in the Middle East and North Africa.”30
    He then joined the Advancing Human Rights board, which also includes Richard Kemp,
    the former commander of British forces in occupied Afghanistan.31
    In its present guise, Movements.org continues to receive funding from
    Gen Next, as well as from Google, MSNBC, and PR giant Edelman, which represents General Electric, Boeing, and Shell, among others.32

  19. Sept 1,1969: Bloodless coup in Libya
    King Idris of Libya has been deposed in what appears to have been a bloodless coup.
    A group of military officers have seized power and declared the country a republic.
    But the king, who is in Turkey, has dismissed the coup as "unimportant".

    Dec 1969 A plan to use mercenaries to restore the monarchy was organised by David Stirling
    founder of the British Special Air Service , who at the time was running a company known as “Watch Guard”
    Secretly his company had been approached by a member of the Libyan Royal family

    1980's: US-CIA backed National Front for the Salvation of Libya (NFSL) made multiple attempts to assassinate Qaddafi and initiate armed rebellion throughout Libya.

    27 June 1980 and A Cover-Up by NATO : civilian jet with 81 civilians shot by French Mirage instead of Qaddafi Plane over Sicily

    It turns out, according to the Library of Congress Federal Research Division archives,
    that Sahad's NFSL had attempted to violently overthrow Qaddafi in 1984.
    The Library of Congress document goes on to explain that "according to various sources, the United States Central Intelligence Agency [CIA] trained and supported" NFSL before and after the failed coup.


    Libya, 84
    In may 84 15 gunmen attacked the residence of col. Qadhafi.
    A Sudan-based group called the national libya salvation front claimed
    Responsibility for the attack. Nair, k. (1986). Devil and his dart 98

    In 1984, the exiles launched two attacks on the regime. Both failed, though one of them,
    which was linked to a coup attempt did result in a genuine battle. This seemed to have triggered a U.S. reappraisal, with proposals being drafted for what presumably would have been a significantly higher level of U.S. support for the exiles.
    However, a number of policy makers considered the exiles too incompetent to serve as the basis for a large operation and the plans were shelved.

    A year later, they were revived following the hijacking of a U.S. jet, but this time, covert support of the exiles (Operation Tulip) was to be coupled with a contingency plan for an overt Egyptian invasion of Libya which the U.S. would support militarily (Operation Rose).

    As might be expected, the Egyptians were less than thrilled with the idea of starting war on an American schedule; meanwhile, the exile side of the plan, which received bare majority support in the congressional oversight committees, was leaked to the press. Nonetheless, Operation Tulip went ahead, but with no greater success than the French had had with their efforts.

    After another year had gone by and the exiles continued to fail, the U.S. finally began to consider an additional way of augmenting their efforts, this time by a massive propaganda and disinformation campaign (Operation Veil) that was supposed to frighten Qaddafi into thinking that additional U.S. military actions would soon be launched.

  20. 1985 code name "Flower".
    July-September 1985: Joint US-Egyptian Military Offensive against Libya Proposed by NSC, Rejected by Pentagon
    The plan is dubbed “Operation Flower,” with its two components called “Operation Tulip”
    and “Operation Rose,” respectively. Operation Tulip would be a covert CIA strategy using Libyan exiles to move into Tripoli and overthrow al-Qadhafi in a coup d’etat. Operation Rose proposes a joint US-Egyptian military campaign against the Libyan government

    On April 14, 1986 at 17:36 Greenwich Mean Time, twenty four F-111Fs
    of the USAF 48th Tactical Fighter Wing took off from the Royal Air Force base
    at Lakenheath, England.
    1986 United States bombing of Libya

    The 1986 United States bombing of Libya, code-named Operation El Dorado Canyon, comprised air strikes by the United States against Libya on Tuesday, 15 April 1986.

  21. Belhaj rallied hundreds of fighters in 1995 to wage a bloody insurgency against Gaddafi’s forces in eastern Libya


    Mar 26, 1996 Reuters news reports yesterday state that unrest in the Jabal Akhdar
    mountains of Eastern Libya is caused by armed rebels who may have
    joined escaped prisoners in an uprising against the government.

    This is an operation to overthrow Gaddafi led by Col. Khalifa Haftar,
    of a contra-style group based in the United States called the Libyan
    National Army. The army is the military wing of the Salvation Front for the Liberation of Libya.

    Hifter was referenced in a Washington Post report of March 26, 1996 dealing with an armed rebellion against Gaddafi.

    to assassinate Gaddafi in early 1996...

    Al-Liby remains on the FBI’s most wanted list, with a $25 million reward on his name.
    It will later be lowered to $5 million. [London Times, 5/8/2005] Al-Liby appears to have collaborated with British intelligence to kill Libyan leader Colonel Mu’ammar al-Qadhafi in 1996 and was allowed to openly live in Britain until 2000


    September 2002: CIA Completes ‘Iraqi Ties to Terrorism’ Report Based on Al-Libi Interrogation

    The CIA completes a highly classified report on “Iraqi Ties to Terrorism,” summarizing claims that Iraq has provided “training in poisons and gases” to members of al-Qaeda.
    The report warns that evidence for the claim comes from “sources of varying reliability” and has not yet been substanitated.
    The main source behind this allegation, Ibn al-Shaykh al-Libi

    In 2003, it will be reported that al-Liby was captured in Sudan and then secretly deported to Egypt, where he is wanted for an attempted assassination of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak

  22. http://www.mathaba.net/data/sis/telex.htm

    Coup will start with unrest in Tripoli, Misratah and Benghazi.February 1996.


    In a March 1996 statement sent to the Arab daily al-Hayat, MIG claimed responsibility
    for the February 1996 assassination attempt on Qadhdhafi in Sirt (AFP 26 Mar. 1996).

    In late spring 1996 the security forces attacked one of FIG's bases in Wadi al-Ingeel,
    west of Darna City, and an armed clash ensued (Nida'ul Islam May-June 1996).

    15 June 1998: A Libyan Islamic opposition group claimed responsibility for an alleged assassination attempt on Libyan leader Mu'ammar al-Qadhafi, a newspaper reported Sunday. The Libyan government has denied such an attack occurred.
    Al-Hayat quoted Abdullah Ahmed, the spokesman of the Islamic Martyrs Movement, as saying that its guerrillas carried out the attack in the Sidi Khalifa area, 20 miles east of Benghazi in eastern Libya. [AP]

  23. Then, since 1990 Sanūsiyya has started acting as coordinator for several opposition figures;
    and in 2005 in London the National Front for the Salvation of Libya,
    the Monarchist Party led by Fayez Jibril and Ibrāhīm Sahad,
    and six other political groups organized an opposition meeting,
    from which arose the National Accord, in order to restore the constitutional order envisaged by the 1951 UN resolution.

    The same year negotiations between the regime and some Islamic groups were starting, resulting, through Saif al-Islām’s conciliation, in measure of pardon to 132 political prisoners, including 84 Muslim Brotherhood members.

    2005: NFSL's Ibrahim Sahad founds the National Conference of Libyan Opposition (NCLO) in London England.


    Interestingly enough, the New York Times piece also depicts the UN enforced no-fly zone as now being an opportunity to offensively cripple Qaddafi's forces and dislodge him from power.


    Please note the "EnoughGaddafi.com" signs. EnoughGaddafi.com's
    webmaster is listed on the US State Department's Movements.org as
    the "Twitter" to follow.

  24. January 1994, page 50 Maghreb Mirror Libyans Debate Post-Qaddafi Era

    On Nov. 28-29, Washington's Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) hosted a conference on "Post-Qaddafi Libya: The Prospect and The Promise."

    The CSIS conference provided an opportunity ,for American policymakers, analysts arid journalists to see the variety of ideas and the depth of commitment exhibited by the Libyan opposition in exile.

    More importantly, however, it created a neutral forum for Libyan thinkers and activists to debate frankly the issues facing their country today and tomorrow.

    Although the discussion was occasionally heated, panel participants and the Libyans in the audience never lost sight of their common goal.
    In the words of Omar Fathaly, "If we manage to overthrow Qaddafi we have succeeded. Otherwise we are just standing still."

    Other participants at the 1994 conferences included:
    Executive Secretary Abdul Majid Buik of the National Front for the Salvation of Libya (NFSL);
    Former Prime Minister Abdoulhamid Al-Backoush;

    Omar Fathaly, formerly Director of Strategic Studies at Tripoli’s Arab Development Institute;

    Ezzedin Ghadamsi, a veteran trade union activist and diplomat; Political analyst and writer

    Ashur Shamis; Islamist scholar Aly R. Abuzaakouk; Shaha Aliriza, senior program officer, Middle East, National Endowment for Democracy;

    Tarik Al-Magariaf, Harvard-educated economist and son of NFSL leader Mohamed Al-Magaria;

    Economist Misbah Oreibi;

    Management consultant Mahmoud Dakhil.[6]

  25. On February 18, 2011 a group of people working for Secopex arrived in Benghazi
    to sign a contract with representatives of the Libyan National Transition-al Council.
    P 12 http://static.cejiss.org/data/uploaded/13835989579505/Article%2004_3.pdf

    Feb 19, 2011
    Libyan Opposition Warns of ‘Bloodbath,’ Calls for Intervention

    Monday, 21 February 2011

    Libyan Ambassador to UN urges international community to stop genocide

    Paris, Monday February 21 - The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH)
    and the Libyan League for Human Rights (LLHR) call on the international community
    to urgently mobilize in response to the growing risk that Gaddafi will use chaos as a strategy to stifle the protest movement that has spread throughout the country.


    On the 21st of February 2011, the General-Secretary of the LLHR, Dr. Sliman Bouchuiguir, initiated a petition in collaboration with the organisation UN Watch and the National Endowment for Democracy


    Paris, Monday February 21 2011
    Souhayr Belhassen, FIDH President : Massacres in Libya : The international community must respond urgently

    Souhayr Belhassen (Tunisia) became president of the FIDH in April 2007, at the Lisbon congress

    the Tunisian League for Human Rights, was a US National Endowment for Democracy
    and George Soros Open Society-funded
    International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) member organization.

    1. http://www.globalresearch.ca/america-s-conquest-of-africa-the-roles-of-france-and-israel/26886?print=1

      The National Endowment for Democracy and its Partnersip with the International Federation of Human Rights in Africa

      Following the 2007 election of Nicolas Sarkozy as the leader of the French Republic, the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) started to develop
      a real partnership with the National Endowment for Democracy.

      Both organizations are also partners within the World Movement for Democracy.

      Carl Gershman, the president of the NED, even went to France in December 2009 to meet with the FIDH to deepen collaboration between the two organizations and to discuss Africa. [1]  He also met individuals who are are considered as pro-Israeli lobbyists in France.

      The partnerships between the FIDH and the NED are mostly based in Africa and the intersecting Arab World. These partnerships operate in a zone that covers countries like Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Niger, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

      North Africa, which includes Libya and Algeria, has been a specific area of focus for the FIDH, where Washington, Paris, and NATO clearly have major ambitions.

      The FIDH, which is directly implicated in launching the war on Libya, has also received direct funding, in the form of grants, from the National Endowment for Democracy for its programs in Africa.

      In 2010, a NED grant of $140,186 (U.S.) was one of the latest amounts given to the FIDH for its work in Africa. [2] The NED was also one of the first signatories, along with the Libyan League for Human Rights (LLHR) and U.N. Watch, demanding international intervention against the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. [3]

  26. 21 feb. 2011 This morning on BBC radio they had a man who organised a protest in front
    of the Libyan embassy in London call his brother "live" in Benghazi. Apparently the crowd (there) had almost completely destroyed a barracks. It was on fire.

    "What about the soldiers inside?" the interviewer asked. The guy asked his brother (in Arabic): "They will burn" he replied.


    4:02 AM: Al Jazeera reports that the names of the two people killed in Al-Beida were Khaled ElNaji Khanfar and Ahmad Shoushaniya. They say at least 38 other people were injured in Al-Beida.

    The ICISS report recommends the use of force only as a last resort,
    after all political, diplomatic and non-military measures to prevent atrocities
    against civilian populations have been used and exhausted.

    Military force can be used only in “extreme and exceptional cases” (Article 4.10).

    There must be concrete evidence that the case is really extreme and that
    it requires international collective actions.
    It is disputable how Libya became an extreme case so quickly, while Darfur, Somalia, Syria or Yemen has not.


  27. U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon began to speak of “press reports” that the Libyan authorities were using helicopters to kill large numbers of civilians.


    RT @LibyanBentBladi: RT @Sarabelazi: What i saw yesterday in the #Fashloum area was scary, Rage,Anger and Weapons it has to stop!! #Libya

    Meanwhile according to the Stratfor publication, which referenced a diplomatic course in the region, reported that jets piloted by Ukrainians bombed demonstrators in Tripoli. in addition the same source reported that the Italian mafia supports the Gaddafi regime.
    Boats captained by Italians attacked protesters in Benghazi and Tripoli.


    Sheikh Sadiq al-Ghaliani, Libya’s most prominent cleric, also ruled against accepting bribes, curbing the regime’s attempts to buy loyalty. “Qaddafi, Tajoura [a city fourteen miles east of Tripoli] will be your grave,” scrawled his followers on the walls near his Saad bin Amr mosque.

    Dabbashi urged the international community to impose a no-fly zone over Libya to prevent mercenaries, weapons and other supplies from reaching Gaddafi and his security forces.

    He said the Libyan diplomats were urging the International Criminal Court, the Netherlands-based body, to investigate possible crimes against humanity in the Libyan context.

    Dabbashi’s comments came just hours after Ahmed Elgazir, a human-rights researcher at the Libyan News Centre (LNC) in Geneva, Switzerland, told Al Jazeera that security forces were “massacring” protesters in Tripoli.
    Elgazir said the LNC received a call for help from a woman “witnessing the massacre in progress who called on a satellite phone”.

    Mohamed el-Berqawy, an engineer in Benghazi, told Al Jazeera that the city was the scene of a “massacre,” and that four demonstrators had been killed.

    22 February
    The Libyan deputy ambassador to the United Nations,
    who had defected from the regime, said there had been, “an attack on the people started in the west of Libya. I think the genocide started now in Libya.”31

  28. Saturday, February 26, 2011 The United States, Britain and France have sent several hundred “defence advisors” to train and support the anti-Gadhafi forces in oil-rich Eastern Libya where “rebels armed groups” have apparently taken over.

    According to an exclusive report confirmed by a Libyan diplomat in the region “the three Western states have landed their “special forces troops in Cyrinacia and are now setting up their bases and training centres” to reinforce the rebel forces who are resisting pro-Qaddafi forces in several adjoining areas.

    A Libyan official who requested not to be identified said that the U.S. and British military gurus were sent on February 23 and 24 night through American and French warships and small naval boats off Libyan ports of Benghazi and Tobruk.

    The Western forces are reportedly preparing to set-up training bases for local militias set-up by the rebel forces for an effective control of the oil-rich region and counter any push by pro- Qaddafi forces from Tripoli.

    Other reports claim that efforts to “neutralize” the Libyan Air Force were also underway to limit Qaddafi’s rule in Tripoli if not fully uprooted from the country.

    the us spent 10 years in iraq looking for the non existent WMD but managed to find saddam's gold stash within 3 days https://twitter.com/baz2000/status/638017552946462720

    Libya in 2011 IMF estimated Libya had $6 billion gold reserves. No mention of where it was stored http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-12824137 …

  29. Robert Baer said
    Time magazine wrote that former CIA agent in the Middle East, Robert Baer said that according to this communications with high-ranking Libyan officers, the Colonel can only count of the loyalty of 5 thousand soldiers. these are all from the same tribe as Gaddafi and encompass the special forces, air force and navy. the remaining 40 thousand soldiers have gone over to the side of the revolutionaries or are refusing to carry out the orders given from Tripoli.

    Robert Baer, a former longtime C.I.A. agent in Lebanon, has been a severe critic of Hezbollah and has warned of its links to Iranian-sponsored terrorism.
    But now, he told me, “we’ve got Sunni Arabs preparing for cataclysmic conflict, and we will need somebody to protect the Christians in Lebanon.
    It used to be the French and the United States who would do it, and now it’s going to be Nasrallah and the Shiites.

    And this is precisely what is now unfolding all across the Middle East and North Africa.
    A cataclysmic conflict driven by sectarian extremists waging war on minority groups across the region, with only Iran, Syria, and Hezbollah left to defend them – and with the United States and its allies doing everything imaginable to stop them from doing so.


  30. 22 Feb 2011
    Immediate International Steps Needed to Stop Atrocities in Libya


    the Soros/Brzezinski International Crisis Group’s calls

    the International Crisis Group, or ICG, one of the main proponents of the international “Responsibility to Protect” doctrine.

    The doctrine is the very military protocol used to justify the NATO bombing campaign
    that brought down Moammar Ghadafi’s regime in Libya.

    Gareth Evans, president emeritus of the ICG, is the founder and co-author of the doctrine.

    Billionaire activist George Soros is on the ICG’s executive board. Soros’ Open Society Institute is also one of only three nongovernmental funders of the Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect, the group that devised the doctrine.


  31. When I was in Libya during the "Western"attack, I was able to view a report of the foreign intelligence services. It stated that, on February 4, 2011 in Cairo, NATO organized a meeting to launch the "Arab Spring" in Libya and Syria.

    According to this document, the meeting was chaired by John McCain.



    McCain's His International Republican Institute (IRI) was mentioned by name in the New York Times as being behind the supposedly "indigenous" "spontaneous" "Arab Spring" unrest in the first place.

  32. http://humanrightsinvestigations.org/2011/09/05/senator-john-mccain-support-racist-lynch-mobs/

    On February 24, John McCain urged the international community to take immediate action by imposing a no-fly zone over Libya to prevent Gaddafi from "airlifting mercenaries" and "using his military aircraft and armoured helicopters against civilians."
    This was supported by British Prime Minister David Cameron and French President Nicolas Sarkozy.

    In the following weeks, McCain and Secretary of State Joe Lieberman would work closely with France and the United Kingdom on negotiating with both fellow NATO countries as well as various Arab countries on supporting a UN-mandated no-fly zone over Libya.


    "On 15th of March the ship loaded with arm[s] arrived to the seaport of Tobruk.
    On 4th April 2011 two Qatari aircraft laden with a number of tanks, [ground-attack] missiles and heavy trucks was arranged.
    On 11th April 2011 a number of boats departed Benghazi for Misrata, the shipment comprised assistance including SAM-7 [anti-aircraft] missiles.
    On 22nd April 2011,800 rifles were sent from Benghazi to Misrata," the report said.

    That year, the annual U.S.-Islamic World Forum (US-IWF) – an event co-sponsored by the nation of Qatar and the Brookings Institute – was held in the U.S. for the first time, from April 12-14. Prior to that, it had been held in Doha, Qatar.

    McCain attended the 2011 edition and was part of a panel


    Note that on April 22, 2011, hundreds of rifles were "sent from Benghazi to Misrata," according to the report.
    Something else happened on that day. McCain was in Benghazi – with U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and told an Al-Jazeera reporter that the Libyan (Muslim Brotherhood) rebels were his "heroes" on the same day they were receiving weapons:

  33. From 2011 onward, the United States and its allies both European and regionally, would supply terrorists fighting the government of Syria billions in cash, weapons, equipment, and even vehicles.



    “In coordination with the Syrian Emergency Task Force, Senator John McCain traveled to and from Syria with General Salim Idris, the chief of staff of the Supreme Military Council of the Syrian opposition,


    The CIA’s go-between in Syria is General Salim ‘Sam’ Idriss, leader of the ‘Free Syria Army’,

  34. Senator John McCain also asserted that Ukraine should be given weapons to fight Russian-backed separatists in the east and dismissed concerns that the US arming Ukraine would escalate the conflict.



    15 May, 2015
    No Ukraine for McCain: US constitution precludes senator from joining reform council

    The list of interventions by John McCain on behalf of the State Department is impressive. He participated in all the color revolutions of the last twenty years.

  35. Dr. Samantha Power

    Director for Multilateral Affairs, United States National Security Council, Washington, DC;  Founding Executive Director, Carr Center for Human Rights, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; Author: A Problem From Hell: America and the Age of Genocide

    24 February 2011 "Open Letter to Ambassador Susan Rice," by Genocide Watch

    On February 23, 2011, just days into the Libyan uprising, Amnesty International sparked a media frenzy
    when it began condemning Libyan government actions,
    noting ‘persistent reports of mercenaries being brought in from African countries by the Libyan leader to violently suppress the protests against him’.


    With Samantha Power, a senior aide at the National Security Council, and Susan Rice, Obama's Ambassador to the UN, Clinton countered Gates' arguments that Libya was a risk not worth taking.
    They were able to show Obama that the Arab world wanted action, and while the President,
    at times, seemed more concerned with unfolding events in Yemen he was persuaded within 24 hours of the case for action.


    But if they believed things were so terrible in Libya weeks ago, they could have imposed a no-fly zone then. They have more than enough authority to act now.
    Why haven’t they acted? The answer is plain: they didn’t expect the UN Security Council would approve the action.

    Samantha Power, now serving as U.S. ambassador to the UN

  36. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1374206/Libya-Mercenaries-help-rebels-war-Gaddafi-say-UK-generals.html

    Send in the dogs of war: Mercenaries could help the rag-tag rebels say UK generals/march


    Canadian officials probably introduced the rebels to Garda, the world’s largest privately held security firm.

    The forces involved in the plight of February 17 :
    --25,000 Of elite soldiers of the Arabs ( Qatar - UAE - Jordan - Kuwait - Saudi Arabia - Sudan )

    --12,500 Special Forces soldier belonging to the NATO ( the French army corps African - Arab Army Maj. Gen. England - U.S. Special Forces - Malta - Italy - Turkey )

    - Mercenaries follow -Qaeda : 1200 Afghan - 800 Chechen --1,300 Algerian - 400 Lebanese --2,200 Tunisian --15,000 Egyptian --1,000 Sudanese --3,200 Gulf - 250 Yemeni - a European 400 - 600 Turkish

    - 300 fighter aircraft including 50 aircraft Arab ( Qatar, United Arab Emirates Jordan, Saudi Arabia) - 250 helicopter - 12 aircraft AWACS , including 4 Saudi planes - Number 2 nuclear submarine -
    4 aircraft carriers - 16 Battleship - 12 frigate - 8 submarines normal - 25 ships Guard coast -
    5 ships supply and logistics

    - In addition to the three Arab countries neighboring Libya, are Egypt , Tunisia, Sudan

    rebels have a small number of MIG-21 fighter aircraft that have flown within the supposed no-fly-zones

    Dwarfing the French contribution was that of Qatar,
    which allegedly supplied militias connected to the NTC with
    eighteen shipments amounting to 20,000 tons of weaponry.67
    Qatar went much further, later admitting that it had “hundreds” of
    troops “in every region” fighting against Qaddafi’s forces. This
    was confirmed by a senior figure from the NTC.68

    NOTE : besides Egypt,Jordan,Qatar,Sudan,France,UK,US,German boots, Australian , UK ,US funshooters,large numbers of jihadi forces , even people of Paraguy and Argentin also were present on Libiyans soil

  37. http://crescentshift.wordpress.com/2011/04/15/not-to-remove-qaddafi-by-force-obama-cameron-and-sarkozy/

    Not to remove Qaddafi by force: Obama, Cameron and Sarkozy

    The implication of this for military action by NATO and its partners was that they needed to physically destroy as well as deter Libyan ground forces alongside a deterrent no-fly-
    zone operation
    p 37

    Barely six weeks into the invasion, British officials were already boasting that NATO had killed over 35,000 such human beings

    “We estimate that [Gaddafi] has around 30 per cent of his ground forces capability remaining,” is how one British official put it, after estimating an initial ‘capability’ of 50,000).

    UK Mark Francois discuss a new army with khaled sharif

    “According to Kronos Advisory LLC, when the U.S. invaded Afghanistan in
    2001 after 9/11, Khalid al-Sharif escaped Afghanistan to Pakistan, where he
    remained until 2003. In 2003 he was captured in Peshawar, Pakistan, and
    handed over to the U.S., which later transferred him to Libya in 2005.

  38. http://www.muckety.com/Human-Rights-Watch/5000934.muckety?big=true
    Human Rights Watch
    Today Human Rights Watch is effectively owned by billionaire George Soros, who foots almost 80% of its $128 million budget.

    2 September 2008 "Rice Should Press Tripoli to Improve Rights," by Human Rights Watch

    Washington, DC, January 3, 2008) - Despite some improvements in recent years, Libyan citizens still suffer serious human rights abuses, Human Rights Watch said today ahead of a visit to the United States by Libya's
    foreign minister Libyan Foreign Minister Abdelrahman Shalgam is meeting his US counterpart,Condoleezza Rice, in Washington on January 3, 2008. Relations between the United States and oil-rich Libya have warmed, centering on business ties and counterterrorism, since Libya renounced terrorism and its weapons of
    mass destruction programs. The countries resumed full diplomatic relations in 2006 after a 27-year hiatus.

    Human Rights Watch has documented three cases of political prisoners who have been "disappeared" in the past 18 months. Their cases and other human rights violations are detailed in a briefing paper released
    by Human Rights Watch today, "Libya: Rights at Risk"(http://hrw.org/english/docs/2008/01/03/libya17674.htm).
    One section of the paper documents the continued detention without charge of two Libyan men returned to Libya
    by the US government from Guantanamo Bay. The United States, acting in part on Libyan promises of humane treatment, sent Muhammad Abdallah Mansur al-Rimi to Libya in December 2006,
    followed by Sofian Ibrahim Hamad Hamoodah in September 2007.(Sufyan bin Qumu)
    6 sep. 2012 – Delivered Into Enemy Hands US-Led Abuse and Rendition of Opponents to Gaddafi's Libya.

    As Deputy Chief of Mission (DCM) of the newly-opened U.S. Embassy in Tripoli in 2007-2008, Christopher Stevens met with al Qaeda terrorists in Libyan prisons, to ensure they were being treated properly and were not being tortured.

    Stevens gave up his Christmas day in 2007 to visit with Abu Sufian Hamouda Bin Qumu, whose al Qaeda ties were detailed by the U.S. Department of Defense in this 2005 detainee assessment. Sufian Bin Qumu so hated Westerners that he refused to meet with investigators from Human Rights Watch after the fall of Qaddafi.

  39. https://dearkitty1.wordpress.com/2011/07/27/libyan-war-for-oil-wikileaks-documents-show-2/

    As the cables show, as recently as August 2009, US Senator John McCain led a high-profile bipartisan congressional delegation to meet with Gaddafi. McCain characterised the “overall pace of the bilateral relationship as excellent”. Senator Joe Lieberman said “we never would have guessed ten years ago that we would be sitting in Tripoli, being welcomed by a son of Muammar al-Qadhafi,” before calling Libya an “important ally in the war on terrorism.”

    In March 2010, due to the intervention of Tony Blair, Saif Qaddafi (Muammar’s son) announced the release of Belhadj and 233 other members of the LIFG from Abu Selim as part of a reconciliation
    of the Qaddafi government with the LIFG and the Muslim Brotherhood. The mediator in this effort, which began in 2005, was the Libyan, Muslim Brotherhood-linked,
    Qatari-based cleric Ali al-Sallabi.
    Less than a year after they were released, Belhadj and the other members of the LIFG became the core of the opposition to Qaddafi. According to the Wall Street Journal, bin Qumu began training jihadists in Derna in April of 2011.

  40. “According to Kronos Advisory LLC, when the U.S. invaded Afghanistan in
    2001 after 9/11, Khalid al-Sharif escaped Afghanistan to Pakistan, where he
    remained until 2003. In 2003 he was captured in Peshawar, Pakistan, and
    handed over to the U.S., which later transferred him to Libya in 2005.

    While in Abu Selim prison in Tripoli, al-Sharif participated in the reconciliation
    dialogue with Saif Qaddafi.
    On March 23, 2010, Khalid al-Sharif,
    characterized as the “LIFG military commander” by Kronos Advisory LLC,
    was released along with LIFG emir Abdel Hakim Belhadj, Sami al-Saadi, the
    spiritual leader of the LIFG, and Abu Sufian bin Qumu, the current leader of
    Ansar al-Sharia, who had been a detainee at Guantanomo. Ansar al-Sharia
    took CREDIT for the terrorist attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi.”

    The United Arab Emirates government-owned newspaper The National has published an article on Europe being caught in a bind after cozying up for years with Libya.
    It notes a key fear for Europe is “terrorism and Islamist fundamentalism that might arise in a power vacuum,” particularly the possibility of the rise of an Islamic emirate in Eastern Libya.
    The article echoes many of the issues and points raised in the aforementioned cables:
    Al Qa'eda's central leadership is composed of many Libyans and al Qa'eda-linked Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) has a presence in eastern Libya and the troubled Sahel region.”

    Col Qaddafi has been helpful in counterterrorism operations - even the United States would agree with that at least in part - but he has also released prisoners with some connections to al Qa'eda in recent years.

    It is very possible that a non-aggression pact has been signed with some LIFG members who have given up the goal of an Islamic regime in Libya and are focusing on western targets. European security services have already considered the possibility of Libyan operatives pulling off an attack in Europe, in particular against Switzerland.

    Bloomberg reports, “The SITE Monitoring Group, which checks the websites of Islamic militant groups, said yesterday that al-Qaeda’s North African arm, al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, expressed solidarity with anti-government forces in Libya and urged Muslims everywhere to support the uprising. “We will do whatever we can to help,” SITE quoted the group as saying.”

    Since these groups described have traditionally been anti-Gaddafi (probably because the Libya government has targeted its members), it is no surprise that they would side with the revolution.

    We are not affiliated with WikiLeaks Heather Marsh
    Other Related News Sources: EnoughGaddafi website
    The website Enough! (Khalas!), started by second generation Libyan expatriates in the US, is a home for all who support the “overwhelming need for change in Libya”, while bloggers continue to speak out within the country. Human Rights Watch compiled a 78 page report on Libya in 2009 entitled “Truth and Justice Can’t Wait” which details repressive laws which continue to stifle speech and abuses by the Internal Security Agency which remain the norm.

    Please note the "EnoughGaddafi.com" signs. EnoughGaddafi.com's
    webmaster is listed on the US State Department's Movements.org as the "Twitter" to follow.

  41. "The evidence we have been able to gather so far strongly suggests that Gaddafi government forces went on a spate of arbitrary killing as Tripoli was falling," Sarah Leah Whitson, Human Rights Watch's North Africa director, said in a statement.She added: "These incidents, which may represent only a fraction of the total, raise grave questions about the conduct of Gaddafi forces … If they are proven to be extrajudicial killings they are serious war crimes and those responsible should be brought to justice.
    Sunday 28 August 2011 20.05 BST
    Another 18 bodies were found rotting in a dry riverbed between Gargur and Gaddafi's shattered compound at Bab al-Aziziya – further evidence of apparent war crimes. Some 50 charred bodies were also discovered in a military camp in Tripoli held by Gaddafi's supporters.

    That sudden endorsement of the official Khamis shed narrative by Clive Baldwin is interesting. Baldwin is the Senior Legal Advisor for the Legal and Policy office at Human Rights Watch, where he has been working on issues of international law since 2007.
    I doubt very much he was in Tripoli at the time, yet Sky News reports him in a report filed at 05.45 on Sunday 28 August. So, he makes a call based on a fishy report by the sole HRW operative in Tripoli who hasn't even seen the shed,just spoken to a dodgy witness and Stuart Ramsay being led up the garden path by key perps Salim Rajub/Rajip/Al-Ferjani and Al-Hitri. He's based in London.@cliveabaldwin Pathetic.

    On 27 August, Baldwin tweets the HRW report Libya: Q&A on the Arrest and Surrender of the Three International Criminal Court Suspects dated 26 August. And so the the same day as the much publicised BBC World at One broadcast by Sidney Kwiram, we are fixing the evidence around the demand for the arrests..
    And on Sept 2, HRW rushes into the Sky News studio:
    Clive Baldwin ‏ @cliveabaldwin 2 Sep Will be discussing Libya on SkyNews at 1530.


    On 27 August, Baldwin tweets the HRW report Libya: Q&A on the Arrest and Surrender of the Three International Criminal Court Suspects dated 26 August.
    And so the the same day as the much publicised BBC World at One broadcast by Sidney Kwiram,
    we are fixing the evidence around the demand for the arrests..

    “To insist that he both leave the country and face trial in the International Criminal Court is virtually to ensure that he will stay in Libya to the bitter end and go down fighting”, says Hugh Roberts, Crisis Group’s North Africa Project Director. “That would render a ceasefire all but impossible and so maximise the prospect of continued armed conflict”.

    1. August 25, 2015
      Isis in Libya: Who is Hassan al-Karami the spiritual leader of Islamic State in Sirte

      Reports which followed said 12 men were killed in the ostentatious public display, their headless bodies strung up after being paraded through the town.
      The brutal attack in Sirte sent shockwaves across the region and the Arab league is set to launch airstrikes against Islamic State in retaliation.

      However, not a great deal is known about Karami, only in his early twenties,
      a Benghazi-bred preacher and the most senior Libyan in Islamic State's 'Tripoli State' offshoot.



      Libya’s Islamic State branch on Thursday brutally put down a rebellion against the group in the town of Sirte, halfway between the capital Tripoli and the eastern port of Benghazi.IS killed 38 members of the Ferjani tribe

      August 25, 2011
      Mohammed Karami
      Reporters on the scene said rebels were using antiaircraft guns to hammer at least 10 buildings sheltering Gaddafi loyalists. There were huge explosions, and the air was clogged with smoke. At least three of the buildings were burning.
      “They are holding at least 10 tall buildings.
      They have heavy weaponry, maybe even a tank,” Mohammed Karami,
      a rebel involved in the battle, told the Associated Press


      August 25, 2011
      16.59 Stuart Ramsay, the Sky correspondent on the edge of the battle
      for Abu Salim, central Tripoli, reports seeing the bodies of five black Africans, hands tied, who may have been executed.

      12.10 James Bays, Al Jazeera English correspondent, is at a hospital morgue.
      He writes on Twitter:
      Twitter Just seen bodies of 15 men in hospital morgue. Staff say all the hallmarks of mass execution...

  42. The fifth panellist was Amnesty International’s Libya researcher Carsten Jurgensen.

    The event came on the eve of the publication of Amnesty’s highly critical report on the state of human rights Militias Threaten Hopes for New Libya .

    Jurgensen recalled that he was previously Libya researcher in the late 90s “when initially we couldn’t go to the country ..and research was practically not possible because there was so much monitoring it was impossible to talk to people freely.”

    Amnesty International recommends that the Libyan authorities take, as a matter of urgency, the following steps:
    Ensuring the rights to freedom of expression and association
    Release all prisoners of conscience immediately and unconditionally;
    amnesty 2004


    8 March 2004 After our interview Cordone visited Libya, where he issued an Amnesty report – the first in 15 years – criticising its human rights record. The following day, Libya released more than 1,000 prisoners.


    Hresha claims the Brotherhood still has thousands of members scattered across Libya, with chapters in almost every single town, including Sirte, Gadhafi’s birthplace on the coast west of Tripoli.

    In 2006, its leaders were released after reconciling with the Libyan regime.

    Amnesty and the NATO Cover-Up of War Crimes in Libya.

  43. On February 23, 2011, just days into the Libyan uprising, Amnesty International sparked a media frenzy when it began condemning Libyan government actions, noting ‘persistent reports of mercenaries being brought in from African countries by the Libyan leader to violently suppress the protests against him’.

    Non-business groups also recorded lobbying on Libya: Amnesty International of the USA spent $779,331 according to Influence Explorer.
    In Senate lobbying records it listed Libya as one of the countries that it was advocating for human rights. 

    Suzanne Nossel, former assistant to Richard Holbrooke in his capacity as UN Ambassador and currently Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Assistant for International Organization Affairs, has been selected as the new Executive Director of Amnesty International USA. In the discharge of her duties at the State Department, she diligently exploited human rights to benefit imperial ambitions.

    Ms. Nossel had previously worked for Human Rights Watch, as well as for Bertelsmann Media Worldwide and the Wall Street Journal as Vice President of Strategy and Operations.

    Suzanne Nossel, a longtime U.S. “humanitarian interventionist,”


    http://wrongkindofgreen.org/2012/10/01/suzanne-nossel-executive-director-of-amnesty-international-usa/ (Human Rights Investigation)

    On January 11, 2013, Suzanne Nossel resigned from Amnesty International.

    Money and “Humanitarian Credentials”: How the U.S. Government Co-Opts Human Rights Groups
    April 04, 2013 For decades, the U.S. government has worked to bend respected human rights groups to the goals of Official Washington, often by spreading around money and credentialing the easily co-opted.
    The strategy has touched groups like Amnesty International and now PEN, write John V. Walsh and Coleen Rowley.
    Suzanne Nossel is a disturbing choice as the new executive director of PEN, American Center, an American branch of the worldwide association of writers and related professions devoted to free expression and “the ideal of one humanity living in peace in the world.”

    International PEN was founded in 1921 to act as a powerful voice for freedom of expression and in defense of writers facing harassment and jail.


  44. http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/ND06Ak03.html
    We want war, and we want it now,By Pepe Escobar
    The House of Saud and Qatar have institutionalized that motley crew known as the Free Syrian Army as a mercenary outfit; they are now on their payroll, to the tune of $100 million (and counting).
    Isn't democracy wonderful - when US-allied Persian Gulf monarchies can buy a mercenary army for peanuts? Isn't it great to be a revolutionary with an assured paycheck?

    Sources in Doha, the Qatari capital, have confirmed that Qatar’s interest in proselytizing on behalf of — essentially — the Muslim Brothers has been very much at the behest of the Barack Obama White House in the US. Qatar has been even more active in supporting the interests of the Muslim Brothers in the ongoing Syrian dispute, as a means of helping to remove what is seen as a pro-Iranian, pro-Shi’a Government and replacing it with a Government essentially dominated by the Muslim Brothers (and therefore more oriented toward neo-salafist Sunni sects, such as the Wahhabis, as well as toward the Turkish “secular” or modern Islamists).

  45. http://www.bannednews.net/Article.php?ID=17100&R=4&
    A June 17, 2014, World Net Daily report highlights how Americans trained Syrian rebels who later joined ISIS in a secret base located in Jordan. Jordanian officials told WND’s Aaron Klein that “dozens of future ISIS members were trained [in a US run training facility in Jordan] at the time as part of covert aid to the insurgents targeting the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in Syria.” Reports in Der Spiegel, the Guardian, Reuters and other mainstream outlets all confirmed that the US, Britain, France and their regional allies were training militants in secret bases in Jordan and Turkey as part of the West’s proxy war against the Assad regime. The West has attempted to cover-up its support of ISIS and al-Qaeda elements by running a ‘two degrees of separation’ gambit. Washington claims to only provide support to ‘moderate, vetted’ rebel groupings, namely the Free Syrian Army (FSA), but this amounts to a calculated ruse to confound the credulous masses. FSA is the nom de gerre of a loose collection of rebel bandits who don’t operate under a central command framework or authority, rather acting independently or under the umbrella of other factions. Aron Lund, an expert on Syrian rebel groups, discerned in a March 2013 article titled “The Free Syrian Army Doesn’t Exist” that from the very beginning the FSA has been nothing more than a fictional branding operation.

    ISIS: A Repository of Patsies for the False Flaggers
    At long last, this brings us to the ‘second phase’ of the ISIS psyop: scaring Westerners into submission.
    It’s no coincidence that the notorious belligerence of ISIS in its quest for a ‘caliphate’ aligns perfectly with the neocon agenda which aims to inculcate in the minds of the masses the myth of a ‘clash of civilizations’ between the West and Islam.
    In its official magazine, Dabiq, ISIS ideologues advanced a parallel attitude with the neocon desire for a civilizational conflict. Is that merely happenstance?
    Or has ISIS been manufactured by the neocons to serve as the ultimate boogeyman and straw man caricature of ‘Islamic radicalism’?

    “In the mid-1980s, Al Qaida was a database located in computer and dedicated to the communications of the Islamic Conference’s secretariat.
    “In the early 1990s, I was a military intelligence officer in the Headquarters of the French Rapid Action Force. Because of my skills in Arabic my job was also to translate a lot of faxes and letters seized or intercepted by our intelligence services . . . We often got intercepted material sent by Islamic networks operating from the UK or from Belgium.

    It is noteworthy that that Yugoslav government, the government with whom Bunel was asserted by the French government to have shared information, claimed that Albanian and Bosnian guerrillas in the Balkans were being backed by elements of “Al Qaeda.” We now know that these guerrillas were being backed by money provided by the Bosnian Defense Fund, an entity established as a special fund at Bush-influenced Riggs Bank and directed by Richard Perle and Douglas Feith.

  46. December 25, 2011

    London's Henry Jackson Society Maps Out Anglo-French-American Invasion of Syria
    London's Henry Jackson Society has just issued a detailed, 17-page blueprint for a military attack and invasion of Syria, to be conducted either by NATO or by a UK-France-U.S.-Turkey alliance, with assistance from some Gulf states. Founded in 2005 by adherents of the British Empire "Round Table" and leading American neo-cons, the Henry Jackson Society is devoted to perpetual war and the destruction of the sovereign nation-state.
    The chickenhawks of the "Scoop" Jackson Society, propose to begin the military intervention with a pre-emptive campaign of air strikes to knock out Syria's air-defense systems, following up with a small ground operation.

    British SAS, and U.S., Turkish, and Qatari special operations forces would be deployed to coordinate with the rebels in setting up a "Syria Safe Area" — "a Syrian Benghazi" — to provide an operating base for rebels, including an encrypted communications directorate and the broadcasting of "Free Syria" radio and TV programs.

    Saturday 19 November 2011
    Britain in secret talks with Syrian rebels

    Goal: Regime Change Syria October 25/2011
    In this paper the FPI is endorsing the removal of the Assad government through specific tactics.

    -Providing "support" to Syrian Opposition.
    This is already being done. Has been for months now.

    -Imposing No Fly Zones.
    This has been talked about previously. I am quite certain I have at least two other posts on this "suggestion" The entire paper is dressed up as actions being necessitated out concern for the Syrians. Nothing could be further from the truth.

    Interesting to note in the side bar of FPI.... FPI is reading the Henry Jackson Societies- The Scoop.
    Coincidentally or NOT. William Kristol is an International Patron of the Henry Jackson Society
    Clearly it is NO Coincidence.

    The Henry Jackson Society has been vocal in their support for regime change in Syria.


    Syria: NATO will not intervene but the smear campaign is on!

  47. The Syrian Opposition: Who's Doing The Talking?

    But Weiss is not only a blogger. He's also the director of communications and public relations at the Henry Jackson Society, an ultra-ultra-hawkish foreign policy thinktank.

    shalom.edu.au, 25 Sept 2011 [cached]
    Michael Weiss
    Michael Weiss is an active representative with the Board of Deputies and an aspiring campaigner for social justice. He has been involved in several refugee initiatives and is currently helping refugees find work experience. At university he was the National Political Affairs Director for AUJS.
    AUJS | Past Executives
    aujs.com.au, 7 Aug 2010 [cached]
    Political Affairs Director: Michael Weiss
    AUJS | Past Executives

  48. Amnesty has actively joined the propaganda war against Syria. The author of a 2011 report on custody deaths in that country confessed in an interview that Amnesty had not been allowed to enter Syria at the time, so research for the report was done mainly from London, neighboring countries and other sources. In other words, unverified information.


    This also applied to the UN, whose reports were “one-sided and not worthy of that organisation”.


  49. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2013/09/07/samantha-powers-case-for-striking-syria/
    Samantha Power’s case for striking Syria

    Only 9 percent of Americans support a US military intervention in Syria.

    Only 11% of the British supported a UK military intervention; this increased to 25% after the announcement of the alleged chemical attack.

    British Prime Minister David Cameron lost a parliamentary vote August 29 endorsing military action against Syria 285-272


  50. 23.08.2013 General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has clearly outlined to US congressional leaders the risks associated with a fourth major military intervention in a Muslim country, warning that using lethal force in Syria's sectarian conflict would be "no less than an act of war" and Washington "should be prepared for what happens next.
    "In a recent, tense exchange, US Senator John McCain - one of the most prominent hawks in Congress - had asked General Dempsey whether or not the US should launch a military intervention in Syria. Dempsey demurred, saying that only America's elected leaders could answer such a question. In response, McCain moved to block Dempsey's nomination for a second term as America's top military officer.


    Gen. Martin Dempsey Calls Migrant Flow Into Europe a 'Real Crisis'
    The image of a 3-year-old Syrian boy who had drowned off the coast of Turkey has galvanized world attention on the migrants desperately fleeing the war in Syria for Europe.
    Dempsey said the photos may have a similar effect to the 1995 deadly mortar attack on a Sarajevo market square that tipped the balance in favor of NATO’s intervention in Bosnia.

  51. The West had its chance to intervene in the bloodshed in Syria when it began. Ample chance, in fact. Western democracies were, however, snakebite by their experience in Libya, where the NATO powers that intervened in that conflict had no plan for the post-Muammar Gaddafi environment and left behind them a vacuum filled by Islamist militants.

    Rothman misremembers the debate over intervention in Syria. In late 2011 and early 2012, Libyan war supporters were still prematurely and foolishly praising it as a “good” intervention that had “worked,” and they touted it as a model.

    The case against intervening in Syria in the beginning was that it didn’t meet the criteria that had been used to justify the Libyan war. The Libyan war was sold as a one-off intervention, not the beginning of a string of military actions, and while some in the Syrian opposition may have wrongly believed that they could get the U.S. and its allies to take their side early on that was never in the cards.

  52. Chechen Jihadis Leave Syria, Join the Fight in Ukraine
    “No photographs,” Mansur shook his head when a journalist tried to take his picture.

    In a recent piece of blissful, indeed bestial ignorance and/or stratcomm,

    Michael Weiss plies his ‘journalistic’ hand to Russia – in particular, its opaque North Caucasus and mujahedin – with less than sterling results (“Russia’s Playing a Double Game With Islamic Terror,” The Daily Beast, 23 August 2015).

    Weiss is the editor of The Daily Beast – a very fitting title for a venue featuring such work.

    Image: While NATO is clearly threatening Russia’s borders in Ukraine, it is also creating a united front of sectarian extremists that will push through Russia’s southern region.
    This is essentially Adolf Hitler’s invasion of Russia, in slow motion, using the methods of 4th generation warfare – Operation Barbarossa and the Afrika Korps accounted for.  

    1. Dang, H, that's quite a lot of on topic info that really adds to the value of this post. I read several. Cheers!

  53. Libya
    dr Ahmed Radwan from Egypt : witness ICC

    During his over 3 months in Misrata, Mercy-USA sponsored Dr. Ahmed Radwan, a vascular surgeon and professor at Cairo University, operated on about 100 persons and treated over 600 others.CNN

    On March 22, 2011, Mercy-USA sponsored Drs. Dina Omar and Ahmed Radwan examined an American pilot who had ejected from his F-15E fighter jet as it was crashing near Benghazi. He was brought to the hotel where they were staying. Drs. Omar and Radwan examined the pilot and showed him that he was among friends. http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2011/03/23/134756740/live-blog-allied-action-in-libya-tuesday-developments

    Dedicated to alleviating human suffering and supporting individuals and their communities
    in their efforts to become more self-sufficient, Mercy-USA for Aid and Development is a registered PVO (Private Voluntary Organization) with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID),
    has special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC),
    and is a member of the American Council for Voluntary International Action (InterAction).

  54. Syria A doctor at the rebel hospital serving the area, Dr Ahmed Radwan
    A doctor at the rebel hospital serving the area, Dr Ahmed Radwan, told us that the rebels had advanced at dawn on Wednesday but that something had gone wrong. About ten had died, he said.


    A Syrian fighter describes Captagon’s intoxicating effects. “You don’t ever want to sleep.
    If the commander told me to attack a military barracks, I will do it with a brave heart and without any fear.”

    “We know many of these guys quite well. Lots of them were never even religious. There are many who are drug addicts, who get high and lose their fear of dying, so they are dangerous to confront, and they often use strange tactics.”
    According to another PFLI source, the “imported Jihadists” die in high numbers because they ignore the battlefield realities. Their average number of dead in any given firefight over the past two years is estimated to be approximately five times the number of Hezbollah casualties, three times the number of PFLI fighters, and twice the number of casualties than the regular Syrian army.

    Oct 18, 2014
    There are reports coming out from Kobani, Syria, of dead ISIS rebels being found with pills in their possession.Ekram Ahmet, a Kurd who fled Kobani with his family, told Mirror:
    “They are filthy, with straggly beards and long black nails.”“They have lots of pills with them that they all keep taking. It seems to make them more crazy if anything.”

    Tunisie numerique recalls that before the Syrian conflict the drug was used in other conflict zones,
    adding the former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi accused the Islamists in Libya of taking hallucinogens. Apart from deadening the feeling of fear and pain, the Captagon also has hallucinogenic effects.


    Captagon (Bulgaria)
    Thierry Meyssan about Captagon (Bulgaria), Foreign Jihadists in Syria


    1. ISIS propaganda also neglects to mention that drug addicts are joining the Islamic State just to feed their addiction.

      In September 2014 the New York Times reported how ISIS successfully recruited hundreds of vulnerable young Turkish men in poor neighborhoods, many of whom were drug addicts.


      In 2014 it was widely reported that Syria was manufacturing and trafficking large amounts of amphetamines, primarily a drug called Captagon, generating hundreds of millions of dollars in profits.

      Captagon, a brand name for Fenethylline, is a synthetic stimulant that is a popular recreational drug in the Middle East. As a result of the Syrian civil war the drug began to be produced on a large scale in Syria.

       In just one incident the Syrian Arab Army seized a tank truck containing a ton
      of pills.

      Captagon is smuggled to Lebanon which traffics it to the rest of the Gulf region.
      In 2014 Lebanon’s Internal Security Forces (ISF) seized 55 million pills; in 2013 they seized 12.3 million; and prior to 2013 they seized less than half a million pills per year.
      Large scale seizures of Captagon in Lebanon were unheard of until the collapse
      of Syria. Several reports in August 2014 claimed that ISIS was receiving large revenues by manufacturing and trafficking methamphetamine at pharmaceutical manufacturing labs they seized in Aleppo.

      The Aleppo plants contained the chemicals and equipment necessary to make high grade product.

      A report published in March by the Russian Federal Drug Control Service (FSKN) estimated that the Islamic State group makes up to US$1 billion per year in sales on Afghan heroin trafficked through its territory.

      In October, Spanish intelligence said that European cells of the Islamic State group and other extremist groups were using ties to the illegal drug trade to finance operations in Iraq and Syria.



  55. 2/17-19 Aljazeera with footage of feb 17-19 and victims of shootings,
    images of G forces shooting protesters Benghazi
    February 21st, 2011 11:49 PM ET

    Feb17Libya ‏@feb17libya 22 Feb 11 Al Jazeera has landed in Libya - 1:00 p.m. Local Libya Time http://f.ast.ly/VTknn #@shabablibya

    Editor's note: CNN's Ben Wedeman reports from eastern Libya after crossing into that country from Egypt. He is the first Western television correspondent to enter and report from Libya during the current crisis.


    The International Criminal Court's chief prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo made an appeal in February for "footage and images to confirm the alleged crimes", after the United Nations Security Council referred the Libyan uprising to the court.

    A court filing applying for arrest warrants listed video evidence, mainly from media,
    but also from unspecified sources, in support of its claim.

  56. On March 29, I saw a rally in Hama to support the president – indeed, many thousands of men and women, with their children, and entire families went out. The streets were flooded with people.

    It was quite a shock to see Al-Jazeera presenting rallies in support of the president as if they were protests against him. It was just as surprising to see the Israeli websites post photos and videos of supporters' rallies with comments saying those were opponents of the regime.
    There you have people holding portraits of Bashar al-Assad and flags, and we’re told that these people are against him.

  57. On 18 February, security forces withdrew from Benghazi after being overwhelmed by protesters—some security personnel also joined the protesters.


    -The director of the city's Al-Jala hospital, Abdelkarim Gubeaili, told AFP that 38 people were treated for light injuries.

    18 feb 2011 , Friday, Meanwhile, the paper said that a group of protesters killed the managing director of AL-Galaa hospital in downtown Benghazi, Libya 's second largest city.
    The victim's body was tortured, it added.

    "Our ambulances counted 75 the first day, 200 the second, after that more than 500,"
    said Buffet, who worked at the Benghazi Medical Center for about a year and a half.

    Libyan Doctors for Hospitals in Libya Excerpt: The first team was sent to Al Jalaa Hospital in Benghazi, which has received the bulk of the casualties since the onset of the crisis.

    The second team was posted to Ajdabya Central Hospital, which has also received dozens injured in the clashes in and around the city. These steps were taken in coordination with the Libyan Red Crescent and the Benghazi Health Committee, after thorough discussions with all concerned.

    09 September 2012
    Amnesty said in a statement sources at al-Jala hospital in Benghazi had reported 28 deaths :
    medical center's director general, Dr. Fathi al-Jehani

  58. February 23 2011
    Muslims Without Borders’ medical convoy arrived at the Libyan border on Wednesday, February 23rd
    with a shipment of emergency medical supplies. The shipment was delivered to to Al Jalaa Hospital in Bengazi on February 24th. MWB was the first American NGO to operate inside Libya.

    The article pointed out hat Mousaeeb is “a Libyan from Benghazi and the head of an organization called the Libyan Council for Relief and Support,” which is delivering supplies to the armed groups in Syria.


    Libyan Relief Effort – Paypal Naeem Gheriany naeem @ easy . com

    “The interim council’s goal is to avoid a leadership vacuum,” Naeem Gheriany,
    a nuclear scientist and Libyan- American activist, said in a telephone interview from Washington March 5. “It’s a challenging task, but the council’s members are credible and have a lot of support from diplomats and Libyans who are able to speak freely.”Gheriany, a member of Libya’s opposition abroad who has been in exile since 1980, said that Libyans won’t “accept anything short of a complete end” to Qaddafi’s regime.


    The ship’s captain was ”a Libyan from Benghazi and the head of an organization called the Libyan National Council for Relief and Support,” which was presumably established by the new government.

    In response to the humanitarian situation during 2011 Libyan civil war, IHH sent a cargo ship

    But when the ship arrived, the consignment was registered to individuals from the Turkish IHH group, a charity with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

    The initials IHH stand for the The Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief in Turkish. Several purported charities created to provide humanitarian assistance to Bosnian Muslims during the war were, in reality, funneling weapons and mujahideen fighters into the country,

    Flashback to 2010:
    During Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s visit to the wounded passengers
    of the Gaza-bound Mavi Marmara aid flotilla,
    Libyan-Irish “activist” Mahdi al-Harati kisses him on the forehead, Ataturk Hospital, Ankara,
    3 June 2010
    Turkey’s Deputy Prime Minister and Turkey’s Minister of Health Recep Akdag are standing aside.

  59. [5] The Sudanese Brotherhood was founded in 1954, where al Turabi and others formed
    the Sudanese Muslim Brotherhood Association, according to Ronald Sandee of the Defense Intelligence Service of the Netherlands. A copy of a paper titled "Islamism, Jihadism and Terrorism in Sudan" which he presented at the American Enterprise Institute on Aug. 6, 2004 was made available by the author.

    Mufti of Libya Ghiryani thanked in Sudan Bashir for the support of the Muslim Brotherhood
    Ghiryani secretly visit Khartoum and met with senior officials just days after the disclosure of Sudanese aircraft weapons destined for the 'dawn of Libya'.


  60. Libyan Pilot bombed Gadaffi Forces by Apache in the beginnig of the revolution

    The former MI6 sponsored LIFG, apparently reborn as the Islamic Movement for Change was anonymously reported in Asharq Alawsat (Middle East) Libya: Islamists call on Air Force to bomb Gaddafi 23 Feb 2011:

    During the frantic early months of the Libyan rebellion, various players motivated by politics or profit — including an American arms dealer who proposed weapons transfers in an e-mail exchange with a United States emissary later killed in Benghazi — sought to aid those trying to oust Colonel Qaddafi.

    A New York Times report from 30th March 2011 reveals that the CIA had been active in Libya “for weeks”, to “gather information for [NATO] airstrikes, and to contact and ‘vet’ the rebels battling “Gaddafi’s forces”.

    March 2 2011
    Remember that on March 2, the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the U.S., Mike Mullen, testified before Congress: “we could not confirm that Libyan planes had opened fire on their own population.” Around the same time, the Russian Joint Chief of Staff reported that satellite monitoring over Libyan territory since the crisis’ beginning in mid-February, failed to detect any kind of bombing.

    03 June 2014 The clashes were mainly in the Garyounes area. The militia groups' February 17 Brigade and Ansar al-Sharia jointly attacked the base of Libyan Special Forces 21 Battalion which sided with renegade general Khalifa .Haftar, Xinhua quoted air force commander Colonel Saad Warfali as saying.
    Army warplanes fought back by bombing several sites of the Islamic groups in Rulrhh, Onfodh and Sidi Faraj region on the outskirts of Benghazi, a military source said on condition of anonymity. 
    Warfali said some warplanes took off from an air base in the eastern city of Tobruk
    to carry out the bombardment mission.
    Galaa Hospital has received so far 11 bodies and 54 wounded people, mostly military personnel, hospital authorities said. Sources from Benghazi Medical Centre and hospitals in east Benghazi said they had received 10 bodies and 58 injured people.

    "The son of Benghazi Medical Centre director Dr Fathi Jehani was killed by shrapnels from a rocket that fell on their house at dawn Monday," a source said.
    The media reported that the Islamist fighters were seeking revenge after days of airstrikes by air forces loyal to Haftar.

    Libya Dawn Operation field commander Sohaib al-Ramah posts a video of MIG23 inside an unknown airbase and says warplanes are almost ready and airstrikes against dignity operation are imminent. He didn't mention where and when the video was taken.


  61. The names of individuals confirmed dead, many as a result of the use of live ammunition,
    since the outbreak of protests on 15 February until 17 February 2011 are:
    13 Killed in Benghazi (3 unidentified) and 40 to 50 injured


    1. Ibrahim Mohamed Al Orfi (ابراهيم محمد العرفي), 19 years old
    2. Naji Jumaa Jordane Al Kawafi (ناجي جمعة جردان الكوافي), 18 years old
    3. Motaz Abdel Ati Al Darouqi (معتز عبدالعاطي الدروقي), 19 years old
    4. Hamad Al Allam (حمد العلام), 27 years old
    5. Faouzi Hussein Al Sabiri (فوزي حسين الصابري), 36 years old
    6. Marwan Al Shattat (مروان الشطشاط), 20 years old
    7. Mohamed Salem Boujnah (محمد سالم بوجناح), 21 years old
    8. Idris Ali Raslan Al Maghribi (ادريس علي رسلان المغربي), 13 years old (bullet in the neck)
    9. Rami Saleh Al Maghribi (رامي صالح المغربي), 18 years old
    10. Moayed Fathi Boujlaoui (مؤيد فتحي بوجلاوي), 26 years old
    4 Killed in Darna
    1. Mohamed Abdeladim Al Saiti (محمد عبد العظيم السعيطي)
    2. Aboubakr Fathi Al Tachani (ابوبكر فتحي الطشاني)
    3. Ahmed Kamal Al Chahini (احمد كمال الشيهني)
    4. Salem Abou Madi (سالم ابوماضي)
    2 killed in Al Baydaa
    1. Khaled Khanfeer (خالد خنفر)
    2. Saad Al Yemeni (سعد اليمني)

    Inside Story Last Modified: 21 Feb 2011 12:59 : Jibreel :
    “Gaddafi’s guards started shooting people in the second day and they shot two people only.

  62. Officers and soldiers of the military barracks - Battalion Hussein Jawavi -
    At dawn on 16 2 2011
    Members of al-Qaeda has slaughtered them when they were asleep and they stole their weapons
    and headed to the Holy Battalion to do the same They called them peaceful demonstrators ..


    It also provided information concerning the dignity of 10 people have been kidnapped by foreign mercenaries, during the demonstrations that took place in the town of Alobarak on February 16, 2011, who were taken to Alobarak which was military airport. We have received other cases, we are going to update the information on them, belonging to people arrested in Casablanca and Derna, and taken to the airport itself.

    على طريق الشحات – الصفصافة، كان نحو 90 من المرتزقة قد جاءوا من مدينة البيضاء المجاورة لتعضيد مرتزقة كتيبة الجويفي في شحات لكنها كانت قد سقطت في أيدي الثوار، فهرب المرتزقة عبر هذا الطريق في خضم المعارك، في اتجاه مطار الأبرق العسكري القريب الذي يقع في آخر طريق شحات – الصفصافة.
    On the road to El-Shahat - Safsafa, about 90 mercenaries came from Bayda to consolidate the mercenary battalion Jawafa in Shahat, but they had fallen into the hands of the rebels, fled mercenaries across the road in the midst of battle, in the direction of the military airport nearby

    . And held sixty mercenaries in the city jail » .

    Network Monitoring 2011-02-18, 20:48:20
    URGENT | citizens fully control over the battalion security area , " Shahat "

    Shahat Labraq Libyan troops forced to confess that they are from Chad and Niger
    and that they are paid a million
    “Under interrogation they told us they had received $100,000 to fight us.

    We caught sixty who took money to kill us, so we had to kill them,” an eyewitness, a doctor in the eastern coastal town of Beida, told me.

    As if to corroborate his account, a primary school turned detention center inShahat,
    a town in the Green Mountains not far from Benghazi, was full of Libyans, but nearly empty of black fighters.

    Unlike the Libyans, the sub-Saharan Africans had no tribe to protect them.
    A researcher for Human Rights Watch in Beida also said they were investigating cases of execution and lynching of alleged mercenaries by rebels.

    Unlike the Libyans, the sub-Saharan Africans had no tribe to protect them.

  63. 18 February 2011, Guardian.co.uk , Ian Black and Owen Bowcott reported: "Amer Saad, a political activist from Derna, told al-Jazeera: "The protesters in al-Bayda have been able to seize control of the military airbase in the city and have executed 50 African "mercenaries' and two Libyan conspirators.
    Even in Derna today, a number of conspirators [loyal citizens] were executed. They were locked up in the holding cells of a police station because they resisted, and some died burning inside the building."

    As Omar tells it: the day after he arrived at the base in al-Baida, a group of minibuses came to transport him and 70 others into town for a protest. He claims to be one of nine who didn't make it onto the bus — there wasn't enough room — and he was forced to stay behind. When fighting between those on the base and those outside ensued, he says he never picked up a gun, but those around him did. Later, after a three-day firefight, 70 men surrendered when the rebels overran the base and a "sheikh" outside told them to come out and give up.
    This was a different 70 from the men he arrived with, Omar says; many of his fellow captives were men flown in from Sabha. Says he, "Whoever went in the bus [that first day] to the protest never came back."

    The gunmen also took both civilians and Libyan soldiers as hostages in the nearby port city of Al-Baida, threatening to kill them unless the siege of that city was lifted by Libyan security forces. The same group was also accused by Libyan officials of hanging two soldiers only days earlier.

    30 soldiers and civilians

    Wednesday Feb 16 operation in Derna
    "This criminal gang assaulted an army weapons depot and seized 250 weapons, killed four soldiers and wounded 16 others" in the Wednesday operation in Derna

  64. URGENT | Monitoring | Libya: now in Benghazi Security Directorate fall entirely in the hands of the rebels and raise the independence flag
    2011-02-19, 22:59:40

    On 19 February, Government opponents assumed control over the Katiba premises in Benghazi,86 and also took control of the airport in Benghazi.

    19 February: I was told by an SNC Lavalin employee who had been at the airport arrivals gate that a plane load of African mercenaries had landed.We set up a survey instrument to get a closer look at what was happening around the airport terminal. I could see a large contingent of soldiers (+/- 200) in a defensive pattern around the west side of the runway. We didn’t know if these were mercenaries or Libyan government soldiers.

    At the beginning of the revolution, Abdulwanis, who comes from Benghazi, contributed to capturing Qadhafi allies as part of the al-Zawya Martyrs Brigade.
    He then worked to secure Benghazi’s airport under the banner of the Protective Forces of 17 February.

    Friday 18 February 2011 /Troops were reported to have landed at Benghazi airport, suggesting a significant move into the city.


    In Benghazi, the 230 reported dead included a group of mutinous soldiers slain in the nearby city of al-Bayda, where the burnt bodies of 48 soldiers were found at a military barracks, the federation said, quoting unnamed humanitarian and academic sources.

    350 people have been killed. This dead toll did not include the grim discovery made inside the army garrison head quarters (where ) we found 150 corpses burning

    National Investment and Development Company:
    Bringing some of the defected machinery that have been used in the liberation
    of the Al-fatheel Buomar battalion at Al-berka district in Benghazi,
    which had the effect of liberalization in the city of Benghazi on Saturday, 19/02/2011.

    19 feb 2011 / On the same day in Tobruk, Government opponents took over Omar al-Mukhtar Katiba and confiscated weaponry.

  65. 20.The UN Commission of Inquiry appropriately identified two phases of the revolution:
    phase 1, the demonstration phase, and phase 2, armed conflict.6


    59.The initial phase of the revolution occurred during what can be described
    as ‘peace-time’.
    This phase covers the period from 15 February until the outbreak
    of the non-international armed conflict in early March; ‘phase 1’ as referred to above.46

    The Mission notes that this period includes armed hostilities, falling below the threshold of
    armed conflict. The applicable international legal framework is that of international
    human rights law.

    The Mission met with the then-Minister of Justice, Minister of Information, and the Minister of Local Councils.

    12.The Mission notes that it visited Libya during a transitional period, marked by the
    establishment of a new 24-member interim government on 22 March 2011.

    (vii)Daragh Murray is a Government of Ireland IRCHSS Scholar, and Head
    of PCHR’s International Unit. He acted as Rapporteur for the Mission.

    (iv) Amina Bouayach is the President of the Moroccan Organization for
    Human Rights, and a Vice-President of FIDH.

    (v)Agneta Johansson is a lawyer, and the Deputy Director of the
    International Legal Assistance Consortium (ILAC).

  66. These included Mahmoud Jibril, who left a university position in the United States
    to head Libya’s National Economic Development Council in 2007 and became the head of the NTC’s Executive Board;
    Ahmad Jehani, his deputy;

    Muhammad al-Alaqi, a former justice minister; and others.


    Muhammad al-Alaqi
    Mohammed Ibrahin al-Ellagi, a former secretary general of the Libyan Human Rights Society,
    and newly appointed justice minister in the Libyan transitional national council, tells Al Jazeera
    that there is a possible "conspiracy" to be seen in the fact that NATO and allied troops have not bombarded Gaddafi positions in Misurata and Az Zintan in the same way that they did in Benghazi.

    Mohamed al-Allagi,before the chairman of the human rights committee of the Gaddafi Foundation grants immunity to‘revolutionaries’

    Ahmad Jehani, his deputy;
    Ahmed Jehani began his career in the 1960s, specialising in the technical aspects of oil production. For nearly a decade after that he served as general counsel for the Libyan National Oil Corporation, the state oil company under Muammar Qaddafi's regime.


    Mr. Ahmed Jehani is the Chairman and Founder of the Libyan Development Policy Centre,
    a think tank associated with international organizations
    including the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund

    Adel Abdullah El-Gehani, a colonel in the Libyan army and father of seven children, was arrested on 14 January 2011 in Benghazi

    Now, we know there was an air force colonel, Abdullah Gehani, arrested in late January for plotting against the government. Charged with civil aviation in Benghazi, he reportedly made contact with a European secret service in November 2010, and also with the protest planners.

  67. An Amnesty International fact-finding team has been in eastern Libya since 26 February 2011.


    Reports from Tripoli, and other parts of the country that remain under the control of Colonel al-Gaddafi’s forces or have been subject to attack by those forces indicate that the number of those now subject to enforced disappearance is much greater than the number of cases that Amnesty International – which does not have direct access to Tripoli or other areas controlled by Colonel al-Gaddafi’s forces, and where the authorities maintain tight control over information – has so far been able to document. :
    Safai Eddine Hilal al-Sharif, a 41-year-old father of five who worked as a technician in an oil company in Ras Lanouf, was arrested at his home on 24 January 2011. Since then, his family have been unable to obtain any information about him or even an acknowledgement of his detention by the authorities in Tripoli. His family told Amnesty International:

    My name is Safai Eddin Hilal Al-Sharif , I worked in the company of Ras Lanuf
    and I'm a member of the founders and leaders of the civil disobedience movement in Libya
    Founded the movement in 2004 at the request of opposition Mr. Mustafa Muhammad
    The objectives were to overthrow the regime
    I was arrested on 24-1-2011

  68. http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424053111904199404576538721260166388

    Caught in the snare of Libya's surveillance web was Human Rights Watch researcher
    Heba Morayef, who handles Libya reporting for the activist group.

    Files monitoring at least two Libyan opposition activists included emails written by her,
    as well as messages to her from them.

    In one email, dated Aug. 12, 2010, a Libyan activist implores Ms. Morayef to help him and his colleagues fight a court case brought against them. "The law is on our side in this case, but we are scared," he wrote. "We need someone to help." The email goes into specific detail about the plaintiff, who was a high-ranking member of a shadowy group of political commissars defending the Gadhafi regime.

    Ms. Morayef, reached Monday in Cairo, where she is based, said she was last in contact with the Benghazi-based activist on Feb. 16. She said she believes he went into hiding when civil war broke out a week later.

    Most important, Mr. Alagi suggested in an interview in the empty and echoing Justice Ministry here,
    was the imperative for Libyans to confront Qaddafi-era crimes in a country where there were no independent media to report them.

    That priority should trump even prosecution and punishment, said Mr. Alagi,
    a former leader of the bar association here, as well as a onetime high-ranking official in a so-called human rights foundation during the Qaddafi era, according to Human Rights Watch.

    A Libya expert suggested, however, that Mr. Alagi had advanced human rights causes at the foundation,
    at some danger to himself. “It was to Alagi that a lot of the lawyers would go for help,”
    said the expert,
    Heba Fatma Morayef, a researcher with Human Rights Watch.
    “He would take the risk of actually giving me information.”

    What is most important to us are the people who are leading these crimes,” he said.
    “It’s not more than 20 to 25 people.”


    Mohamed al-Allagi,before the chairman of the human rights committee of the Gaddafi Foundation grants immunity to‘revolutionaries’

  69. Khaled El Sayed 21 February 2011 Libya: Alkarama calls for a investigation by the International Criminal Court into crimes committed by Colonel Gaddafi and his two sons


    Mar 9, 2011 9:11 AM The investigation "was an urgent action, at the beginning of the troubles," he said. Mendez received complaints from Gadhafi's opponents when his crackdown began in mid-February, he said, and he sent a formal notice to the government demanding information about the allegations.
    "Those communications are confidential, so I can confirm that we are engaged, but we cannot say more about it," he said.
    Mendez, an Argentine lawyer and American University visiting professor of international law in Washington, D.C., said he is teaming up for the probe with the UN's special rapporteur for extrajudicial executions and a panel of experts on disappearances.
    He said they would demand information from Gadhafi's regime, and if the responses are inadequate, that would be noted in monthly reports to the UN's 47-nation Human Rights Council based in Geneva.

    The ICC intervened in Libya when the United Nations Security Council referred
    the deteriorating situation in the country to the ICC on February 26, 2011.

    With unprecedented speed, the Court opened an investigation in early March and,
    in June 2011, issued arrest warrants for Libyan leader Muammar al-Qaddafi, Saif al-Islam, and Abdullah al-Senussi.

    Luis Moreno-Ocampo, appeared content to rest on the laurels that the Court had contributed positively to Libya's pursuit of accountability.
    Moreno-Ocampo's remarks reflected the rather stark reality that the ICC would end up empty-handed. Not only has there been no inclination amongst Libyan officials to transfer Saif or Senussi to The Hague, but the international community --
    particularly the U.N. Security Council --
    has shown virtually no interest in supporting the Court's mandate in Libya

    Government officials have been adamant that both be tried by Libyan judges in Libya and not at the ICC.

    As Ahmed Jehani, Libya's representative to the Court declared:
    "No amount of pressure will push Libya" to surrender Saif al-Islam or Senussi.

  70. Hresha claims the Brotherhood still has thousands of members scattered across Libya, with chapters in almost every single town, including Sirte, Gadhafi’s birthplace on the coast west of Tripoli.

    In 2006, its leaders were released after reconciling with the Libyan regime.

    In response to the humanitarian situation during 2011 Libyan civil war, IHH sent a cargo ship

    But when the ship arrived, the consignment was registered to individuals from the Turkish IHH group, a charity with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

    Flashback to 2010:
    During Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s visit to the wounded passengers of the Gaza-bound Mavi Marmara aid flotilla, Libyan-Irish “activist” Mahdi al-Harati kisses him on the forehead, Ataturk Hospital, Ankara, 3 June 2010 Turkey’s Deputy Prime Minister and Turkey’s Minister of Health Recep Akdag are standing aside.



    The initials IHH stand for the The Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief in Turkish. Several purported charities created to provide humanitarian assistance to Bosnian Muslims during the war were, in reality, funneling weapons and mujahideen fighters into the country,

    [5] The Sudanese Brotherhood was founded in 1954, where al Turabi and others formed
    the Sudanese Muslim Brotherhood Association, according to Ronald Sandee of the Defense Intelligence Service of the Netherlands. A copy of a paper titled "Islamism, Jihadism and Terrorism in Sudan" which he presented at the American Enterprise Institute on Aug. 6, 2004 was made available by the author.

    Mufti of Libya Ghiryani in Sudan thanked Bashir for the support of the Muslim Brotherhood
    Ghiryani secretly visit Khartoum and met with senior officials just days after the disclosure of Sudanese aircraft weapons destined for the 'dawn of Libya'.

  71. 2006
    After the interview, on May 8, a senior government official told Human Rights Watch that the authorities would release the eighty-six members of the Muslim Brotherhood “in the coming weeks.” 

    In August, Seif al-Islam al-Qadhafi told al-Jazeera that the brotherhood members were among the 131 political prisoners slated for release.  “We will witness the release of prisoners from groups which no one would have thought would be pardoned, such as the Muslim Brotherhood and other jihadist groups,” he said.83

    On October 9, 2005, Libya’s Supreme Court granted the brotherhood members a retrial—apparently a compromise between government officials who had urged their release and those who demanded they stay.84  The first session took place on November 8 in front of what a media report called a “special court” on the grounds of the Police Academy in Tripoli, where the People’s Court used to convene.85 
    The presiding judge postponed the hearing until November 28 after a request by the defense.  As of January 10, 2006, he had postponed the trial three more times.86
    In Human Rights Watch’s view, the authorities should immediately release the Muslim Brotherhood members or, if there is evidence that they used or planned to use violence, grant them a prompt and fair trial with international observers.

    In 2006, its leaders were released after reconciling with the Libyan regime.


    The CNN report also identifies Al-Amin Belhaj, a leader in the UK Muslim Brotherhood,
    as a leading figure in the Libyan Muslim Brotherhood  who has recently traveled to Libya.

    An earlier post discussed Mr. Belhaj when he became the new president of the Muslim Association of Britain (MAB) noting that a U.K academic report on North African immigrants and their links to terrorist organizations identified Dr. Belhaj as the leader of the Libyan Islamic Group in the UK and the Head of the Tunisian Islamic Front (TIF).

    The U.S. State Department has identified the Libyan Islamic Group as the Libyan branch of the Muslim Brotherhood.

    The Muslim Association of Britain (MAB) had for many years been the most active organization in the U.K Muslim Brotherhood.
    Many of the leaders of the MAB left in 2007 to form the British Muslim Initiative (BMI). According to an Israeli think-tank report, the breakup appeared to be the result of a conflict between traditionalists in the MAB who were unhappy with the high level of involvement in U.K left-wing politics while those who who formed the BMI wished such activity to continue. Anas Al-Tikriti, the leader of the BMI, and former MAB official, is the son of Osama Al-Tikriti, one of the leaders of the Iraqi Islamic Party representing the Muslim Brotherhood in that country.
    (Note: There is some question as to the accuracy of the link between Dr. Belhaj and the TIF).
    2010 –March

    On 23 March the leader of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, Abdel -Hakim Belhaj,
    and another 214 militants are released,
    upon which the government considers that its programme for dialogue and reconciliation has come to an end.

  72. CLASSIFIED BY: Gene Cretz, Ambassador. REASON: 1.4 (b), (d) 1.
    2009-03-17 11:13

    (C) The head of the Human Rights Society of Libya (HRSL), Muhammed Tarnesh,
    confirmed to the UK Embassy on March 13
    that Jamal al-Haji and Faraj Humaid have been released from detention and are with their families.
    He did not provide information on the terms of their release or whether legal proceedings had concluded.

    Al-Haji and Humaid were the last of eleven political detainees sentenced to prison last June for attempting to foment rebellion against the "people's authority system" and conducting unauthorized communications with an official of a foreign government (ref A). Tue, 17 Mar 2009 11:13 UTC

    Jamal al-Hajji is a writer and accountant who holds dual Libyan and Danish nationality.
    For a number of years, he has written articles on the current political and human rights situation in Libya, which are mainly published on news websites based outside the country.

    Dr Juma Al-Kaabi, Under Secretary for the Ministry of Municipalities and
    Agriculture Affairs and Yousef Al Bory, the elected Municipality Board for the
    Northern Governorate were given a tour of Adhari Park by the engineer,
    Aoun Al Khnizi
    and Jamal Al Haji, Chairman of Adhari Park Development
    Company during an official visit today (15 August).

  73. According to the Daily Mail, Allen was also actively involved in pressuring the UK government
    to support the prisoner release programme.


    Of course, the tone of their article, as with the current media furore about MI6 complicitity
    in Belhadj’s torture, all fit in with the overall narrative that Gaddafi and the West had a great relationship until the rebellion started and forced NATO to conduct a humanitarian intervention. It is all designed to obscure the reality that Libya under Gaddafi’s leadership was an obstacle to Western domination and subordination of Africa, and that MI6 has been plotting his removal ever since he came to power.



    Mark Allen Senior IMF Resident Representative for Central and Eastern Europe

    Mark Allen was the MI6 agent who had facilitated Libya’s ‘rapprochement’ with the West in 2003.

    During 2004 British Prime Minister Tony Blair and French President Jacques Chirac
    both visited Libya. Between October 2004 and the end of 2009 the European Union granted €834.5 million worth of arms export licenses to Libya, with Italy being Qaddafi’s single largest supplier.42

  74. Thursday, 8 January, 2009: A proposed joint venture in Libya between two energy giants,
    Italy's Eni and Russia's Gazprom, is posing an immediate headache for the first U.S. ambassador to take up residence in Tripoli in 36 years.

    Ambassador Gene A. Cretz took his post last month in the Libyan capital, at a time when U.S. oil companies are battling to re-establish a presence in the oil-rich North African nation.
    Mr. Cretz, a 58-year-old career diplomat, said before departing that serving as ambassador was "a chance to reintroduce America to Libya and a chance to reintroduce Libya to America." [The Washington Times]

    In August 2009 though, McCain visited Libya as part of another congressional delegation and, according to a confidential U.S. Embassy cable published by WikiLeaks, regarded Gaddafi quite differently. McCain viewed the dictator as an important collaborator in what President George W. Bush had dubbed the "war on terror."

    McCain along with three other senators -- Graham, Joe Lieberman, Ind.-Conn., and Susan Collins, R-Maine -- had meetings with Gadhafi and one of his sons to discuss the dismantling of Libya's weapons of mass destruction programs and in expanding Libya's cooperation on counter-terrorism.


    Monday, 12 January, 2009: WASHINGTON (MENL) - Al Qaida appears to have restored its operational presence in Libya, a report said.
    The Jamestown Foundation asserted that Al Qaida was forming cells in Libya with local Islamists.

    In a report, the foundation said the Al Qaida network could be preparing an attack in Libya.

    "With the number of youths being drawn to the jihadist ideology, it seems only a matter of time before one of these cells manages to slip the government's attention and carry out an attack inside Libya," the report,titled "The Changing Face of the Jihadist Movement in Libya," said. [Middle East News Line]

  75. In January 2010, Abdul-Jalil threatened to resign unless the prisoner release programme was sped up. On the second day of the insurgency, the final batch of 110 members of the LIFG were released; his work done, Abdul-Jalil quit his role of Justice Minister soon after to set up the TNC.


    Khalid al-Sharif, known as Abu Hazem, spent about five years detained in Libya before his release in March 2010. He agreed to talk to Amnesty International.


    2010 –March
    On 23 March the leader of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, Abdel -Hakim Belhaj,
    and another 214 militants are released,upon which the government considers that its programme for dialogue and reconciliation has come to an end.

    2011 On Sept. 6 a Libyan ship carrying 400 tons of weapons for Syrian rebels docked in southern Turkey.
     The ship's captain was "a Libyan from Benghazi" who worked for the new Libyan government.

    The man who organized that shipment, Tripoli Military Council head Abdelhakim Belhadj, worked directly with Stevens during the Libyan revolution.


  76. Britain has not designated LIFG a terrorist organization is significant


    March 23, 2005 /Although LIFG guerrillas still maintain a modest presence in the mountains of northeastern Libya, intelligence cooperation with the United States has enabled the Libyan government to cut off their lines of logistical and financial support.

    several prominent leaders of the group live in London & Manchester

    Wednesday, September 9, 2009

    Libyan Islamic Fighting Group and the UK

    GHUMA ABD’RABBAH, Birmingham
    ABDULBASIT ABDULRAHIM, London and Birmingham
    ABD AL-RAHMAN AL-FAQIH, Birmingham
    FARAJ FARAJ HUSSEIN AL-SA’IDI, possibly Manchester
    MOHAMMED BENHAMMEDI, Midlands somewhere
    TAHIR NASUF, Manchester


    The British Home Office later noted that the LIFG’s ‘aim had been to overthrow the Qadafi regime and replace it with an Islamic state’.
    The head of the assassination team was reported as being the Libya-based Abdal Muhaymeen, a veteran of the Afghan resistance and thus possibly trained by MI6 or the CIA.
    As the LIFG stepped up its confrontation with the Libyan regime in 1995,
    it issued calls for Qadafi’s overthrow. One communiqué, written in October 1995, around the time the organisation was plotting with MI6, described the Qadafi government as ‘an apostate regime that has blasphemed against the faith of God Almighty’, and declared that its overthrow was ‘the foremost duty after faith in God’.

    These calls were mainly issued in London, where several prominent members of the LIFG were based after having been granted political asylum

    The episode is interesting in that it shows how Britain’s secret collusion with radical Islamists has directly undermined its ability to curb and prosecute them – a leitmotif, in fact, of Britain’s postwar foreign policy where Whitehall has often collaborated with the very groups to which it claims to be opposed.

  77. Musa Kusa
    In a follow-up letter to Koussa, Allen claimed credit for the rendition of Belhaj – referring to him as Abu Abd Allah Sadiq, the name by which he is better known in the jihadi world – saying that although “I did not pay for the air cargo”, the intelligence that led to the couple’s capture was British.


    The files documenting the renewal of ties between the CIA and Libyan intelligence were reviewed and copied by researchers from Human Rights Watch during a tour of Libya's External Security agency headquarters in downtown Tripoli.

    Emergencies Director Peter Bouckaert said he was touring the building on Friday as part of the group's effort to help the Libyan transitional authority secure sensitive documents left by the Gadhafi regime, which collapsed in August after a five-month rebellion.

    Mr. Bouckaert said he discovered the files inside the complex in a room that guards described as the former office of Mr. Koussa, who became foreign minister in 2009.
    Mr. Bouckaert photographed the documents, leaving the originals in their place, and gave copies to The Wall Street Journal.

    Musa Kusa, the Libyan foreign minister is not on the United Nations sanctions list,
    a notable omission.

    At present Kusa is the West’s main contact point with the regime, which probably explains why he is not included in the UN’s travel ban.
    British Foreign Secretary William Hague said February 27 that he had been in touch with Kusa by phone.
    “I called the Libyan Foreign Minister last night because you still have to communicate to them directly,”

    On March 31, Qaddafi's foreign minister Moussa Koussa defected.

    Musa Kusa, William J Burns meeting Libyan Contact Group April 12-13 in Doha, Qatar
    Koussa is expected in the Qatari capital of Doha on Wednesday where an international conference on the future of Libya is being held with representatives from the Benghazi-based opposition.

  78. Salah Mussa Sakher Koussa

    The co-owner of the luxury estate agents in London, Chesterton Humberts is
    Libyan born Salah Mussa - see article in Daily Telegraph here Also a past chairman of the Mercantile Group, an investment company with offices in London, Abu Dhabi and Libya.

    Last week the Mercantile Group, an asset manager led by Libyan-born property entrepreneur Salah Mussa, bought Vincent Tchenguiz's 50pc in Chesterton meaning it wholly-owned both estate agency chains.Mr Mussa, who bought Humberts out of administration for £3.1m in June, said: "


    Although the Mussas once feared Gadhafi's regime, by 2008—with international sanctions lifted because Gadhafi had renounced weapons of mass destruction—Mr. Mussa was rethinking his family's stance toward Libya, said friends and colleagues. He angled to win business there, they said.

    To bolster his Libyan connections, he hired Sakher Koussa, son of Gadhafi-era spy chief Moussa Koussa, according to a former employee of Mr. Mussa's investment group. Sakher Koussa didn't respond to requests for comment. The Wall Street Journal Libya's Hunt for Gadhafi-Era Assets Leads It to High-End UK ...

    Hana Elgadi Nader Elhamessi

    The evidence comes from two ladies. One lady calling herself Hana Elgadi.
    The other lady mentioned in the article, Nader Elhamessi, claims to work
    for a human rights groups called 'World for Libya'. Sound suspicious?

    Well....this 'human rights group' was just created and their website domain name registered only about a week before the article (by an estate agency in London that deals with central London property - Chesterton Humberts.

    Mr (sic) Nader Elhamessi was a company director in London.

    See also here which calls his charity World Medical Camp for Libya,active in Tunisia.

    We are a group of Libyans who have established a UK registered charity
    called the World Medical Camp for Libya (WMCL)
    to respond to the urgent and immediate medical needs in Libya.
    Please contact Ekram El-Huni (ekramelhuni at hotmail dot com)

    Tuesday, February 22, 2011 World Medical Camp for Libya: charity to respond to the urgent medical needs in Libya

    1. Tataouine Tunisia

      Taking care of Libyan refugees strains generosity of Tunisians June 16, 2011
      Washington Times, 16 June, 2011

      “The Tunisian authorities are doing a lot,” said Nader El Hamessi of the World Medical Camp for Libya,
      a nonprofit set up this year by Libyans based in Britain.

      Tataoine the Tunisian town is the logistical hub for Libya’s Western front.

      At first, says Uraibi, the rebels got their supplies from Tunisia, but then small propeller planes started bringing them weapons from Benghazi.
      The Jadu men put up wind vanes along one of the few straight sections of road through the mountains to create a makeshift runway. Later on, French aircraft began dropping off loads of weapons and materials.
      Soon the rebels even had modern Milan guided missiles to use against Gadhafi's tanks.


  79. On this BBC Page, The call of the Arab Spring for expats in Britain 16 Sept 2011,
    you can see Ms Hana Elgadi, described as PA in an investment bank, aged 21.


    Hana has taken unpaid leave from work. Her employer is Egyptian and she says he understands her need to go.

    Second Statement and Call to Freedom Lovers all over the world March 6, 2011 at 9:26am
    --Dr.Ottman Elgadi FRCS (Orthopodic Surgeon)

    Dr. Ahmed Sewelhi (Psychiatry)

    Dr Ahmed Alsawehli MRCPsy (Psychiatrist


    Interview with DR AHMED SEWEHLI, of the Libyan Doctors Relief in the UK

  80. volunteer doctor with World For Libya. Dr Saleyha Ahsan


    I arrived in Tataouine, a desert town in southern Tunisia, on an oven baked 113 degrees day. Sand filled the air. It was the end of August and still Ramadan – the Muslim month of fasting.
    As the revolution swept across Libya this past spring and summer, the call went out for medical volunteers. I was in London, an experienced locum doctor working in ER.
    I watched the news reports and wanted to go.  Following the story on-line, I tapped into the Libyan diaspora in the UK and went out for the first time in July.

    It was by some bizarre fluke that returning home from that first short trip that I sat next to Nader Elhamessi, a Libyan, a Londoner for many years and one of the founders of the aid organization World for Libya. I expressed a desire to come back to Libya. The opportunity came sooner than I had planned.

    In August, I found myself working as a volunteer doctor with World For Libya. Nader proved to be a man of his word and the most efficient logistician I have ever met.

    Being totally hands-on Nader drove me to the hospital that first morning where I was thrust into the one of the most challenging medical episodes of my career. On arrival I was led to the small emergency department where there were already three patients.
    However, like most things out here, this was not the result of a planning effort by Libya’s interim government. Instead, somehow, a group of Libyan volunteer doctors came together in response to the crisis situation.

    The Libyan doctors quickly organised themselves into an effective team.  They sent out the word for help from around the world. There was little in terms of financial support, no doctor’s accommodation or medical supplies. The doctors came all the same.


  81. 20 July 2011 Nalut BBC Global Relief Libya Dr Saleyha Ahsan

    I was born in Britain and my roots are in Pakistan and Afghanistan."

    I'm travelling with Saleyha Ahsan, a British doctor I first met in 1998, when she was a captain in the British Army and the first Muslim woman to graduate from Sandhurst.

    When she left the army she went into medicine. Now in Libya she is volunteering with other doctors, most of them Libyans, helping refugees and the wounded from both sides of the conflict.

    "I found on organisation online called Global Relief Libya - doctors organising themselves and getting involved," she says.

    "I want to be part of this Arab Spring, even though I was born in Britain and my roots are in Pakistan and Afghanistan."
    Dr Saleyha Ahsan is only working with the refugees and fighters there for a week but she is determined to return.

    "I want to become another little link in that massive chain that has sprung out of the revolution."

    In other Facebook images Dr Ahsan poses with armed units which appear to include adolescent members.
    In her February 2015 Radio 4 play about her experiences in Libya Dr Ahsan expresses the view that the primary need of a 17 year old boy exhibiting signs of battle trauma is to rejoin an armed military unit. Other of Dr Ahsan’s Facebook photographs demonstrate a nonchalant attitude towards the presence of children amidst armed groups.

  82. Trust Me I'm A Doctor Saleyha Ahsan

    Ahsan herself reported that "It was by some bizarre fluke that returning home
    from that first short trip that I sat next to Nader Elhamessi, a Libyan, a Londoner for many years and one of the founders of the aid organization World for Libya".[10]

    Apparent coincidence also took Dr Ahsan to Syria; at a Royal Society of Medicine event in London early in 2012 she reportedly first met Dr Rola[11] whose charity, Hand in Hand for Syria, invited her to Syria in December of that year.[12]

    Dr Ahsan featured in a controversial 2013 video with Dr Rola which was shown on the BBC in the run up to a UK parliamentary vote on whether to bomb Syria.

    Saleyha Ahsan decided to go to Syria after a doctor at a medical conference told her about the plight of Syrian doctors and asked if she would like to visit with the charity Hand in Hand for Syria to find ways to raise awareness.

    Dr Ahsan visited once in December 2012 and again in August 2013 while the Panorama documentary Saving Syria’s Children was being filmed.

    She is no stranger to dangerous situations, having served as a British army officer in Bosnia and also as an emergency doctor on the frontline during the Battle of Bani Walid in Libya in 2011.


    The Trust Unit also neglected to investigate the role that medical simulation techniques may have played in fabricating the alleged injuries presented in ‘Saving Syria’s Children’, taking account of the personal relationship which exists between Brigadier Kevin Beaton who, as demonstrated in this Newsnight report, is involved in leading HOSPEX medical simulation exercises, and Dr Saleyha Ahsan (“he was my squadron commander in Bosnia and inspired me to study medicine”).


  83. Association with Hand in Hand for Syria
    I Children‘ Dr Ahsan is seen volunteering with the UK registered charity Hand in Hand for Syria.

    In the 2013 BBC Panorama special ‘Saving Syria’s Children‘ Dr Ahsan is seen volunteering with the UK registered charity Hand in Hand for Syria.

    Conflicting accounts of first victims
    At 31 minutes in Saving Syria’s Children Dr Saleyha Ahsan is shown attending to the first alleged victim – a baby, accompanied by his father. Ian Pannell’s narration at this point states “no-one’s quite sure what’s happened.” Only subsequently do the “dozens” of other alleged victims begin to arrive. This sequence of events is portrayed in several other accounts, including others given by Dr Ahsan.

    However in an interview with Australian broadcaster ABC on 27 November 2013 Dr Ahsan gives an entirely contradictory account (from 02:38):


    In a 3 October 2013 article Dr Ahsan wrote “This month, Dr. Hallam and I found ourselves in a school that had been hit by a napalm-like bomb”. This seems intended to suggest that Doctors Ahsan and Hallam were present at the school as it was allegedly being attacked, rather than at the hospital treating the alleged victims; “this month” is also odd as Dr Ahsan claims elsewhere to have visited the school two days after the attack, i.e. on Wednesday 28 August .


    As noted here, until July 2014 the Facebook banner of Hand in Hand for Syria’s co-founder Faddy Sahloul read WE WILL BRING ASSAD TO JUSTICE; NO MATTER WHAT LIVES IT TAKES, NO MATTER HOW MUCH CATASTROPHE IT MAKES.
    Such shocking and bloodthirsty sentiments, utterly divergent from what one would expect of a humanitarian charity, are in stark contrast to Hand in Hand for Syria’s declared purpose on the Charity Commission website of “the advancement of health or saving lives”.

    The image was removed shortly after this comment was made on the Guardian newspaper’s website.

    In the 2013 BBC Panorama programme Saving Syria’s Children Dr Ahsan is seen volunteering with Hand in Hand for Syria. Purportedly a humanitarian organisation,

    Hand in Hand for Syria’s co-founder has publicly proclaimed a desire to “bring Assad to justice; no matter what lives it takes, no matter how much catastrophe it makes”.
    A nurse who works alongside Dr Ahsan in ‘Saving Syria’s Children’ is pictured wearing a Hand in Hand for Syria tunic and apparently treating the battle injuries of a fifteen year old “rebel” fighter in a web article which celebrates the child’s fighting prowess. [2] 

    In December 2014 Sam Hewett, Operations Coordinator of ShelterBox International, indicated that Hand in Hand for Syria was being investigated by Special Branch.

    Note also that in 2014 Dr Ahsan spoke at an event organised by Cage. Cage has been described by The Daily Telegraph as a “terrorism advocacy group” and branded as “extremist” by David Cameron.


    I am a freelance filmmaker and journalist and an A&E doctor. Prior to medicine I was a British Army Officer but left to pursue medicine and the media after my operational tour of Bosnia with SFOR. Since then I have worked as a freelancer in Palestine, Kashmir, Pakistan, DRCongo, Libya and Syria.
    I seek commissions and if they don't happen, then I go anyway. I multi-task and end up doing both jobs - that of a medic and a journalist - and it works out well

  84. a top Obama State Department official, Mark Ward,

    Mark Ward is the Deputy Assistant Administrator for the Bureau for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance at USAID.


    Mark Ward, USAID deputy assistant administrator for the Bureau of Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance (DCHA),

    US democracy-subversion groups such as The National Endowment for Democracy,
    the International Republican Institute, the National Democratic Institute, USAID
    (all funded by the US State Department) have been active in Libya since 2005,

    Also pictured above: Ali Aujali, Libyan Ambassador to the U.S. and Mark Ward,
    Office of Middle East Transitions, U.S. State Department

    Mark Ward, a senior USAID and State Department official who worked with Stevens in Libya,
    said his wishes would be clear.

    After helping coordinate the American civilian aid efforts in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Libya,
    Mark Ward arrived in Turkey last year to oversee the Obama administration’s effort
    to provide non-lethal assistance to Syria’s rebels.


    More than 600 Syrian activists, from different religious and ethnic groups,
    underwent training and received generators, computers and communications equipment.

    To help save Syrians on the front line, the U.S. has funded $13 million so far in humanitarian aid to civil defense teams like the SCD. "It's one of the most important things we can do to increase the effectiveness and legitimacy of civil authorities in liberated areas of Syria,"
    says Mark Ward, a senior State Department official leading the U.S. government's Syria assistance team.

  85. Sep 20 2015
    One thing the DoD’s rebel training program hasn’t been a failure at, however, is helping credulous reporters rewrite history by treating the Pentagon program as the only US effort to train Syrian rebels–now or in the past.

    As the US’s strategy in Syria is publicly debated, the CIA’s years-long program has vanished from many popular accounts, giving the average reader the impression
    the US has sat idly by while foreign actors, Iranian and Russian, have interfered in the internal matters of Syria. While the White House, Congress and the Pentagon can’t legally acknowledge the CIA training program, because it’s still technically classified, there’s little reason why our media need to entertain a similar charade.



    The GCHQ listening post on Mount Troodos in Cyprus is arguably the most valued asset which the UK contributes to UK/US intelligence cooperation. 
    The communications intercept agencies, GCHQ in the UK and NSA in the US, share all their intelligence reports (as do the CIA and MI6). 
    Troodos is valued enormously by the NSA.  It monitors all radio, satellite and microwave traffic across the Middle East, ranging from Egypt and Eastern Libya right through to the Caucasus.  Even almost all landline telephone communication in this region is routed through microwave links at some stage, picked up on Troodos.

    The photo and video editors in Nicosia, AFP's headquarters for the Middle East and North Africa, have to face a daily flood of unbearable images. It is their job to pore over the images from Syria, from Iraq, Gaza, Libya and other regional hotspots, and decide whether or not to publish them.

    From Wikileaks, released 3/6/2012, typos and grammar errors as in original.
    The main base they would use is Cyprus, hands down. Brits and FRench would fly out of there.

    They dont believe air intervention would happen unless there was enough media attention on a massacre, like the Ghadafi move against Benghazi


  86. According to U.K.’s Independent newspaper, it was Prince Bandar’s intelligence agency that first brought allegations of the use of sarin gas by the regime to the attention of Western allies in February.

    Turkey finds sarin gas in homes of suspected Syrian Islamists – reports
    Published time: May 30, 2013

  87. 10 December 2012
    The US-funded training is going on inside Syria, as well as in neighboring Turkey and Jordan and “involves how to monitor and secure stockpiles and handle weapons sites and materials,” according to CNN.

    Faisal al-Hamad has, according to the German, independent media Die Evidenz, stated,
    that a separate and secret agreement had been signed at the sidelines of the Friends of Syria meeting in Doha.

    June 26, 2013 WASHINGTON—The Central Intelligence Agency has begun moving weapons to Jordan from a network of secret warehouses and plans to start arming small groups of vetted Syrian rebels within a month, expanding U.S. support of moderate forces battling President Bashar al-Assad, according to diplomats and U.S. officials briefed on the plans.
    The shipments, related training and a parallel push to mobilize arms deliveries from European and Arab allies are being timed to allow a concerted push by the rebels starting by early August,
    Lord Ashdown: 3,500 tons of weapons already sent to rebels through Croatian ports.

    Saddam al-Jamal, leader of the "Free Syrian Army" (FSA) Eastern Front and a member of the FSA Staff Board or Supreme Military Council, has recently dissociated himself from the FSA, its Military Council, and the National Coalition and joined al-Qaeda's "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant."
    Al-Jamal also leads "Allahu Akbar" Brigade in al-Bukamal in the Deir Ezzor area of eastern Syria.
    He revealed that the person currently responsible for the file of the "Syrian Revolution" is Salman bin Sultan, Bandar's brother, from the Saudi royal family.
    He also confirmed the involvement many regional and global intelligence services in the running of the FSA, whether it is in attending FSA meetings, training them in Jordan and other locations, and providing them with different types of assistance.


    Another leaked document mentioned "an amnesty to hundreds of criminals sentenced to death on charges of drug-trafficking, murder, and rape, was issued to send them to fight in Syria among the militias of the [so-called] Free Syrian Army."

    In detail, an "Intelligence Online" report, which receives information from foreign intelligence sources, mentioned, "The Saudi General Intelligence, controlled by Prince Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz, exploited its broad calls with Takfiri [atoning] movements in Iraq to help establish al-Nusra Front, a low-profile Takfiri movement."

  88. Cables reveal covert US support for Syria's opposition Newly released WikiLeaks cables show that the US had been funneling money to Syria's opposition for several years, even as it tried to reengage with President Assad's government.

    Newly released WikiLeaks cables reveal that the US State Department has been secretly financing Syrian opposition groups and other opposition projects for at least five years, The Washington Post reports.

    That aid continued going into the hands of the Syrian government opposition even after the US began its reengagement policy with Syria under President Barack Obama in 2009, the Post reports.

    In January, the US posted its first ambassador to the country since the Bush administration withdrew the US ambassador in 2005 over concerns about Syria's involvement in the assassination of former Lebanese prime minister Rafik Hariri.


    The frustrated Bandar, who at the time officially headed Saudi’s National Security Council, was also notably absent when Saudi King Abdullah paid a highly visible visit to the Syrian president in late 2009 to renew relations after four years of bitter tensions.


  89. But in December 2006, the man heading the US embassy in Syria advocated in a cable to the Secretary of State and the White House that the US government collaborate with Saudi Arabia and Egypt to promote sectarian conflict in Syria between Sunni
    and Shia as a means of destabilizing the Syrian government.

    That man was Michael H Corbin, who is currently the US Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates,

    2007 New Yorker Article Exposed US-Israeli-Saudi Conspiracy
    to Overthrow Assad.

    Says a 2007 Wikileaks cable from the US embassy in Riyadh:
    “We have also picked up first hand accounts of intra-family tension over policy towards Israel. Some princes, most notably National Security Advisor Bandar Bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz, are reportedly pushing for more contact with Israel.

    Several media sources have revealed the details of a "well-organized" plan to destroy Syria and create chaos in the country. The plan is said to be drawn up by Bandar bin Sultan, the former Saudi ambassador to the United States, in collaboration with the former U.S. Ambassador in Lebanon, "Jeffrey Feltman" to overthrow the regime in Syria and to bring Syria back to the "stone age", according to the sources.
    The lengthy and detailed plan, developed by Bandar bin Sultan and his friend Feltman in 2008
    with a funding reached $ 2 billion, consists of many items and precise details which significantly intersect with the incidents of disturbances the city of Daraa has recently witnessed.
    According to sources, the plan "strategically" depended on the exploitation of peoples' legitimate desire in freedom, dignity and getting rid of corruption and on the turning of these wishes into a revolt against the regime through convincing the people that the road to reform from within the regime is closed and the solution is an all-out revolution.

    However, the plan tactically divided Syria into three areas (big cities, small cities and villages), and the established five types of networks:
    1- The "Fuel": This network comprises educated and unemployed youths who are to be linked in a decentralized way.
    2- The "Thugs" network which includes outlaws and criminals from remote areas, preferably non-Syrians.
    3- The "Ethnic-Sectarian" network which consists of young people with limited education representing ethnic communities that support or oppose the president. They must be under the age of 22.
    4- The "Media" network that comprises some leaders of civil society institutions which have European funding not American one.
    5- The "Capital" network which comprises traders, companies owners, banks and commercial centers in Damascus, Aleppo and Homs only.

  90. Feb. 21, 2011
    The highest level contact was Friday, the official said, when the State Department's Assistant Secretary of State for Near East affairs, Jeffrey Feltman, called Libyan Foreign Minister, Musa Kusa.

    The U.S.'s ambassador to Libya, Gene Cretz, has been out of Tripoli for more than a month in the wake of the leaking of diplomatic cables by the website WikiLeaks.

    In one of the cables, Mr. Cretz wrote to the State Department about what he described as Col. Gadhafi's erratic behavior, drawing a rebuke from the Libyan government. U.S. officials said Mr. Cretz was recalled, in part, due to concerns about his security in Tripoli.


    24/02/2011 All southern oilfields are in rebel control. Moustafa Raba’a,
    a mechanical engineer with the Sirte oil company, said pressure had been put on field and refinery managers to stop work and protect all foreign nationals working with them.

    “The order was put out to send a message to Gaddafi to stop the slaying of our people in Benghazi. We made a decision to deny him the privilege of exporting oil and gas to Europe.” He said the blockade had prevented 80,000 barrels a day being exported from the Dregga field alone.

    Fourth Meeting of the Libya Contact Group Chair's Statement, 15 July 2011, Istanbul.
    Jeffrey Feltman, head of US delegation at the secret talks Tunis.

    Second, immediately after the summit, Washington opened direct talks with Tripoli,
    which took place in Tunis. The U.S. delegation was led by Assistant Secretary of State for the Near East, Jeffrey Feltman.


    In June 2012, Jeffrey Feltman was appointed UN Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs

  91. 2009

    A British terror trial sheds new light on the origins of the February 17 anti-Qaddafi uprising

    According to the 2009 ruling, the LIFG plan:
    includes a call for mujahedin to train in the handling of weapons and the preparation of explosives and for them to inflict destruction and damage on “the headquarters of the revolutionary committees, the centres of the intelligence and the places of the revolutionaries and corrupters.”

    By the middle of the last decade, the LIFG had in fact elaborated a plan for destabilizing the Qaddafi regime by using many of the same tactics that would be employed at the outset of the rebellion in February 2011.

    The plan was discovered on a CD seized by British police during an October 2005 raid of the home of a Libyan political refugee in Birmingham. In a 2009 British court ruling, the man is merely identified by the initials “AV.” (See Secretary of State for the Home Department v. AV, April 30, 2009.)

    The author of the plan discovered on al-Faqih’s CD was LIFG chief ideologue
    Abu al-Munthir, a.k.a. Sami al-Saadi.
    Like LIFG leader Belhadj, al-Munthir/al-Saadi was transferred to Libyan custody in 2004 after having been reportedly detained by American intelligence in Southeast Asia.

    A certain Abu Munthir has, incidentally, been cited in British court proceedings as
    an al-Qaeda operative who encouraged young Muslims in Great Britain to conduct terror attacks at home following the invasion of Afghanistan. Libyan government communications with Western intelligence services, which were discovered following the fall of Tripoli, suggest that the Abu Munthir in question was none other than al-Saadi. (For reproductions of the documents, see here.)

    It should be noted that on the basis of his possession of the LIFG plan, al-Faqih/“AV” was found guilty by a British court of possessing a document conducive to the commission or preparation of acts of terrorism, in violation of the 2000 UK Terrorism Act. A February 2007 ruling upholding the conviction notes bluntly:
    The legislation does not exempt, nor make an exception, nor create a defence for, nor exculpate what some would describe as terrorism in a just cause. Such a concept is foreign to the Act.
    Terrorism is terrorism, whatever the motives of the perpetrators.

    The U.N.’s summary of reasons for al-Faqih’s inclusion on the al-Qaeda sanctions list notes, furthermore, that he is “assessed to have had connections to the terrorist network in Iraq which was led by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.” In British court proceedings, al-Faqih tacitly admitted his links to al-Zarqawi’s al-Qaeda in Iraq, claiming that he had sent a message to the captors of Kenneth Bigley in an effort to persuade the latter to spare Bigley’s life. (See §17 of the above-linked ruling.) Bigley, a British civil engineer, was beheaded by al-Zarqawi’s group in October 2004.


  92. ‘Clean Break’, 1996
    The Henry Jackson Society has been anything but shy advocating the invasion of Libya
    and the overthrow of Gaddafi. Type “Libya” into its website search bar and more than sixty articles and references appear, virtually all of them antagonistic to the Libyan leader or urging extreme action against him.
    One article written by HJS’s Global Security and Terrorism director George Grant and published recently in Rupert Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal was headlined “Put the Mad Dog Down”.


    And remember also that key defining document produced by American neoconservatism back in 1996, ‘Clean Break’, advice to Israeli’s incoming Likud premier, Benjamin  Netanyahu that a policy which embraced military force to topple unfriendly Arab regimes could ‘transcend’ the Arab-Israeli conflict, i.e. make an accommodation with Palestinians unnecessary. It is view heartily endorsed by the Atlanticists who populate the ranks of Britain’s neocons.

    9/11 paved the way for realizing the Clean Break, using the United States as a gigantic proxy, thanks to the Israel Lobby’s massive influence in Congress and the neocons’ newly won dominance in the Bush Administration.


  93. Calls are now being made to intervene militarily in Syria under an R2P pretext.


    “The Responsibility to Protect doctrine has been described by its founders and proponents, including Soros, as promoting global governance while allowing the international community to penetrate a nation state’s borders under certain conditions.”

    According to the main R2P website, the concept was first articulated by the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (ICISS) in 2001 and formalized in 2005. ICISS co-chair Gareth Evans, the former foreign minister of Australia, is generally credited with developing the idea.

    Two organizations specifically address R2P, and both are outgrowths of the World Federalist Movement:
    the International Coalition for the Responsibility to Protect (ICRtoP)
    and the Global Center for Responsibility to Protect (GCR2P).

    The World Federalist Movement’s goals can be found in its guiding document,
    The Montreux Declaration of 1947, which calls for the transformation of the U.N. into a world government requiring:

    In its 2010 tax return, the WFM lists assets of about $2.8 million and acknowledges receiving annual contributions in the previous two years of between $3 million and $4 million. Its largest supporters include the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation ($4.2 million between 2001 and 2010) and donor-advised funds at the Vanguard Charitable Endowment ($1.6 million from 2006 to 2011). WFM’s resources primarily support the International Criminal Court. In 2010,
    WFM provided $600,000 to the International Coalition for the Responsibility to Protect.

  94. Little documentation is available about the Global Centre for R2P, but it is larger than WFM, according to GCR2P executive director Dr. Simon Adams.
    Adams confirmed that the group’s main support comes from national governments.
    Those listed on its website include Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Rwanda, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

    Adams added that its primary U.S. foundation support comes from Humanity United and George Soros’s philanthropic network. Oddly, these groups do not list GCR2P as grant recipients on any of their recent IRS 990 forms (tax returns), but they do list WFM.

    While Soros funds GCR2P, Gareth Evans is the Board Co-Chair. Patrons include Kofi Annan, Desmond Tutu, and Lloyd Axworthy. Axworthy is the former foreign minister of Canada and helped launch the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty that first proposed R2P in 2001. Axworthy also serves as International President of the WFM.

    Evans, Soros, Annan, and a host of other usual suspects also serve on the board of the International Crisis Group, another organization dedicated to the same basic goals.

    Funders include the Open Society Institute, Carnegie Corporation of New York, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. According to its annual report, the group received about $21 million in 2011. The International Crisis Group was also active in Egypt’s Arab Spring, where former board member Mohamed ElBaradei was first celebrated as a likely replacement for Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak

    The Global Government Connection

    At the time, George Soros and Mohamed ElBaradei were serving together on
    the Board of the International Crisis Group.
    In the early months of the Egyptian revolt, ElBaradei was widely expected in the West to be the next leader of Egypt, but ultimately that job went to the Muslim Brotherhoood’s Mohamed Morsi. Separately, Soros funded a new weekly newspaper in Egypt titled “Wasla” or “The Link.”

    Earlier, Soros had funded Serbian student groups in 2000 that ultimately brought down Yugoslavian leader Slobodan Milosevic, especially one group called “Otpor.” Otpor in turn has been very influential in the Arab Spring movement and is responsible for the clenched fist banners seen during the uprising.

  95. April 19, 2013
    Most recently, Chechen jihadists have made the news for joining forces with Syrian rebels, and declaring upon arrival that “Jihad needs very many things. Firstly it needs money.”

    BBC 2013 : ISIS commander Shishani shows "no signs of extremism" http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-25151104 … #Syria

    Muhajireen Brigade: An Element of the CIA’s War in Chechnya

    Jaish al-Muhajireen wal-Ansar is comprised primarily of Chechen and other Russian-speaking foreign fighters. It was led by an ethnic Chechen, Abu Omar al-Shishani, aka Tarkhan Tayumurazovich Batirashvili.


    Umarov, described as “Russia’s Bin Laden,” at one time ran a propaganda clearinghouse, the Kavkaz Center, that was funded by the US State Department and various fronts including the National Endowment for Democracy-funded Russian-Chechen Friendship Society. “The former currently supports US efforts to overthrow the Syrian government,” writes Tony Cartalucci.

    April 20, 2013 Despite the fact that organs such as Kavkaz Center operate in the service of terrorists who advocate the destruction of Russia, their activity alone is
    not altogether significant if seen in a vacuum. 

    Rather, it is the association of these types of individuals and organizations with the US State Department and US intelligence community that makes them particularly insidious. 

    One such entity that bears scrutiny is the American Committee for Peace in the Caucasus (ACPC), previously known as the American Committee for Peace in Chechnya.

    As reported by Right Web at the Institute for Policy Studies,“The ACPC was founded in 1999 by Freedom House, a neoconservative organization that has worked closely with the US government, receiving funds from the National Endowment for Democracy and other U.S. democratization initiatives.”  This intimate relationship between the ACPC and the US State Department indicates not merely a confluence of interests, but rather a direct relationship wherein the former is an organ of the latter.




  96. "50 Later in 1984, a Presidential Finding was to transform NSDD-138's policy statement into counterterror action.
    The finding authorized and instructed the CIA to organize and train overseas counterterrorist units
    in several countries and to unilaterally preempt and punish terrorist action.51
    It purportedly specified that the foreigners trained "were to be used with great care and only in situations where the United States had good intelligence that a [terrorist] group was about to strike."52

    Still to come, in October 1984, was the public furor over the American government's "murder manual" for the Contras,

    In January 2008, President George W. Bush visited the Kingdom for a three-day official visit, during which he participated in talks with King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz to address a range of issues, including international counterterrorism efforts. During the meeting, King Abdullah reiterated his call for the establishment of an international counterterrorism center under the aegis of the UN.

    The former director of the security firm Blackwater aided the Libyan opposition and was subsequently
    sent to contact Syrian rebels in Turkey at the request of a U.S. Government committee, according to published Stratfor emails and reported by Al-Akhbar English.

    Smith provided information on missing surface-to-air missiles (SAMs) and allegedly “took part” in the killing of former Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi in the town of Sirte.
    In another email from December 13— in which Stratfor is organizing intelligence on the Syrian opposition that Smith had requested— Burton reports that Smith "is meeting w/specific people described as key leaders.

    "Burton is a former Deputy Chief of the Department of State's counterterrorism division for the Diplomatic Security Service (DSS). The DSS assists the Department of Defense in following leads and doing forensic analysis of hard drives seized by the U.S. government in ongoing criminal investigations.


  97. What might be the politico-economic philosophy of the interim government?
    The Gaddafi regime’s neoliberal turn is well known, and the defectors will probably bring that bent with them. As for the opposition in exile,
    the following excerpt from a report on a 1994 conference of Libyan exiles including the NFSL,
    hosted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies, may give us a clue of their orientation: “Most participants argued for privatization and a strong private sector economy.

    . . . [Economist Misbah] Oreibi warned that many of the big public sector enterprises will simply have to be shut down and the losses absorbed because they will never be profitable.” It is hard not to conclude that the marriage of old exiles and recent defectors is likely to result in a doubly neoliberal offspring.


    Freedom House's Center for Religious Freedom decided to undertake this project after a number
    of Muslims and other experts publicly raised concerns about Saudi state influence on American religious life
    Name of publication: al-Inqad
    Type: monthly magazine, currently Vol. 13, Jan '95
    Character: political//regional//Lybia
    Where is it published: Chicago, IL, U.S.A.
    Affiliation: National Front for the Salvation of Libya (NFSL)

    What should also be mentioned, perhaps, is that since 2005 the US government’s
    National Endowment for Democracy [NED] group has given over $234,000 in grants
    to Ashur Shamis’s Libya Human and Political Development Forum opposition group
    (including a $76,800 grant in 2009),
    according to the National Endowment for Democracy’s web site. 

    U.S. Government's NED Gave $234,000 To Libyan Opposition Group
    Since 2005, the U.S. government's National Endowment for Democracy [NED]has apparently given over $234,200 in grant money to the Libya Human and Political Development Forum group
    that opposes the current Libyan government.

    According to the NED website, the NED gave $40,000
    to the Libya Human and Political Development Forum in 2005, $54,000 in 2007,
    $63,400 in 2008 and $76,800 in 2009.


    Records found in the US Library of Congress indicate that NFSL had CIA support and training:

  98. A Freedom House program known as "New Generation" may also point to the foundation's preparation of activists for revolution.
    Another article at the Freedom House site entitled "New Generation of Advocates: Empowering Civil Society in Egypt," looks at the foundation's "New Generation" project in greater detail. The article refers to young Egyptian activists as the "YouTube Generation” and states that they are "supported
    by Freedom House to enhance their outreach, advocacy and effectiveness" ("New Generation of Advocates: Empowering Civil Society in Egypt").
    That support, says the article, "has yielded tangible results and the New Generation program in Egypt has gained prominence both locally and internationally" (ibid).
    The article then shares how Freedom House helped fellows visiting from Egypt acquire tools that could be used to facilitate revolution.

    Established in 1941 in New York City, Freedom House appears to represent American elites who are strong proponents of interventionism. In a history provided at the foundation's website, one reads the following:

  99. The National Endowment for Democracy: Human Rights, Covert Wrongs

    Freedom House is only one entity in a network of governmental and non-governmental organizations that deviant elites use to conduct destabilization campaigns, reshape countries' [AD Note: Proxy war on Syria which is seeing its cultural heritage annihilated.] political, social, and economic landscape, and punish recalcitrant national leaders and dictators. In a Haitianalysis.com article entitled "The Freedom House Files," Diana Barahona points out a connection between Freedom House and an elite combine known
    as the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).

    [AD Note: John McCain chairs the International Republican Institute (IRI) and receives its funding from from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the U.S. State Department, and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).

    This explains why John McCain was in Syria contacting "moderate" Jihadis who McCain advocated financing, training and arming to fight in Syria.] Barahona states: "During the 1980s the organization (Freedom House) began to receive a majority of its grant income from the newly created NED (founded by Congress in 1983)..." ("The Freedom House Files").

    A Voltairenet.org article entitled "Freedom House: when 'freedom' is only a pretext," contends that NED and Freedom House are both part of the same mechanism.
    This mechanism, as portrayed by the article, is to U.S. intervention what money launderers are to drug dealing. The article states: "The NED subsidizes Freedom House, which at the same time co-finances programs chosen by the NED thus erasing any traces of U.S. intervention" ("Freedom House: when 'freedom is only a pretext").

    The close relationship and monetary ties between Freedom House and the NED appear to have continued to the present. In its 2007 Annual Report, Freedom House [AD note: David J. Kramer was the President of Freedom House from October 2010 to November 2014.

    Kramer is currently the Senior Director for Human Rights and Human Freedoms at the McCain Institute.
    The current Executive Director of the McCain Institute is Kurt Volker who was a Permanent Representative to NATO until 2009. Previous to this Volker was an analyst at the CIA.] lists NED as one of its donors ("Freedom House Annual Report 2007").

    Interestingly, the NED may have been seeding Egypt for a revolution since at least 2009.
    In an article for the NED 2009 Annual Report entitled "Middle East and North Africa Program Highlights 2009," the NED reveals its involvement with various activist groups striving to bring political change to Egypt.

  100. Soros praised the collaboration in a February 3, 2011 Washington Post editorial, describing it as "a hopeful sign that [the Muslim Brotherhood] intends to play a constructive role in a democratic political system" ("Why Obama has to get Egypt right").

    On January 30, 2011, the Muslim Brotherhood began collaborating with ElBaradei.
    In an interview with Al-Jazeera, [AD note: Al Jazeera is the propaganda arm of the BBC operating out of Qatar into the region.
    When the proxy war against Syria began in March, 2011, a German journalist working for al Jazeera defected calling Al Jazeera "the Muslim Brotherhood." When Al Jazeera started up in Qatar 250 BBC reporters and journalists went over to Al Jazeera.]

    From 1954, although the Muslim Brotherhood had assassinated two Egyptian Prime Ministers, the CIA decided to use them to destabilize the Soviet Union as well as to combat the Arab nationalist movements.
    As a result, Syria was obliged to deal with a murderous cycle of terrorist attacks (1978-82), until the military branch of the organisation was defeated at Hama.

    In 1979, the Western powers decided to use the Muslim Brotherhood, with the help of Saudi Arabia, and under the command of Osama Bin Laden, to fight the Communist Afghan government.
    During the Cold War and afterwards, bin Laden’s men were used as a paramilitary force in ex-Yugoslavia (Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia), and then in the Russian Caucasus (Chechnya).

    In 2005, Qatar took over from the Saudis. With their new sponsorship, the Brotherhood managed to convince some of us that they had changed, and that they were now able to exercise power.
    David Petraeus, against the advice of the White House, gave his support to the « Arab Spring ». At first won over by this movement, Tunisians, Egyptians, Libyans and Syrians quickly rose in revolt against the Brotherhood.

    In 2012, the White House, exasperated, demanded the abdication of the Emir of Qatar and got rid of David Petraeus.
    The Muslim Brotherhood then placed themselves under the protection of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

  101. @ caustic : 4 comments did not show up. will you pls check your spambox.

  102. CANVAS
    A recent article published by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty states that strategic direction is provided
    by the Center for Applied NonViolent Action and Strategies (CANVAS), which grew out of Optor,
    the vanguard of the opposition that overthrew Milosevic, to which should be added:
    for the sake of the globalist plundering of Kosovan minerals.

    While certain of Optor’s useful idiots were shocked to subsequently learn that their movement was funded by the USA, despite denials, CANVAS, although supposedly giving Washington “a wide berth” (sic),
    still gets funding from the International Republican Institute and from Freedom House.[23]

    CANVAS and its predecessor, Optor, is based on the strategies of Gene Sharp, ideological guru of the “color revolutions” and founder of The Albert Einstein Institute, whose 1973 blueprint for revolution,

    The Politics of Nonviolent Action was funded by the Pentagon,
    and whose 1993 revolutionary manual From Dictatorship to Democracy has been avidly funded
    and promoted in multiple translations by George Soros’ Open Society Institute.[24]


    CANVAS is taking a central role in the present Middle East turmoil, having trained “the activists who spearheaded Georgia’s Rose Revolution in 2003 and Ukraine’s Orange Revolution in 2004″.[25]

  103. Privatized Economy

    Tarhouni has served as the Political Coordinator of the National Conference of the Libyan Opposition (NCL

    Most participants argued for privatization and a strong private sector economy.” That is a statement culled from a report of a panel discussion entitled “Post-Qaddafi Libya:
    The Prospect and The Promise,” organized by Washington’s Center for Strategic and International Studies in 1994.[1] Dr Ali Tarhouni stated at the conference, “with privatization, entrepreneurs will reach out and get involved in regional cooperation by searching for markets.”[2] Is that what the long-planned, well-funded “spontaneous revolts” now toppling regimes like a house of cards is actually about?

    Regional economic zones are a prime part of the globalization process. One well-known example is the concept of a “Trilateral” bloc of Asia, Europe, and North America, instigated by David Rockefeller as per the Trilateral Commission.[3] Others include NAFTA, European Union, APEC,[4] and the like.
    The globalists under the impress of “market forces” could attempt what could not transpire under Qaddafi or Nasser, an Arab bloc.

    As the neocon ideologist and military strategist Maj. Ralph Peters stated, the global market place and the life’s-meaning it gives in the soulless, mindless narcotic of luxury consumption and entertainment, is addictive. This addiction is the means by which the masses will be led to destroy their traditional heritage
    in what Peters calls “creative destruction.”[5]

    Wednesday, 27 September, 2006: At a strategic-level workshop in Geneva today organized by the Libya-based advisory firm Phoenicia Group Libya LLC, senior Libyan government officials unveiled an ambitious multi-billion dollar infrastructure development plan focused
    on the renovating and construction of airports, roads, housing, schools, hospitals,
    and water and sanitation projects nation-wide, as well as the Railway Project. The Railway Project, an ambitious 4,800 km trans-Africa rail network planned to link Tunisia and Egypt and a southern network linking the Libyan cities of Sirte and Sebha and possibly extended to Chad and Niger, was a major talking point ... Estimated to be worth 9 Billion U.S. Dollars, the Railway Project has been given national priority by Dr. Baghdad Mahmudi, Libyan Prime Minister. [Send2Press]

    Wednesday, 20 September, 2006: Phoenicia Group Libya, an integrated US-Libyan risk management consultancy, marketing, and event management firm, today announced several strategic acquisitions and negotiated partnerships in key growth sectors in Libya and the US. Acquisitions in Libya include Burki & Associates, a legal advisory firm; Al-Najma Syndicate, private publisher; Dream Tours, travel agency and tour operator; Tamuh Co, human resource company; Tannif, land developer group; and include stakes in: The Bank of Commerce & Development, Libya's most profitable private bank; and Al-Reda Insurance Company. [PRN]

  104. Dr. Ali Tarhouni has the credentials to be the globalists’ elder statesman for post-Qaddafi Libya.
    He was educated in economics at Michigan State University, and has been on the faculty of Graduate School of Business at University of Washington.[11] Like others of the “world color revolution” he seems to have been picked out long ago, in this instance since at least the 1990s, and to have distinguished himself at the 1994 “post-Qaddafi” conference for his enthusiasm for not only a privatized economy but for an Arab regional free market.
    Tarhouni has served as the Political Coordinator of the National Conference of the Libyan Opposition (NCL) in Seattle, Washington. The NCLO is a coalition of seven groups founded in London in 2005,[12] and centers on the National Front for the Salvation of Libya whose Executive Secretary Abdul Majid Buik was present at the 1994 conference with Tarhouni.
    Funding for Opposition Groups

    National Endowment for Democracy (NED)[13] grantees for 2009, the latest to be published, were:
    Akhbar Libya Cultural Limited to maintain its Arabic and English news websites;
    Libya Human and Political Development Forum, which organizes political dissent;
    and Transparency Libya Limited.[14]
    The same three organizations received NED funding in 2008,[15] and 2007;[16] and in 2006,
    in addition to Akhbar Libya Cultural Limited and Transparency Libya, $84,119 went to the American Center for International Labor Solidarity, the AFL-CIO affiliated body, for the purpose of laying the foundations for labor opposition in Libya.[17]
    The Solidarity Center, as it is also called, has been a major player in establishing globalist orientated trades unions in states marked for “regime change,” and ensures that embryonic labor movements will be committed to free market economics and privatization rather than to resisting economic globalization.[18]
    In 2005, the NED grantees were the Libya Human and Political Development Forum, and the American Libyan Freedom Alliance (ALFA), $42,000 being,
    To engage Libyan citizenry and exile community in debates on reform. ALFA will hold a national constitutional conference in London to bring together Libyan proponents of democratic reform to identify steps towards advancing reform of Libya’s political system. ALFA will also develop its Arabic-language website and broadcast the conference discussions on the Internet. [19]
    The American Libyan Freedom Alliance was one of the sponsors of The American Middle East Convention for Freedom and Democracy held in Washington in 2004. The purpose of this was to show the solidarity of Arabs and Muslims in the USA for the “American war on terrorism.” [20]
    Hence, ALFA has a commitment to American foreign policy, including the American military invasion of the Muslim world.

    1. Unleashing the Economic Potential of the Maghreb—the Role of Foreign Investment
      By Christine Lagarde Managing Director, International Monetary Fund Nouakchott, January 9, 2013

      "Arab Spring" must now be followed by a "Private Sector Spring"

      Are you saying that on the 15th, Islamists didn't attack an arms depot in Derna?

      2011 On February 15, the International Monetary Fund released the following in
      its updated assessment on Libya:
      "An ambitious program to privatize banks and develop the nascent financial sector is underway.

      Banks have been partially privatized, interest rates decontrolled, and competition encouraged.

      Ongoing efforts to restructure and modernize the CBL are underway with assistance from the Fund.

      Capital and financial markets, however, are still underdeveloped with a very limited role in the economy.

      There are no markets for government or private debt and the foreign exchange market is small."

      The IMF "welcomed Libya's strong macroeconomic performance and the progress on enhancing the rule of the private sector and supporting growth in the non-oil economy.

      The fiscal and external balances remain in substantial surplus and are expected to strengthen further over the medium term, and the outlook for Libya's economy remains favourable."

      And the Economist observed on February 27, "Another potentially important trend starting to emerge in Libya is private equity investment. One of the pioneers is Tuareg Capital, a firm set up last year in Bahrain by two Libyan expatriate investment bankers, Adel Saudi and Abdulla Boulsien (Mr Saudi's father was the founder of Arab Banking Corporation in 1980, one of the largest pan-Arab financial institutions)."

      Deepening the country’s financial markets are upstarts like Tuareg Capital, a small private equity firm with bold ideas for North Africa. Chairman and CEO Adel Saudi believes that Libya is, “probably one of the last economic frontiers in the MENA region” and wishes “to provide an opportunity for investors who are not familiar with this market, but who are aware of its many opportunities.

      Fransman said South Africa had voted in favour of the United Nations Security Council resolution that was adopted on February 26.

  105. 3/1/11
    U.S. Alexander Praises Netanyahu’s Proposed “New Marshall Plan” For Middle East

    3/1/11 http://www.chattanoogan.com/articles/article_195706.asp
    A New Marshall Plan for the Middle East

    In Jerusalem last week, during a private meeting with seven United States Senators,
    the Prime Minister of Israel suggested creating a new Marshall Plan to help people of Middle Eastern countries struggling to gain more freedom...funding would come from private gifts and foundations worldwide.

    What are the next steps?
    1. A coalition of foundations step forward to consider proposals from Egypt and other Middle Eastern countries to assist transition to a more democratic form of government.
    2. The first grants should be quickly approved, probably to nongovernmental organizations
    [U.S./NED/Soros 'soft power' NGOS] already in place.


    10 mrt. 2011
    After unabashedly admitting to funding, fueling, and supporting the uprisings
    in Tunisia and Egypt,
    Hillary Clinton made a visit to Egypt and Tunisia to “consult with Libya’s neighbors on possible next steps against Gadhafi.”



    It should be further noted that the prevailing western-backed regimes emerging from the recent Arab unrest, including Tunisia, Egypt, and the unscathed western foot-stool of Saudi Arabia are attempting to promote an “Arab League” endorsed no-fly zone. This is perhaps a trial run for the so-called “united front against Iran” many geopolitical analysts believe this unrest has been designed to create.

  106. Fourth Meeting of the Libya Contact Group Chair's Statement, 15 July 2011, Istanbul.
    Jeffrey Feltman, head of US delegation at the secret talks Tunis.


    Second, immediately after the summit, Washington opened direct talks with Tripoli, which took place in Tunis.
    The U.S. delegation was led by Assistant Secretary of State for the Near East, Jeffrey Feltman.

    In late August of 2011, Feltman, who was both Stevens's boss and friend,
    traveled to Benghazi for an update. One of their last meetings, on August 20, was with
    a high-ranking rebel minister Stevens had gotten to know well. The Americans wanted to know when the rebels would try to take Tripoli.

    As they entered the El Fadeel Hotel, where the minister was waiting for them in a conference room, Stevens gave Feltman a sideways glance. "We've got time," he said quietly. "Let's just hang out
    for a while." Stevens liked to hang out. He liked to hang out in cafés and markets, in offices and living rooms. He wanted information—sometimes general, sometimes specific—but he rarely gathered it by asking pointed questions. He listened more than he spoke, and he paused often, leaving spaces for the other person to fill.

    The minister, a former exile whom Qaddafi had sentenced to death in absentia, greeted them warmly. Tea was served. After some small talk, Stevens and Feltman listened as the minister gradually explained that the battle for Tripoli would begin in the neighborhood of Souq al-Jumaa. Other areas would rise up with weapons that had been smuggled into the city, and only then,
    after the people of Tripoli had claimed the revolution as their own, would rebel forces advance from the east.

    The minister was very specific. Feltman wondered how much of what he'd said could be trusted.


  107. The paper said that "dozens of armed Libyans from" the banner of Misrata "and" Tripoli Brigade ",
    who are the most prominent Salafist" jihad " formations in Libya and North Africa,
    announced the establishment of
    " a brigade of the nation “ Liwaa al-Umma " in Syria
    in cooperation with the militants of the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood in the province Idleb.

    A source at the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood in London said that the new military
    "is the fruit of cooperation between the Libyan revolutionaires , and Syrian brother
    Farouk Tayfur, Deputy Comptroller General, during his blessed visit to Libya last October, by Tayfur and chairman of the Syrian Nationals then, Burhan Ghalioun
    to seek the help of the Libyan National Transitional Council headed by Mustafa Abdul Jalil. http://arabi-press.com/

    The source added that the Libyan rebels entered Syria through Turkey, to join "the free Syrian army" in order to counter the pro-Bashar al-Assad forces, asserting that the door is still open to more volunteers in Libya in case they wish to fight. 

    Libya’s Interim Government Sent 600 Fighters To Join Free Syrian Army
    Abdulhakim Belhadj, head of the Tripoli Military Council
    By Ruth Sherlock in Tripoli 9:00PM GMT 27 Nov 2011

    Abdulhakim Belhadj, head of the Tripoli Military Council and the former leader of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, "met with Free Syrian Army leaders in Istanbul and on the border with Turkey," said a military official working with Mr Belhadj. "Mustafa Abdul Jalil (the interim Libyan president) sent him there."


    "We cannot say no to a woman," said Misurata rebel Lutfy el-Amin.
    "Many men are readying themselves. If they can they will go to join the fight".

    There is also a private airport in Misrata, which operates direct flights to Istanbul,
    away from the eyes of state supervision. Through this airport, fighters are transported to Syria via Turkey. The US is in control of Libya's security sector and is planning to link the country's security to NATO through a number of measures including the deployment of more drones. Today, the US is more concerned about the war on terror in the region than with oil revenues. They left the oil projects to the British and construction and contracting to Turkey.
    The Islamists seem to be closer to the British in their policies and do not object to London's orders.
    This is reflected in London's relationship with Abdul-Rahman al-Sowaihali al-Misrati
    who claims to be representing Misrata, a representation based on his control of a battalion of gunmen.

  108. It became clear very quickly that US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton,
    CIA director David Petraeus
    and the new director of Political Affairs for the UNO, Jeffrey Feltman,
    had been pulling the strings since the beginning.


    During the first quarter of 2012, the United States and Russia, noting the stupidity of the Muslim Brotherhood’s project to seize power - the « Arab Spring » - and imagined a new distribution of power in the « Greater Middle East » which they began to implement with the Geneva Conference.

    But President Obama proved himself incapable of honouring his word.

    One week later, François Hollande called the « Friends of Syria » to re-start the war,
    then Kofi Annan made an international spectacle of resigning his functions as a mediator, while France, Qatar, Jordan and Israël launched the operation « Damascus Volcano » and assassinated the heads of the Syrian National Security Council.

    It should be noted that Allen’s departure will not be enough to close this inglorious chapter - Jeffrey Feltman remains in the number 2 spot at NATO [9].

    The Feltman group
    Obama’s other problem is the United Nations General Secretariat. While it is difficult to know to which movement Ban Ki-moon belongs, since he is too busy making money from his position, the same is not true of his Deputy Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Jeffrey Feltman.
    Before becoming an international civil servant, he was a United States ambassador, specialising progressively in the Near East. In particular, he was posted to Israël, Iraq (where he administered for the Kurdish party) and Lebanon (where he imposed his ideas on the Siniora government ).

    He enjoyed a rare relation of confidence with the Secretary of State of the time, Condoleezza Rice, with whom he shared a weekly video-conference, and then was nominated by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to work with Rice in Washington and supervise all policies touching the Near East.

  109. In a secret 2006 diplomatic cable made public by Wikileaks, for example, then-U.S. Ambassador to Syria William V. Roebuck
    urged Washington to “play on Sunni fears of Iranian influence”
    in order to weaken the Assad regime. Although reports that Iranian Shi‘ites are proselytizing among poor Sunnis are “often exaggerated,” Roebuck said, “[b]oth the local Egyptian and Saudi missions here (as well as prominent Syrian Sunni religious leaders) are giving increasing attention to the matter and we should coordinate more closely with their governments on ways to better publicize and focus regional attention on the issue.”
    The reports of Shi’ite proselytizing were exaggerated yet Roebuck advised blowing them up all the more.

    2006-2011 Prior to the onset of the Syrian war, the U.S. stirs up opposition to Syrian government (Assad). An April 18, 2011 article reads “Newly released WikiLeaks cables reveal that the US State Department has been secretly financing Syrian opposition groups and other opposition projects for at least five years, The Washington Post reports.”

  110. July 10, 2006
    The map of the “New Middle East” was a key element in the retired Lieutenant-Colonel’s book, Never Quit the Fight, which was released to the public on July 10, 2006.

    This map of a redrawn Middle East was also published, under the title of Blood Borders: How a better Middle East would look, in the U.S. military’s Armed Forces Journal with commentary from
    Ralph Peters.5

    The Greater Middle East was a political term coined by the second Bush administration in the first decade of the 21st century,[1]
    to denote various countries, pertaining to the Muslim world, specifically Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan and Pakistan.[2] Various countries in the South Caucasus and Central Asia are sometimes also included. Some speakers may use the term to denote areas with significant Muslim majorities, but this usage is not universal.[3] The Greater Middle East is sometimes referred to as "The New Middle East",[4] or "The Great Middle East Project".[5][6]
    This expanded term was introduced in the U.S. administration's preparatory work for the G8 summit of 2004[7] as part of a proposal for sweeping change in the way the West deals with the Middle East.

    Former U.S. National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, alluded to the modern Middle East
    as a control lever on an area he calls the Eurasian Balkans.[citation needed][8]
    The Eurasian Balkans consists of the Caucasus (Georgia, the Republic of Armenia, and Azerbaijan) and Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan,[citation needed] and Tajikistan). Turkey and Iran form the northernmost part of the Middle East (although some part of both counties lies in the Caucasus).



    The term “New Middle East” was introduced to the world in June 2006 in Tel Aviv by U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
    (who was credited by the Western media for coining the term) in replacement of the older and more imposing term, the “Greater Middle East.”

    This shift in foreign policy phraseology coincided with the inauguration of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) Oil Terminal in the Eastern Mediterranean. The term and conceptualization of the “New Middle East,” was subsequently heralded by the U.S. Secretary of State and the Israeli Prime Minister at the height of  the Anglo-American sponsored Israeli siege of Lebanon.
    Prime Minister Olmert and Secretary Rice had informed the international media that a project for a “New Middle East” was being launched from Lebanon.

  111. October 05, 2015
    The Israelis are in an uproar, especially after these words from Putin:
    “We respect Israel’s interests related to the Syrian civil war.
    But we are concerned about its attacks on Syria.” Translated from the language of diplomacy, this is a warning. Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon retorted, “Israel is not coordinating its operations in Syria with Russia.” He feels that the border between the Jewish state and the Arab Republic is the exclusive prerogative of Tel Aviv.
    The Kremlin is not contesting this position, which stems from the Israeli vision for the Middle East’s future borders (including Jabal al-Druze)


    The historical figure of General Henri Gouraud leaps to mind, who in 1920 bested King Faisal I of Iraq (a member of the Hashemite dynasty) at the Battle of Maysalun, thus capturing Damascus. Gouraud was so ruthless in his conquest of the Arab Kingdom of Syria that in 1921 he was able to carve out from its vast territory the État de Damas,
    the État d’Alep, the Alawite State (known as the Sanjak of Latakia),
    Jabal al-Druze (the Druze State),
    the Sanjak of Alexandretta (present day İskenderun and the Hatay Province in southern Turkey), and also Greater Lebanon (1920).
    Those unifications endured, in various incarnations, until 1946, when Paris withdrew its troops under pressure from Arab nationalists.

  112. With strong backing from Syria's neighbor Turkey

    One of #Aleppo’s oldest factions, Kataib Abu Amara (@kataybaboamara) has joined
    Ahrar al-Sham. #أحرار_الشام #Syria

    Ahrar al-Sham (also Harakat Ahrar al-Sham al-Islamiyya, or the Islamic Movement of
    the Free Men of the Levant) is one of the largest members of the Islamic 

    November 1, 2012: Ahrar al-Sham and al-Nusra attacked a military post, killing several soldiers and seizing weapons and vehicles. While it is clear that Ahrar al-Sham carried out attacks before November 2012, none were reported by credible media outlets. (Unknown casualties)

    January 6, 2014: January 6, 2014: Ahrar al-Sham coordinated with al-Nusra, other Islamic Front units, and affiliated with the Supreme Military Council to drive ISIS out of Raqqa. (Unknown casualties)


    With strong backing from Syria's neighbor Turkey, Ahrar al-Sham (the Free Men of Syria)
    is playing a significant role in Syria's four year old civil war - if not the biggest among insurgent group apart from Islamic State.Its fighters control Bab al-Hawa, the only legal crossing between Turkey and Syria's rebel-held areas, and are powerful around Aleppo and Idlib


    "Their strength is evident in running the Bab al-Hawa crossing. They control it after kicking everyone else out and hence they control the trade in and out of Syria, putting the transfer of goods to all Syria under their control. They have become self-funded after imposing taxes on goods coming into Syria," he said.

    The leadership change may also be an attempt to solidify more international support for
    the group, especially from Turkey. Al-Masri reportedly has close ties to Ankara, which provides Turkey with more reassurance that Ahrar al-Sham will fully support the implementation of a Turkish buffer zone—a plan that Abu Jaber had reportedly remained hesitant about.
    It is likely that al-Masri will also continue the general movement away from collaboration with Jabhat al-Nusra, al-Qaeda’s Syrian affiliate, which has been a key source of concern among Western governments.

  113. Obama also has refused consistent Turkish demands to open up a no-fly zone in Syria’s north, which would inject the U.S. military directly into the battle to topple Assad’s Baathists.
    But Obama has let the CIA channel funds to thousands of rebels, many of them Islamists allied with Al Nusra Front, Al Qaeda’s official Syrian affiliate. He has not blocked the Saudis from supplying Al Nusra with U.S.-made high-tech TOW missiles.


    Timeline of CIA Interventions in Syria

    The United States spent a whole year bombing the desert instead of hitting terrorist targets in Syria, the head of the Russian parliament’s international affairs committee wrote on Friday.

    Besides, John McCain, chairman of the Senate’s Armed Services Committee,
    said that he could “absolutely confirm” that Russian air strikes had hit Free Syrian Army recruits who had been armed and trained by the US,
    a claim that was later denied by the Pentagon.

    John McCain Wants to Shoot Down Russian Planes


    British SAS Special Forces “Dressed Up as ISIS Rebels” Fighting Assad in Syria

    Over 250 UK (and perhaps US) specialists are involved to provide communications support, the Sunday Express explained.
    British Defense Secretary Michael Fallon said “(o)ur actions and surveillance capabilities are freeing up other countries to strike in Syria.”

    UK SAS forces are in Saudi Arabia training anti-Assad terrorists along with US operatives doing the same thing – including in Turkey, Jordan, Qatar and perhaps Israel.

    US and UK claims about training so-called “moderate” rebels reflect smoke-screen cover
    for working directly with ISIS terrorists – trained, armed and funded abroad, funneled cross-border into Syria to fight Assad, now with US/UK and Canadian air support along with covert commandos on the ground.

    The Express cited former British Army General David Richards saying “tanks will roll” as part of UK operations in Syria.

  114. "Caesar"

    10/21/14 Caesar’s first visit to Washington, D.C., this past July was to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, an austere building on the National Mall which opened in 1993
    as a living memorial to the victims of the Holocaust, as well as a place to discuss moral questions raised by genocide.

    The photos were ordered, Caesar told the inquiry team in an interview, to allow for death certificates
    to be produced without a family member seeing the body


    But after the uprising by forces opposed to Assad’s regime began in the spring of 2011,
    he was called to a military hospital in Damascus and asked to photograph prisoners who had been tortured to death,
    Mouaz Moustafa,
    a member of the team that has helped Caesar bring his story to the U.S., tells Newsweek.

    Caesar had contacted a relative outside of Syria about defecting early on, and he finally
    fled more than two years
    after the civil war started. He later secured asylum in a European country, Moustafa says, and his family followed.


    CNN's new, excellent report on Assad's barbaric atrocities, including footage from
    the Holocaust Museum event in the U.S. Congress with Syrian survivor, Qutaiba Idlibi.


  115. https://www.facebook.com/StandwithCaesar/posts/393977654130569

    John McCain, Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, calls on
    the American people and their leaders to halt Assad's genocide against the Syrian people.

    John McCain: Founding Father of the Terrorist Emirate of Benghazi

    Accused of plotting the overthrow of President Hosni Mubarak for the Muslim Brotherhood, the two employees of the International Republican Institute (IRI) in Cairo,
    John Tomlaszewski (second right) and Sam LaHood (son of US-Lebanese,
    Ray LaHood, a democratic government Transportation Secretary) (second left) took refuge at the embassy of the United States.
    Here they are along with Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham at the preparatory meeting of the "Arab Spring" in Libya and Syria. They would be released by Brother Mohamed Morsi when he became President.

    Feb 4 2011

    John McCain in Syria.
    In the foreground at right is the director of the Syrian Emergency Task Force Mouaz Moustafa

    SETF Executive Director Mouaz Moustafa (far left) and Estwani (far right) in Cairo.


    McCain was in Benghazi – with U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens
    and told an Al-Jazeera reporter that the Libyan (Muslim Brotherhood) rebels were his “heroes” on the same day they were receiving weapons:

  116. The U.S. Holocaust Museum is bringing Caesar's photos to the U.S. Congress once again. Mouaz Moustafa

    Syrian Emergency Task Force (SETF) Mouaz Moustafa



    Mouaz Moustafa was born and raised in Damascus, Syria before moving to America
    at the age of 12.

    Drawing inspiration from the heroes of the American Revolution, Mouaz has worked on Capitol Hill
    on behalf of the Egyptian and Libyan revolutions.

    Since the start of the revolution in his home country, he has worked the back-rooms of Washington trying
    to bring the Syrian revolution to the forefront of political discourse.

    Before the Syrian Emergency Task Force, Moustafa was the Executive Director
    of the Libyan Council of North America, which like the SETF existed to help push regime change. Before that, he mentions working with “rebels” in Egypt.

    His Twitter account frequently features anti-Israel material, including calls for a Palestinian state with its capital in Jerusalem. On his YouTube account, he “liked” a video featuring Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, “crying while praying”.

    Mouaz Moustafa is a Palestinian Arab and the Executive Director of the Syrian Emergency Task Force
    which arranged for McCain's visit.
    Senator McCain called Moustafa a "patriot".

    The U.S. government has spent over a $1 billion on aid to the Syrian rebels,
    with nearly half going to the Department of State, which is used for “institution building,”
    and the other half going to USAID, which is used for diaspora community relations.


  117. As the Executive Director of the Syrian Emergency Task Force (SETF), Mouaz advocates on behalf of the pro-democratic movement inside of Syria. Working with his expansive network of activists, opposition figures, and Free Syrian Army soldiers,
    Mouaz and SETF provide aid to the millions of Syrians in need humanitarian assistance and are working to build
    a system of civilian councils to help with transitional governance inside Syria.

    According to its website, the Syrian Emergency Task Force (SETF) has a both a Board
    of Trustees and Board of Directors “consisting of Syrian American professionals from across the United States.”

    Of seven board members named, four are known to have a history of close ties to the US Muslim Brotherhood:

    State Department contracting firms like “ARK [Access Resources Knowledge], Chemonics, Creative [Associates International]—a number of the big contractors” set up the contracts and pay the Syrian Emergency Task Force, O’Bagy told TheDC.


    With each contract, O’Bagy made more money. This revelation raises serious questions about her incentives to support American involvement in Syria. Both Secretary of State John Kerry and Senator John McCain cited O’Bagy’s work in the push for military action
    but did not disclose her ties to the rebel groups.


    Mohammed Khawam, of the Syrian Emergency Task Force, speaks to supporters of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
    outside United Nations headquarters in New York on September 28, 2015.

  118. With each contract, O’Bagy made more money

    The salaries and incomes are incredible when one accounts for the fact that many NGOs, such as Avaaz,
    rake in millions of dollars in donations from well-intentioned and hard-working citizens who are at or below the poverty line.


    Are Human Rights Watch Inc. Executives Making Big Money From Human Rights Monitoring Industry?

    Kenneth Roth Annie Sparrow

    Being an executive at a U.S. power elite foundation-subsidized human rights monitoring NGO in the United States in the 21st-century can apparently be a lucrative gig.
    Human Rights Watch Inc. Executive Director Kenneth Roth, for example took home an annual salary/total compensation package of $412,607 between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009, according to Human Rights Watch Inc.’s form 990 financial filing for 2009.

    In addition, nine other Human Rights Watch Inc. executives were also given annual salary/total compensation packages that exceeded $167,000 during this same period
    by the U.S.-based human rights monitoring NGO.

    Of the $45 million in foundation “charitable” grants and rich individual donor contributions received by Human Rights Watch Inc. between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009, $27 million was spent on just paying the salaries of Human Rights Watch Inc.’s employees; and in 2009, the “non-profit,’ tax-exempt U.S.-based Human Rights Watch Inc. human rights monitoring firm controlled over $122 million in assets—including, apparently, corporate stock in various transnational corporations that exploit working-class human beings in both the United States and foreign countries.

    .At one briefing, Tom Malinowski of Human Rights Watch, who served as a special assistant to Bill Clinton, also spoke in favor of intervention.
    Unless America took action, he warned, there would likely be a significant loss of life in Libya, an outcome he called "brutal, bloody and extremely deadly." Others who attended the session felt that Malinowski's assessment of the Libyan rebels was "rosy" and "reckless."
    Steve Clemons, an influential progressive at the New America Foundation, offered a more skeptical take on the rebel leaders, who included a mix of former Qaddafi thugs, high-minded reformers and militant Islamists once aligned with Al Qaeda.
    "You better hope these guys aren't the humanitarians you're painting them as," he said, rejecting Malinowski's upbeat portrayal of the Libyan opposition. "If so, they don't stand a chance of surviving if Qaddafi falls."

    “The forced displacement of roughly 40,000 people, arbitrary detentions, torture, and killings are widespread, systematic, and sufficiently organized to be crimes against humanity,”
    said Human Rights Watch in 2013,
    two years after its Washington director, Tom Malinowski,
    cheered the war and said democracy was “tantalizingly close.”

    1. Open Society Foundation

      Res Publica: Seeking to advance far-left agendas in places all around the world, RP specializes in “E-advocacy,” or web-based movement-building.

      Avaaz, a “global advocacy group funded by philanthropist and financier
      George Soros, MoveOn.org and the labor group SEIU,”326
      was co-founded in 2007 by “Res Publica, a global civic advocacy group, and Moveon.org.”327

      Res Publica describes Avaaz.org as its “primary current project.”328

      Res Publica received grants totaling $290,000 from the Soros Open Society Institute in 2008, of which $250,000 was earmarked for Avaaz.329

      In 2009, the Open Society Foundation gave $600,000 to Avaaz via Res Publica,
      330 and Moveon.org gave Avaaz $94,289

      Another key co-founder of Avaaz is none other than pro-war, pro-Israel,
      U.S. Democrat Tom Perriello, former U.S. Representative (represented the 5th District of Virginia from 2008 to 2010) and founding member of the House Majority Leader’s National Security Working Group.
      As demonstrated in the 2012 investigative report on Avaaz, Perriello’s curriculum vitae, built upon privilege within elite circles, is quite extensive.

      The largest single grant made by George Soros, other than to his own Open Society Foundation, was a $100 million matching gift made in 2010 to Human Rights Watch through the Foundation to Promote Open Society.

      In a statement released at the time of the gift Soros commented that,
      “Human Rights Watch is one of the most effective organizations I support...
      Human rights underpin our greatest aspirations: they’re at the heart of open societies.”

      114 See “George Soros to Give $100 million to Human Rights
      Watch,” Human Rights Watch, September 7, 2010 at

  119. CIA operatives were working with the opposition from the beginning.
    It is impossible that American officials didn’t know about the pogroms against blacks, which began as soon as the insurgency did. In his review of Maximilian Forte’s essential Slouching Toward Sirte, Dan Glazenbook summarizes his findings:

    In March 2011 Stevens became the official U.S. liaison to the al-Qaeda-linked Libyan opposition, working directly with Abdelhakim Belhadj of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group

    US and Egyptian special forces have reportedly been providing covert training to rebel fighters in the battle for Libya, Al Jazeera has been told… An unnamed rebel source related how he had undergone training in military techniques at a “secret facility” in eastern Libya…

    “He told us that on Thursday night a new shipment of Katyusha rockets had been sent
    into eastern Libya from Egypt… He said these were state-of-the-art, heat-seeking rockets and that they needed to be trained on how to use them, which was one of the things the American and Egyptian special forces were there to do…”

    You may recall that there was a debate in the spring of 2011 over whether foreign powers could arm the rebels despite the UN embargo.
    On one side was Hillary Clinton, who claimed that Resolution 1973 placed a loophole
    in the embargo. On the other side was international law: Resolution 1973, in fact, urged enforcement of the embargo.

    Nonetheless, the official position of the United States was, and is, that it didn’t arm the Libyan opposition. Not directly perhaps. Egypt sent weapons to the opposition with the knowledge of American officials, who “encouraged” allies Qatar and the United Arab Emirates to do the same. Maybe those US-approved shipments are what John McCain was referring to when he said “we” armed the Libyan “rebels.”

    In 2012, the New York Times reported that al-Qaeda allies in Libya had gotten arms from Qatar.


    The operation was planned well in advance, even before the meeting between
    John McCain and Ibrahim al-Badri.
    For example, internal correspondence from the Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
    published by my friends James and Joanne Moriarty [19], shows that 5,000 jihadis were trained at the expense of Qatar in NATO’s Libya in 2012, and 2,5 million dollars was paid at the same time to the future Caliph.

    PM Abdullah al-Thinni: Qatar and Turkey are to blame, for forcing political Islam on #Libya http://sputniknews.com/middleeast/20150827/1026251430.html …

  120. The arrival in Derna of Libyan jihadists from Syria added to the conflict.
    Initially, many of the returnees worked with Ansar al-Sharia against the ASMB
    Already there have been several propaganda overtures by the Islamic State to the city, including an open letter from Abu Moadh al-Barqawi
    addressed to the “youth of Misrata.”
    Barqawi asked them to sacrifice their lives for God instead of for democracy and the parliamentary government backed by Operation Dawn, and urged the Misratan fighters to repent and join the Islamic State

    Berqawi AJE vid
    Libya - 18 Feb 2011, Massacre in Benghazi, 18_02_2011 WORLDWIDE REVOLUTION 2011!!!

  121. The following comes from correspondence of the Hungarian-born billionaire,
    now naturalized American speculator, George Soros. The hacker group CyberBerkut has published online letters allegedly written by Soros that reveal him not only as puppet master of the US-backed Ukraine regime.

    They also reveal his machinations with the US Government
    and the officials of the European Union in a scheme where,
    if he succeeds, he could win billions in the plunder of Ukraine assets.
    All, of course, would be at the expense of Ukrainian citizens and of EU taxpayers.

    What the three hacked documents reveal is a degree of behind-the-scene manipulation of the most minute details of the Kiev regime by the New York billionaire.

    In the longest memo, dated March 15, 2015 and marked “Confidential” Soros outlines
    a detailed map of actions for the Ukraine regime.
    Titled, “A short and medium term comprehensive strategy for the new Ukraine,”
    the memo from Soros calls for steps to “restore the fighting capacity of Ukraine without violating the Minsk agreement.”

    To do the restoring, Soros blithely notes that “General Wesley Clark,
    Polish General Skrzypczak and a few specialists under the auspices of the Atlantic Council [emphasis added—f.w.e.] will advise President Poroshenko how to restore the fighting capacity of Ukraine without violating the Minsk agreement.”

    Soros also calls for supplying lethal arms to Ukraine and secretly training Ukrainian army personnel in Romania to avoid direct NATO presence in Ukraine. The Atlantic Council is a leading Washington pro-NATO think tank.

    Notably, Wesley Clark is also a business associate of Soros in BNK Petroleum which does business in Poland.

    Clark, some might recall, was the mentally-unstable NATO General
    in charge of the 1999 bombing of Serbia who ordered
    NATO soldiers to fire on Russian soldiers guarding the Pristina International Airport.
    The Russians were there as a part of an agreed joint NATO–Russia peacekeeping operation supposed to police Kosovo.

    The British Commander, General Mike Jackson refused Clark, retorting,
    “I’m not going to start the Third World War for you.”
    Now Clark apparently decided to come out of retirement for the chance to go at Russia directly.

    1. Soros is a most energetic one-worlder these days – and his involvement with the international criminal court is therefore no coincidence.
      Not only did he supposedly fund the court’s startup,
      but according to the publication EIR, the Soros organization also directly funded  another agency at The Hague: “the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, which prosecuted Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic.
      He died during his trial under suspicious circumstances, in 1997.”

  122. Naked asset grab

    In his March 2015 memo Soros further writes that Ukrainian President Poroshenko’s
    “first priority must be to regain control of financial markets,” which he assures Poroshenko that Soros would be ready to assist in: “I am ready to call Jack Lew of the US Treasury to sound him out about the swap agreement.”

    He also calls on the EU to give Ukraine an annual aid sum of €11 billion via a special EU borrowing facility.
    Soros proposes in effect using the EU’s “AAA” top credit rating to provide a risk insurance for investment into Ukraine.

    Whose risk would the EU insure?

    Soros details, “I am prepared to invest up to €1 billion in Ukrainian businesses.
    This is likely to attract the interest of the investment community.
    As stated above, Ukraine must become an attractive investment destination.” Not to leave any doubt, Soros continues, “The investments will be for-profit but I will pledge to contribute the profits to my foundations. This should allay suspicions that I am advocating policies in search of personal gain. “

    For anyone familiar with the history of the Soros Open Society Foundations in Eastern Europe and around the world since the late 1980’s, will know that his supposedly philanthropic “democracy-building” projects in Poland, Russia, or Ukraine in the 1990’s allowed Soros the businessman to literally plunder the former communist countries using Harvard University’s “shock therapy” messiah, and Soros associate, Jeffrey Sachs,
    to convince the post-Soviet governments to privatize and open to a “free market” at once, rather than gradually.


    Soros Pushes US Bailouts and Weapons for Ukraine

    The EBRD was founded to support countries of the former Eastern Bloc in the process
    of establishing their private sectors.[4] To that end, it offers "project financing" for banks, industries and businesses, for new ventures or existing companies. It works with publicly owned companies to support their privatization, as advocated by the WTO since the 1980s [5] and "improvement of municipal services".


    The EBRD publishes its tenders and contracts in Development Business. a publication launched in 1978 by the United Nations with the World Bank and other development banks.[20]

  123. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Bank_for_Reconstruction_and_Development

    After the Arab Spring, the EBRD added four countries in the Middle East and North Africa region to a special multi-donor account: Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, and Tunisia.
    These countries were expected to become full recipient countries in the future.[19]

    Libya requesting assistance from the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development
    The President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development yesterday announced that Libya requested technical assistance from the bank to support the economy.

    Although Libya and Yemen are not members of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, they have received with other Arab states the invitation of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the sidelines of the annual meeting of the Bank held in Istanbul. The governor of the Central Bank of Libya said in a press conference that "Libya pays attention to the technical cooperation with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development." He added that "The application will be studied " However, the technical assistance will make Libya a member of the bank or taking advantage of the investment at this stage.

  124. The Deauville Partnership with Arab Countries in Transition

    The Deauville Partnership provides support for the historic political and economic transitions
    of the people in Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Libya, Jordan and Yemen.
    The Partnership also includes the G8 countries (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, United Kingdom, and the United States), the EU and regional partners (Kuwait, Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the UAE).

    The Partnership also includes international financial institutions and organisations.

    The Islamic Development Bank
    is the rotating chairman of the IFI platform that includes:
    the African Development Bank,

    the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development, the Arab Monetary Fund,

    the European Investment Bank,
    the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development,
    the International Finance Corporation,

    the International Monetary Fund,
    the African Development Bank, the OPEC Fund for International Development,
    and the World Bank.

  125. The UK’s Presidency of the Deauville Partnership – Our Vision

    The UK holds the Presidency of the G8 in 2013,
    which means it also has the Chairmanship of the Deauville Partnership with Arab Countries in Transition.

    17 4 2013 Britain expressed its willingness to help the Libyan authorities illegal in training cadres and police officers and promote cooperation between the two countries
    in the field of security.

    The Minister of International Development of the British government
    Alan Duncan,
    who is visiting Libya currently says it is his country's intention to support Libya to develop security elements in all fields, especially the "fight against terrorism" and the criminal investigation and DNA and other security equipment, which would contribute in supporting security in Libya.

    The Western marketing effort was based on an assessment that post-Gadhafi Libya
    was determined to replace Russia as a leading supplier.
    But executives eventually concluded that Tripoli was unable to honor either decisions
    or financial commitments.
    “The companies soon found out that nobody had access to government funds,
    and that all the trips and meetings were just a giant waste of time,” a Western diplomatic source in Tripoli said.

  126. Government admits Alan Duncan's links to company in 'Libyan oil cell'


    A mInIsTER has been accused of a "huge conflict of interest" after an oil company pal - who bankrolled the Tories - completed a $1billion fuel deal with the Libyan rebels.

    Former oil trader Alan Duncan spearheaded the Government's secret "Libya Oil Cell",
    set up to ensure vital supplies got through to the insurgents and prevent them reaching Colonel Gaddafi.

    The unit helped Mr Duncan's friend Ian Taylor's company Vitol to take petrol and gas into Benghazi and bring crude oil out.

    Action in Libya is costing the UK  £1.5 million per day,

    But he faces criticism over his links to Vitol and Mr Taylor who has given at least pounds 200,000
    to the Conservatives, some of which was used to pay for Mr Duncan's secretary in 2008.

    The top Tory has also served as a non-executive director of Arawak Energy, an off-shoot of Vitol before he was a minister.


  127. Monday 27 July 2015

    UK spent 13 times more money bombing Libya than rebuilding it, documents reveal


    7 Oct 2015
    World Bank: The cost of reconstructing Libya $100 Billion, $170 Billion for Syria


    According to the Egyptian website, he pointed out that the World Bank provided
    US$ 3.5 billion for the funding of projects in the Middle East in 2014 and added that the institution is negotiating other ways to increase the volume of funding to the region with other financial organizations,
    such as the Islamic Development Bank.

    11 April 2011
    Pentagon estimates Libya costs at $608M

    Pentagon estimates Libya costs at $608M
    With a population of just over six million and Africa's largest oil reserves, it has plenty to spend.
    Up to $170 billion worth of frozen Al Qathafi-era assets alone should help pay for reconstruction.




  128. USIP
    It is also quite clear that while George Soros administers the funding of the Peace Studies, the design and content of the programme is done by
    the United States Institute for Peace (USIP),
    a dangerous organisation that speaks peace and acts war.

    IN a paper titled ‘America’s Global Role in 2003’, American right-wing billionaire and chairman of Open Society Foundation, George Soros said, “I would like to see regime change in many places.

    “I am particularly concerned about Zimbabwe, where Robert Mugabe’s regime is going from bad to worse.”

    George Soros is an American currency speculator of Hungarian Jewish descent who has become notorious for funding regime change agendas in Africa and other parts of the world.

    He works with both the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) of the United States
    and the British NED equivalent, the Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD).

    For the purpose of regime change and the promotion of Western values in Africa,
    George Soros created an organisation called the Soros Open Society Institute (SOSI) which runs at least four regional operations, namely, the Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa (OSISA), the Open Society Initiative for East Africa (OSIEA), the Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA) and the Open Society Foundation – South Africa (OSF-SA).

    The Open Society Initiative objective is, “to build and strengthen the values, practices and institutions of an open society throughout Southern Africa….to promote open markets and free enterprises where governments are pursuing programmes of economic indigenisation”.
    In pursuit of these objectives the OSI says it has spent US$400 million annually in the last few years (Wikipedia).



    On April 23rd, 2012, the treacherous USAID signed an MOU with its “Israeli” counterpart, MASHAV, a subordinate of the Zionist occupation regime’s Foreign Ministry.

    As if to brag about the closeness between the two subversives, MASHAV director Daniel Carmon said, “This agreement is not the start of the relationship; it is the continuing and the strengthening of the relationship.” The MOU was designed to increase USAID-MASHAV cooperation in the field of “food security” for four African nations: Uganda, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Rwanda, all proxies of the Jewish terror “state.
    ” The MOU is the first of its kind (30); it has taken the lengthy cooperation between USAID and MASHAV, as confirmed by Carmon, from the covert realm to the public eye.

  129. http://www.usip.org/grants-fellowships

    Founded in 1984, USIP is funded by the U.S. Congress, and is governed by a 15-person bipartisan board made up of the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense, the President of the National Defense University, and 12 others appointed by the President of the United States and confirmed by the U.S. Senate.


    Since the start of the Syrian uprising, USIP’s efforts have focused on facilitating the efforts of the Syrian opposition
    to plan for and prepare for the transition to a post-Assad Syria.
    The Institute supported the work of some 45-50 Syrian opposition leaders to develop a comprehensive transition strategy,
    The Day After: Supporting a Democratic Transition in Syria.
    As Syria’s peaceful protest movement has changed into a large-scale conflict, USIP has supported efforts to build effective local governance in areas of Syria no longer under regime control, and to strengthen the capacity of opposition actors and Syrian democratic forces
    to respond to the challenges of protracted conflict and put in place the foundations for rule of law, security, justice, and economic stabilization.

    Its principal partner in this work is a Syrian-led NGO based in Istanbul, The Day After association.
    In addition to partnerships with TDA, USIP serves as a convener, bringing together relevant stakeholders to discuss pressing issues such as sectarianism and violence.

  130. SYRIA
    It's oil rights have been pre-claimed by the Rothschilds, Dick Cheney, and Rupert Murdoch.

    Israeli Licence to Cheney-Linked Energy Firm on Golan Heights Raises Eyebrows - Inter Press Service

    The Dick Cheney-Syria Oil Connection | HoweStreet.com

    Syria, Israel, Genie Energy, Cheney, Rothschild, Murdoch and oil in the Golan Heights., page 1

    Israel Grants Golan Heights Oil License - Business Insider

  131. What follows are some excerpts from Israel Shahak’s English translation of that text:

    "Lebanon’s total dissolution into five provinces serves as a precedent for the entire Arab world including Egypt, Syria, Iraq and the Arabian Peninsula and is already following that track.
    The dissolution of Syria and Iraq later on into ethnically or religiously unique areas such as in Lebanon, is Israel’s primary target on the Eastern front in the long run, while the dissolution of the military power of those states serves as the primary short term target.

    Syria will fall apart, in accordance with its ethnic and religious structure, into several states such as in present day Lebanon…."

    "Iraq, rich in oil on the one hand and internally torn on the other, is guaranteed as a candidate for Israel’s targets. Its dissolution is even more important for us than that of Syria. Iraq is stronger thanSyria. In the short run it is Iraqi power which constitutes the greatest threat to Israel. An Iraqi-Iranian war will tear Iraq apart and cause its downfall at home even before it is able to organize a struggle on a wide front against us.
    Every kind of inter-Arab confrontation will assist us in the short run and will shorten the way to the more important aim of breaking up Iraq into denominations as in Syria and in Lebanon.
    In Iraq, a division into provinces along ethnic/religious lines as in Syria during Ottoman times is possible. So, three (or more) states will exist around the three major cities: Basra, Baghdad and Mosul, and Shi’ite areas in the south will separate from the Sunni and Kurdish north."

    "If Egypt falls apart, countries like Libya, Sudan or even the more distant states will not continue to exist in their present form and will join the downfall and dissolution of Egypt.

    "There is no chance that Jordan will continue to exist in its present structure for a long time, and Israel’s policy, both in war and in peace, ought to be directed at the liquidation of Jordan under the present regime and the transfer of power to the Palestinian majority."

    Yinon’s vision reappeared in the now infamous "Clean Break" document from 1996, authored by a consortium of US and Israeli "strategic thinkers" that included Richard Perle, Douglas Feith and David and Meyrav Wurmser, which was meant to serve as a foreign policy guide for the first administration of Benjamin Netanyahu.


  132. Wurmser wrote this in the infamous policy paper “A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm,” which was addressed, not to Washington, but to Tel Aviv (indicating his true loyalties).
    In “A Clean Break,” Wurmser even more expressly made the case for outright regime change in Iraq as a “means” of “weakening, containing, and even rolling back Syria.” (This in turn was imperative because, “Syria challenges Israel on Lebanese soil.”)

    “A Clean Break” was written under the auspices of a “study group” headed by Wurmser’s mentor Richard Perle and including fellow Perle-protege Douglas Feith.
    This is extremely significant because Perle and Feith, like Wurmser, also played key roles in the Bush administration’s war drive.

    For more details on both the “Lebanese connection” mentioned above and the role of the “Clean Breakers” in starting the Iraq War, see my essay, “Clean Break to Dirty Wars.”


    Israeli Licence to Cheney-Linked Energy Firm on Golan Heights Raises Eyebrows

    Why Murdoch Pushes for War

  133. that first short trip that I sat next to Nader Elhamessi, a Libyan, a Londoner
    September 20, 2015 at 5:11 PM
    Trust Me I'm A Doctor Saleyha Ahsan

    Ahsan herself reported that "It was by some bizarre fluke that returning home
    from that first short trip that I sat next to Nader Elhamessi, a Libyan, a Londoner for many years and one of the founders of the aid organization World for Libya".[10]

    Apparent coincidence also took Dr Ahsan to Syria; at a Royal Society of Medicine event in London early in 2012 she reportedly first met Dr Rola[11] whose charity, Hand in Hand for Syria, invited her to Syria in December of that year.[12]

    The Viagra claim surfaced in an al-Jazeera report last month from Libya-based doctors who said they had found Viagra in the pockets of pro-Gaddafi soldiers. But it is a jump from that to suggesting Gaddafi is supplying troops with it to encourage mass rape.


    Ms Elgadi is in a group of Libyan volunteers offering medical help and HIV tests.

    Now comes the latest entry in the gullibility sweepstakes. From the hallowed BBC, of all places.
    …Libyan charities say they are getting reports that in the west of the country, which is particularly conservative, Col Muammar Gaddafi’s forces have tended to rape women and girls in front of their fathers and brothers.
    “To be seen naked and violated is worse than death for them,” says Hana Elgadi. “This is a region where women will not go out of the house without covering their face with a veil.”

    Ms Elgadi is in a group of Libyan volunteers offering medical help and HIV tests. The organisation is also offering to pay for abortions for women who have been raped in the war.

  134. Well, Ms. Elgadi is “in a group of Libyan volunteers”.
    But she is not a Libyan volunteer herself, nor simply helping victims.
    She is an expat with a mission. On her Facebook profile, she lists herself as “Hana FreeLibya Elgadi”. She lives in London, and is an investment banker.

    Without in any way questioning Ms. Elgadi’s intentions, the fact remains that she is a declared partisan of the forces seeking to overthrow Qaddafi, not an impartial or expert eyewitness.
    More from the BBC piece:
    “Time is against us,” says Nader Elhamessi from the Libyan aid agency, World for Libya
    “For the moment pregnancies can be disguised, but not for much longer. Many fathers will kill their own daughters if they find out they have been raped.”
    …The charity World for Libya has engaged imams across the border in Tunisia to preach that rape is not the victim’s fault.
    …World for Libya is trying to reach a group of teenage girls still inside Libya whose school was attacked by forces loyal to Col Gaddafi.
    “The armed men separated the girls and raped those they deemed more attractive,”
    says Nader Elhamessi. “One of the girls cut her wrists and killed herself rather than face the shame. The rapes were only reported to us by the girls who were left alone.”

  135. Another basic thing journalists should do is explain what organizations are.

    We looked up “the Libyan aid agency World for Libya” and found that its website is hosted by a London ad agency.
    That agency is owned by Salah Mussa, a wealthy London-based real estate magnate and Libyan exile.
    His company, Chesterton, was glad to do business with Qaddafi not so long ago.

    Chesterton hopes to open an office in Libya by November 2009 and work closely with the country’s sovereign wealth fund there, the Libyan Investment Authority (LIA).


  136. Abdallah al-Kabeir

    CNN obtained the 15-page document -- titled, in part: "Battle plan to cleanse the city of Misrata from militant gangs" from rebels in the city Sunday. The words "top secret" is written at the top of every page. The name of Gadhafi's son, Khamis Moammar Gadhafi, appears on page 10 as commander of the theater.

    CNN could not independently verify the authenticity of the document. The rebels said it was confiscated from a high-ranking official near Misrata between May 18 and May 20.

    "This document was very useful but only for a short period of time because as soon as Gadhafi brigades found out that we confiscated them, they tried to change their plans,"
    said Abdallah al-Kabeir, a rebel spokesman.

    Abdullah al-Kabeir
    "We were able to confirm that rape was used as a weapon of war, because it was systematic," rebel spokesman Abdullah al-Kabeir said.


    Rebel spokesman al-Kabeir, however, said some of the evidence of war crimes that prosecutors want to present in court has been destroyed by a rebel leader.
    "There was a commander here at the eastern front in Misrata named Mohamed al-Halboos; he ordered all the (rebel) fighters to give him all the rape videos they find on Gadhafi soldiers' cell phones. I heard that he used to destroy every rape video he got," al-Kabeir said.

    A major in the Libyan army who has now deserted told the BBC the shipments of Viagra were widely known about, but neither he nor his colleagues saw them.
    “The order to rape was not given to the regular army,” says the major, who did not want his name to be used, because his family is still in Tripoli. “Col Gaddafi knew we would never accept it. It was given to the mercenaries.”


    JUNE 14: A major who deserted from the Libyan army told the BBC that, while shipments of Viagra were widely known, he had not seen any of them. He specified that Qaddafi had not ordered the regular army to rape, but instead issued the command to mercenaries. 
    UNHCR announced that it had not yet found evidence that government forces have used rape as a weapon of war, but it has uncovered individual instances of rape by both sides. (BBC)

  137. There is no evidence that Libyan military forces are being given Viagra and engaging in systematic rape against women in rebel areas, US military and intelligence officials told NBC News on Friday.
    For now, neither the record of the story’s author nor history itself give us much reason to give it credence.

    The Director of the Legal Team for the Documentation of International Crimes in
    Misrata recounted receiving reports of rape from physicians and psychiatrists,
    from one victim directly.
    Reports of rape committed by both Gaddafi fighters and
    opposition forces were also detailed in the Report of the UN Commission of Inquiry.120

    The Mission was unable to independently verify these claims.

    Cherif Bassiouni, a UN human rights investigator, called the Viagra story in Libya
    “mass hysteria.”
    Bassiouni has hinted that Ocampo is working for those having other agendas.

    Ocampo, an Argentine lawyer who has worked for the World Bank,
    is seen by many of his critics
    as being part of the Soros network,
    the global network of non-governmental organizations funded by
    disaster capitalist George Soros.
    Ocampo has put great stock in unconfirmed news reports and wild claims by Libyans associated with the rebels.

  138. Khaled Khadifa Kabir

    Sunday Telegraph..Khaled Khadifa Kabir is consoled by his friend Usama Treki
    after finding the remains of his brother Abdul Hakim..
    Scenes at a makeshift jail in a yard in close proximity to the Headquarters of Khamis Gaddifi's elite Special Forces Brigade . Scores of charred bodies appear to have been executed and mostly burnt shortly before the fall of Tripoli to Rebel forces...Tripoli 27 August 2011.

    On 21 November 2011, US Ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, went to Tripoli to visit a warehouse
    that the Qaddafi regime had used as a prison and torture chamber

    Moammar Gaddafi’s intelligence chief Abdullah al-Senoussi, was captured Sunday and is being held in the city of Sabha.
    Gaddafi’s son Saif al-Islam was detained on Saturday in Libya’s southern desert.


    But during Susan Rice’s visit to Tripoli, the United States’ ambassador to the UN has indicated
    that the US is not in favour of pressuring Libya into handing over Saif al-Islam Gaddafi to the International Criminal Court.

    We are deeply concerned by the patterns of rape documented by the International Commission of Inquiry, as highlighted in the Prosecutor’s report.
    Susan E. Rice 16 5 2012 As the ICC proceedings move forward, we will continue to encourage the government of Libya to maintain its cooperation with the Court and to adhere to its international obligations, including under Resolution 1970.
    In addition, we continue to emphasize that it is critical that Libya take all necessary steps
    to ensure the detention and any further domestic proceedings against Saif al-Islam fully comply with Libya’s international obligations.

  139. Libyan officials have hinted that they would be reluctant to allow two newly identified suspects in the Lockerbie bombing to be extradited to Scotland, saying they would prefer any trial to take place in Libya.

    Jamal Zubia, a spokesman for the government in the Libyan capital, Tripoli, told the Telegraph on Wednesday that "we would prefer them to be tried on Libyan soil".

    But he said that the Libyan attorney general was happy to consider a request issued by Scottish prosecutors last week for detectives to come to Libya to interview the suspects.

    The move follows a statement last Thursday by Scottish and US investigators that they had identified two new Libyan suspects in the 1988 bombing of Pan Am flight 103, which led to the deaths of 270 people when it was blown up over the Scottish town of Lockerbie.

    The two new Libyan suspects are understood to be Abdullah al-Senussi, Colonel Gaddafi's former spy chief, and Abu Agila Mas’ud, an alleged bomb-making expert.


  140. Benghazi compound
    Rice has come under fire from Republicans for her initial account of the attack five days after it took place, when she suggested that there was no evidence the incident was an act of terrorism
    The White House later said the assault was a preplanned terror attack, and some Republicans have suggested that they would block Rice's possible nomination to become Secretary of State for her role in what some say was a cover-up by the administration. Rice and her allies said she was merely repeating talking points given to her by the CIA and approved by the wider intelligence community.

    If, in fact, US-funneled weapons were used in the Benghazi attack and the administration knew about it,
    that would explain their initial attempt to position the Benghazi attack as a spontaneous riot gone amiss.
    It’s one thing to hand guns to Libyan rebels who later go crazy about a YouTube video – that’s at least mildly justifiable. It’s radically unjustifiable to hand over weapons to terrorists, who then go on to plan attacks against the United States.

  141. The documents, obtained by The Washington Times, show U.S. diplomats at the Benghazi compound were keeping track of several potential U.S.-sanctioned shipments to allies, one or more of which were destined for the Transitional National Council, the Libyan movement that was seeking to oust Gadhafi and form a new government.
    At least one of those shipments, kept in a file marked “arms deal,” was supposed to come from Dolarian Capital Inc. of Fresno, California, according to an end use certificate from the State Department’s office of defense trade controls licensing that was contained in the file.
    The shipment was to include rocket launchers, grenade launchers, 7,000 machine guns and 8 million rounds of ammunition, much of it new and inexpensive hardware originally produced in the former Soviet bloc of Eastern Europe, according to an itemized list included in the end use certificate.
    Dolarian Capital also is listed in court records as the source of weapons for another U.S. arms dealer, Marc Turi, who sought permission to ship weapons to Libya during the same time frame. Mr. Turi since has been charged criminally with making false statements in his application for those shipments, and has publicly asserted that Mrs. Clinton’s State Department and other U.S. officials sanctioned his involvement.

    His attorney, J. Cabou, told The Times on Tuesday his client intends to show the United States facilitated the possible weapons shipments toLibya, which never occurred.
    Mr. Turi strongly believes he had the permission of the U.S. government to engage in the actions for which he is now charged with and he is vigorously trying to prove that fact,” Mr. Cabou said in a phone interview.

    Supporting Mr. Turi’s case is a former CIA officer named David Manners, who has told a federal judge in the case that “It was then, and remains now, my opinion that the United States did participate, directly or indirectly, in the supply of weapons to the Libyan Transitional National Council (TNC).”

    Mr. Turi said he believed that United States officials had shut down his proposed arms pipeline because he was getting in the way of the Obama administration’s dealings with Qatar. The Qataris, he complained, imposed no controls on who got the weapons. “They just handed them out like candy,” he said.

  142. On Sunday there was an article published on the Huffington Post which details how two major Canadian banks with a vested interest in the Keystone pipeline had paid Hillary Clinton large sums of money for various speaking engagements.

    The story itself wasn’t that ground-breaking considering it’s well documented that Hillary Clinton is bought and paid for and has been since day one and it was actually Ron Brynaert of Gate News who first broke the story of her relationship with these banks back on May 17 of this year.

    What caught my eye was the bi-line. The article was written by Russ Grim and … Paul Blumenthal.

    He has the same last name as Sidney Blumenthal, the long-time Clintonista hatchet-man and “message shaper” who just happens to be in the spotlight right now over his emails
    to Hillary regarding the color revolution and subsequent neoliberalization of Libya and that little messed-up psyop known simply as “Benghazi”.


    Rice connected to Keystone pipeline company


    Financial experts contacted by The Huffington Post say that the approval of the Keystone XL pipeline would have obvious benefits for the value of Transcanada stock,
    and would also affect the growth potential of several other companies exploring the oil fields of western Canada, and in which Rice also holds stock.


  143. Clinton and Rice worked furiously in the days before the NATO intervention to pass a resolution in the U.N. Security Council that authorized the use of force.
    Convincing Russia and China not to veto that resolution (both abstained) was an enormous diplomatic victory.
    In addition, the Obama administration stayed steadfast in its commitment to the Libya mission, even as some members of Congress tried to cut off support, and as foreign policy analysts predicted it would never result in Qadhafi’s removal.

    Libya is now free of Qadhafi. Not one American life was lost in the mission.
    Libya has a new prime minister.
    He is a U.S. citizen, and lived in the U.S. for more than 20 years.
    When he visited Washington 10 days ago, he discussed his plans with Obama to steer
    the country to elections in June. Though Libya has many challenges ahead in its transition to democracy, it looks like it is on the right track. The first mission authorized under R2P was a success.

    Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0312/74165_Page2.html#ixzz1wIcEYJqb

  144. Following the Libyan model

    David M. Tafuri, a partner at Patton Boggs LLP, is legal counsel to the National Transitional Council of Libya.

    Syria is the next challenge under R2P.

    The Syrian Government has demonstrated it will not stop the bloodshed.
    The international community is therefore obligated to take action.
    As in Libya, we must organize a broad coalition of international support for intervention
    that will protect civilian life, while minimizing risk to intervening forces.


    There is a real fear right now, an objective fear that the Alawite community and other minority groups will actually have to -- will actually pay the price for just being such on -- on their I.D.,
    in terms of how they are identified.

    And, unfortunately, the United States has done a lot more to provoke,
    rather than actually push the opposition to do things such as engage in dialogue
    in order to prevent a calamity.

    And that is actually where the story should go, because this is bound to happen unless there is this kind of interference that actually calls for dialogue, which Turkey, the Arab states and the United States have prevented the opposition from doing.


    Emails show Qaddafi son offered talks – but Clinton ordered top general to 'not take the call,' source says
    As explained to Fox News, what happened next was a high-stakes drama which played out at the Pentagon, the State Department, and the White House.

    The source told Fox News that a staffer was sent to look for Jacoby at the Pentagon, and somewhere between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m., Clinton instructed Jacoby "to not take the call from Saif and that Ambassador Gene Cretz was the only one she authorized to talk to Saif."
    At the time, Cretz was the U.S. ambassador to Libya.
    Clinton’s instructions effectively meant no high-level administration official took the call.
    The following day, on March 19, the U.S. began participating in airstrikes over Libya – Muammar Qaddafi himself would be killed seven months later.  


  145. In June 2011 the law firm Patton Boggs, which beside seven US offices,
    is also established in Qatar and Abu Dhabi,
    took on pro bono work, lobbying for and giving legal advice to the NTC.

    However only a month later, the law firm started getting paid and has so far received at least $240,000 from the Libyan government.

    David Tafuri, the Patton Boggs partner most closely associated with the engagement,
    has visited the country at least four times.

    The firm is reportedly closely associated with the drive to identify and reclaim Libyan assets
    stolen by the Qaddafis and other members of the former regime.

    1. Aug 25, 2011 ,Nation's former chief banker Bengdara said that Libya would need anywhere between $ five to seven billion to kickstart the economy and said there were no fears as the country's Sovereign Wealth Fund and gold reserves were a comfortable $ 168 billion.



      Dec 14, 2011 ,Libyan rebels have been demonstrating since yesterday about they have not received their salaries, their gold standard savings in the bank are missing, they got no money from the social welfare and social security fund, the Commercial Bank, Co-operative Bank,
      Social Welfare Bank, Libya Sahara Bank, Eastern Agricultural Bank, Bank of Libya, all rebel controlled banks of Libya are empty of cash,
      not even a single gold or silver coin, petrol backed dinar are also missing,
      the liquidity of the Eastern banks have been brought to zero,

      a $70 billion has basically been shut down by the international community:
      IMF Libya—Concluding Statement of the 2012 Staff Visit, January 26, 2012
      7. Despite the removal of UN sanctions on the CBL the public sector’s financial situation remains precarious.

      The bulk of foreign assets was unfrozen on December 16, 2011, and the authorities have mostly regained access.4

      As of end-November 2011 around $3 billion had been made available to Libya and further amounts were made available toward the end of last year.

      The government is financing itself by borrowing from the CBL and drawing down its deposits.5


      Libyan Central Bank: West Still Hasn’t Returned $20 Billion in ‘Freed’ Assets


    2. $30 billion of Libyan resources that Obama confiscated was to fund the African Monetary Fund (AMF).


      $30 billion of Libyan resources that Obama recently confiscated was not for Khadaffi’s personal use, but was earmarked to fund the African Monetary Fund (AMF).

  146. Since what actually happened at Benghazi seems to have little relationship
    to the accepted Beltway narrative about Benghazi, it seems unlikely that once again revolving a presidential election’s international discussion around the incident will shed much light on the choices facing the US in the world.
    But one could hope, at least, that the discussion would broaden beyond what the Obama administration and then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton did or did not do on September 11, 2012, and look at the conscious policy choices made by Obama and Clinton around Libya that led to the Benghazi assault.

    That’s why I was encouraged when I saw the headline on a New York Times op-ed (10/23/15): “Forget Benghazi. What About Libya?”
    And why I was so disappointed when I actually read the column.

    It was written by David Tafuri, who used to work for the State Department helping to facilitate the occupation of Iraq, and then worked as a lawyer for the Libyan forces on whose behalf the United States intervened to overthrow the Libyan government of Moammar Gadhafi.

    Unsurprisingly, his main complaint about US intervention is that there wasn’t enough of it.

    He describes Clinton as
    one of the chief architects of the NATO intervention that saved tens of thousands of lives and freed Libya from the grips of Colonel Qaddafi’s brutal 42-year dictatorship.

    That would have been a signature foreign policy achievement for Mrs. Clinton and President Obama had the United States not disengaged in Libya.


  147. Two lobbyists at Patton Boggs, Stephen McHale and Vincent Frillici, have filed so far to lobby on behalf of the council.

    Frillici previously served as the director of operations at NATO
    for the 50th Anniversary Host Committee
    and was deputy director of finance operations for the Democratic National Convention in 1996.

    McHale served as the first deputy administrator of the Transportation Security Administration and helped merge the administration into the Homeland Security Department.


    The CIA officers in Libya, reported the Los Angeles Times, are “coordinating with rebels
    and sharing intelligence,” and that, “the CIA has been in rebel-held areas of Libya since shortly after the U.S. Embassy in the capital, Tripoli, was evacuated in February.”

  148. How President Obama Can Help Libya By David M. Tafuri 


    The writer, a State Department official from 2006 to 2007, is a partner at Patton Boggs.
    He serves as legal counsel to the Transitional National Council of Libya.

    The Cyber Security Forum Initiative (CSFI)



  149. Zuwara
    Following Gaddafi’s fall, Hajj said residents in Zuwara initially suspended most smuggling operations while they waited to see if the EU and the post-dictator Libya would give greater recognition to the Amazigh.

    Several Zuwarans agreed with Hajj that the strength of the smuggling trade is linked to the Amazigh struggle. “If the constitution recognised the Amazigh culture, then the smuggling would be reduced considerably,” argued Hafed Fteis, a historian of the Amazigh’s once-banned language, Tamazight. “At the moment [Amazighs] do not respect the laws that are brought to us. If they don’t recognise us, we feel that we should not recognise them.”

    Libya’s ‘smuggler king’ has a Maltese company and a ship that visits Malta

    Libya’s “smuggler king,” who reportedly has links with human traffickers,
    has a Maltese-registered company and owns a ship that operates out of Malta,
    according to a report in the Asian Times.
    Journalist Ann Marlowe writes that the smuggling kingpin is
    Fahmi Slim Mousa Ben Khalifa, known as Fahmi Slim. She describes him as a dark-skinned Zuwara native, around 45, who was jailed for 15 years during the Ghaddafi era but was set free when the prisons were opened during the 2011 Libyan revolution.
    The author says Slim’s influence in the port city has grown so much that part of Zuwara’s harbor has become known as ‘Fahmi Slim’s harbour.’

    “While he is not directly involved with human smuggling currently, locals say that he works with some of the human smugglers in other illegal ventures.” The report claims that Fahmi Slim is involved in fuel-smuggling activities in Libya and is known to French, Maltese and Italian authorities as a person of interest.

    The company Fahmi Slim is partner in has been named as ADJ Trading Ltd.
    Research carried out by The Malta Independent shows that the general trading company is registered at an address in Mensija Street, San Gwann.

    The other two shareholders are Egyptian Ahmed Irahim Hassan Ahmed Arafa
    and former national football team player Darren Debono, 41, from San Gwann.


  150. Pharmaceutical seller and business lobbyist Mario Debono – who was very vocal and active throughout the crisis – compared the situation to Iraq, post-Saddam Hussein

    Meanwhile, he said, businesses were being terrorised in a different way, primarily by criminals roaming the streets with guns.

    “The problem is that there are many criminals running free and they are terrorising business people: going up to them with guns and demanding money.”


    The roots of the current Syrian refugee crisis lie in the adoption of regime change
    as a key plank of US and NATO foreign policy.

    The suffering inflicted on the people of Syria by Assad is actually as nothing compared
    to the collateral damage that has been inflicted in the campaign to topple him and achieve strategic advantage against Moscow

  151. Debono, James. "Libyan opposition declares 'Day of Rage' against Gaddafi".
    Malta Today. Archived from the original on 10 February 2011

    jan 28/ Some more background on the February 17 Day of Rage Facebook page:
    It was first set up on January 28 (three days after protests began in Egypt) by a Swiss-based Libyan dissident
    named Hassa Al Djahmi.

    Over 20,000 users have “liked” the page.


    2010 a list of 16 Libyan scientists at the International Union of Muslim Scholars
    2. علي محمد الصَّلاَّبي و وظيفته الحالية عضو هيئة التدريس بجامعة قار يونس
    Mohammed Sallabi
    3. الدكتور الصادق عبد الرحمن الغرياني و وظيفته الحالية أستاذ الدراسات الإسلامية بقسم الشريعة-جامعة الفاتح- طرابلس
    Sadiq Abdul Rahman Ghiryani
    والأستاذ محمد سالم علي الجهمي و وظيفته الحالية مدرس10 .
    Mohammed Ali Salem al-Jahmi

    Meanwhile, also in January 2011, a WikiLeaks file passed onto The Telegraph
    indicated that Gaddafi was manoeuvring to allow for fully democratic elections,
    including for a possible 'Prime Minister' position. This was published on 31st January 2011, just a fortnight before the unrest began


  152. Retrieved 10 February 2011.

    According to a Maltese blog Malta CC, Serbian military pilots reportedly took part in the bombing of protesters in the Libyan cities of Tripoli and Benghazi.
    This claim was made public after two Libyan pilots fled to Malta, refusing to bomb their fellow citizens participating in the Libya uprising.


    Serbia: Reactions to the Story of Serbian Mercenaries in Libya

    Posted 24 February 2011 1:45 GMT
    However Libyan anti-government website Libya al Youm reported on 27 February, 2011,
    that Serbian radio station BIR had reported airplanes from the Serbian Republic carrying mercenaries to suppress demonstrators in Libya.

    Suleiman Fortia "[The revolution] was teamwork,"
    says Suleiman Fortia, a spokesman for the Misurata Brigade.

    Dr Rida ben Fayed, a Libyan orthopaedic surgeon back from Denver, Colorado, introduces his team like an announcer rallying the audience at a live Hendrix concert.
    "We've got Ahmed on ground information, Walid on IT, Abdullah on medical supplies,
    Majdi on press, Ahmed on logistics,
    Colonel Farah on air defence, Colonel Sanusi on naval affairs..."


  153. http://www.maltastar.com/pages/r1/ms10dart.asp?a=14727
    the man behind the revolution helped by the French secret service Nouri Mesmari was head of protocol of Muammar Gaddafi and had direct access to the Libyan leader like no other official in the country.

    5). Imagine! On Feb. 21 a bare four days after the overseas calls for "day of rage'
    U.S. media's UK counterpart, the Telegraph reported that " the International Federation for Human Rights said Libya's second city along with Sirte, Tobruk, Misrata, Khoms, Tarhounah, Zenten, Al-Zawiya

    and Zouara ( Zuwara )
    had all been taken by protesters. "Protesters?" We were given to see these tough hombre heavily armed "freedom fighters' in their fleets of pickup trucks looking nothing at all like protesters.


    6). While, very quickly, heavily armed insurgent gangs, always described as "ordinary citizens who had dropped their office jobs a few days before to fight for freedom,'
    were efficiently overrunning towns and airports,
    Cooper and Robertson kept excitedly exclaiming cities were being bombed from the air - civilians targeted - showing viewers the same single bomb crater in a field outside of a town for five days running as proof, though oddly admitting no one had been injured.

  154. 15.15 The International Union of Muslim Scholars headed by influential cleric
    Yusuf al-Qaradawi organised a rally in Qatar on Friday in support of anti-government protesters in Syria.


    Qaradawi, who also backed the Arab Spring uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya,
    launched a fund-raising effort for the Syrian opposition with a donation of 10,000 Qatari riyals (£1,742).

    Currently, only Libya's post-revolutionary interim government recognises the SNC as its sole legitimate Syrian interlocutor, but the Gulf states decided on Monday to expel Syrian ambassadors from their capitals.
    13.45 Al Jazeera, the 24-hour Arabic news and current affairs channel, based in Doha, has published this fascinating Interactive timeline of the unrest in Syria.

    03 Apr 2011 Rebel source tells Al Jazeera about training offered by US and Egyptian special forces in eastern Libya.

    15 april-Qatar Arming Libya Rebels in “Freedom Fight” While Denying Democracy at Home


    Stevens John McCain in Benghazi, Libya April 22, 2011.


    In April 2011, Syrian state television aired the testimonies of three men arrested on suspicion of being involved in attacks on civilians and Syrian security forces.
    Anas al-Kanj, who presented himself as the head of an "armed terrorist group" is heard saying in a taped broadcast that he received "arms and money" from Lebanese MP Jamal Jarrah through an intermediary, Ahmad al-Uda, who identified himself as a member of Syria's banned Muslim Brotherhood.

    Kanj said he was instructed "to incite people to protest, particularly outside the Ummayad Mosque in Damascus" and in the flashpoint protest towns of Daraa, Latakia and Banias,
    to "incite protests to topple the regime and to carry out acts of sabotage".
    Agence France-Presse, citing Syria's Ath-Thawra newspaper, said that Kanj was instructed "to open fire on protesters in order to sow disarray and lead people to believe that the security forces was shooting on the demonstrators."

    In a December 2011 post on her web site, Turkish-American former FBI translator and founder of the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition (NSWBC), Sibel Edmonds,
    stated that, according to her sources, "foreign military groups, estimated at hundreds of individuals, began to spread near the villages of the north-Jordan city of Al-Mafraq, which is adjacent to the Jordanian and Syrian border."

    "According to one Jordanian military officer who asked to remain anonymous, hundreds of soldiers who speak languages ​other than Arabic were seen during the past two days in those areas moving back and forth in military vehicles between the King Hussein Air Base of al-Mafraq (10 km from the Syrian border), and the vicinity of Jordanian villages adjacent to the Syrian border."



  155. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/may/31/libya-rebels-await-nato-helicopters
    31 may-Libya's rebels await the arrival of Nato helicopters in Misrata

    31 may-Libya: SAS veterans helping Nato identify Gaddafi targets in Misrata

    1 july -Libyan rebels hope French weapons will break Misrata stalemate

  156. 19 July 2011
    General Ramadan Zarmuh, Colonel Ahmed Hashem, Colonel Brahim Betal Mal,
    and Suleiman Fortiya, Misurata’s minister on the Benghazi-based Transitional Council, were brought to Malta by sea and given special visas to land and attend the talks which were held here on 19 July.
    The delegation was driven under escort by security branch police in unmarked cars to ambassador Daniel Rondeau’s home in Zebbug.Unknown to Libyan secret service operatives, who were sent to Malta to mind him following the uprising, Libyan ambassador Saadun Suayed managed to attend the secret meeting and talk with the Misurata representatives.
    Zarmuh, Hashem, Betal Mal and Fortiya reportedly discussed the preparations for the Tripoli assault, and Malta’s strategic role to further assist the operation.

    The delegation from Misurata later met with French intelligence operatives at the Excelsior Hotel in Floriana, and was later secretly flown to Paris and received by President Nicolas Sarkozy at the Elysee Palace.

    In Paris, the Libyan rebels secured the delivery of weapons, communications and other equipment that was to be used to arm the brigades that stormed Tripoli via Misurata and took over Col. Gaddafi’s Bab Aziziya compound.

    Two weeks after the Malta meeting, the alarming news of the death of General Abdel Fatah Younes, commander of the rebel forces, forced the French government to insist on sticking to August 20 as the date during which the assault on Tripoli had to commence.

    In a bid to avoid serious splits within the NTC in Benghazi, President Sarkozy gave the order to have weapons sent over to the Libya rebels.

    Assisted by covert French, British and Qatari operatives, hundreds of Misurata fighters received day and night training and were regularly supplied from Malta with communication and other materials.

  157. http://maltatoday.com.mt/en/newsdetails/news/national/Libya-s-rebel-commanders-discussed-Tripoli-invasion-in-Malta

    While weapons were dropped by French aircraft over the Nafusa mountains and in villages around Zawiya and Zliten,
    the French Navy assisted in the deliveries to Misurata
    via the French assault ship Mistral,
    which came to Malta twice in a week during August and departed from Malta on the morning of 20 August, reaching the Libyan coast by nightfall and assisting the rebels in their sea landing on Tripoli via Misurata.

    Meanwhile, two Libyan secret service agents are set to be expelled from Malta after it was discovered that they sent diplomatic cables to Tripoli throughout the uprising, giving names of Libyan dissidents in Malta.
    The names include prominent Libyan dissident Tarek Tarhouni and businessman Mario Debono,
    who were earmarked as ‘conspirators’ against the regime.

    Tarhouni and Debono fronted the I-Go Libya Foundation which provided humanitarian aid for Misurata.

    The cables were intercepted by the French secret service and copies of which have been seen by senior government officials.

  158. Misuratan businessman Tarek Tarhouni,

    Aladdin Muntasser
    In addition to supporting the oil business, Alaa joined the I-Go Aid Foundation foundation
    in it's infancy.

    The I-Go Aid Foundation is a non-profit organization founded to deliver much needed medical and food supplies to the Libyan people, specifically those in cut-off in coastal areas of the country.

    The I-Go Aid was set up by a small group of Libyan and Maltese nationals in late February 2011. Alaa said that sometimes it is hard to believe that it was actually set up and run by three guys.
    However, they do indeed provide assistance to Syria by coordinating with other NGO's in surrounding countries

    Al Jazeera quoted Ali Tarhouni, the NTC's finance minister, as saying: "I declare the ...... Maltese and Turkish oil tankers, loaded with fuel paid for with temporary loans,

    Friday, April 1, 2011,
    A Libyan opposition official said rebels will be able to buy more arms thanks to an oil deal they reached with the tiny Arab nation of Qatar.

    Ali Tarhouni, who handles finances for the opposition's National Transitional Council,
    said Qatar has agreed to market oil currently in storage in rebel-controlled areas of south-eastern Libya.

    Tarhouni did not say when the deal was signed or when oil shipments will begin.
    He said one sticking point is how to truck the oil out of the country.

    Tarhouni said money from oil sales will be put into an escrow account the opposition will use
    to pay for weapons, food, medicine, fuel and other needs.


    1. A Maltese aid agency set up last year in the wake of the Libyan revolution has leveraged the relations
      it built in supporting the Misurata rebellion against Libyan government forces,
      with a new cooperation agreement for Maltese businessmen.

      Mario Debono, who headed the I-Go Aid Foundation that shipped tonnes of medical supplies, ambulances and food via ferry to the besieged Misurata port,
      signed the agreement on behalf of the Chamber of SMEs (GRTU) with the Misurata Chamber of Commerce.

      The agreement, which makes reference to the sustained aid effort during the Libyan conflict, cites the GRTU as "the first organisation to call for aid for Libya" and being at the forefront in lobbying the government to help the country. The GRTU says it assisted I-Go Aid with material and logistical support.


  159. (Reuters) - In August, as rebels fought forces loyal to Muammar Al Qathafi,
    two representatives of a British business consortium took a "rather long and arduous ferry journey from Malta" to the North African country.

    "To describe it as a ferry would be very polite," according to an executive at
    a London-based global engineering company, whose interests the two men represented. "I think it was a trawler."

    The men travelled to Libya at the invitation of the rebel administration.
    Britain, along with France and the United States, had given political and military support for the uprising against Al Qathafi and sponsored the rebel leadership, the National Transitional Council (NTC). This was a chance to close some deals.

    "We had people on the ground in Misurata," said the businessman,
    who spoke by phone on condition of anonymity. "You could still hear ordnance from the centre of Misurata, so it was very much an ongoing situation.

    But they were already talking about training and equipping fire brigades, training and equipping police."

  160. Ezzarouk
    There was the ship’s crew, loading boxes and boxes of ammunition and weapons, including very dodgy looking homemade RPG launchers.

    The Ezzarouk was fit to bursting point – a veritable floating munitions dump.At one point, we hear NATO ships on the radio asking Libyan boats to identify themselves. There may be an international arms embargo, but NATO appears to be giving the rebel gun-running boats safe passage from Benghazi to Misrata.But NATO appears to be giving the rebel gun-running boats safe passage from Benghazi to Misrata.

    Furthermore, the fact that Turkish naval forces patrolled the sea lanes from Benghazi explains
    why the al-Entisar and undoubtedly other ships were able to sail to Turkey with weapons unmolested.

    At the same time, the IHH had set up offices in Benghazi and then later in Misrata.

    In fact, the Turkish consul in Benghazi Ali Davutoglu and the National Transitional Council of Libya presented Rafet Aydogdu, the IHH coordinator in Libya,
    a certificate fo appreciation for the foundation's efforts in Libya.
    Davutoglu as the Turkish consul in Benghazi served directly under the Turkish Consul General Ali Sait Akin who met with Ambassador Chis Stevens just prior to the attack. Ahmet Davutoglu is the Foreign Minister of Turkey.

  161. NATO planes land day and night at Turkey’s military base of Iskenderum near the Syrian border, unloading weapons and experienced fighters from Libya. Iskenderum is also the headquarters of the “Free Syria Army.” French and British special forces train Syrian rebels, while the CIA supplies them with electronics and information about troop movements of the Syrian army and attack targets.
    The Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davitoglu has admitted that his country was ready to invade Syria as soon as the consent of the Western Allies would be given.


    Catherine Herridge of Fox News, researching shipping records, confirmed that a Libyan ship, the ‘Al Entisar,’ sailed from Libya and entered the Turkish port of Iskenderun, thirty five miles from the Syrian border, on September 6. This was just five days before Stevens was killed.

    The cargo reportedly included surface-to-air anti-aircraft missiles, shoulder-launched missiles, and rocket propelled grenades.
    Turkey was serving as a transit point for the transfer of arms from Libya to Syrian opposition fighters.
    We know that Steven’s last known public meeting was with the Turkish Consul General Ali Sait Akin.
    “A Libyan ship—which reportedly weighed 400 tons—docked in southern Turkey on September 6, and its cargo ended up in the hands of Syrian rebels.

    The man who organized that shipment, Tripoli Military Council head Abdelhakim Belhadj,
    worked directly with Stevens during the Libyan revolution. These weapons [were] presumably from Muammar Qaddafi’s stock of about 20K portable heat-seeking missiles, the bulk of which were SA-7 surface-to-air anti-aircraft missiles.”


  162. Former top military and CIA officers said that the U.S intentionally armed Al Qaeda in Libya. The Daily Mail reported in 2014:
    A self-selected group of former top military officers, CIA insiders and think-tankers, declared Tuesday in Washington that a seven-month review of the deadly 2012 terrorist attack has determined that it could have been prevented – if the U.S. hadn’t been helping to arm al-Qaeda militias throughout Libya a year earlier.

    ‘The United States switched sides in the war on terror with what we did in Libya,
    knowingly facilitating the provision of weapons to known al-Qaeda militias and figures,’
    Clare Lopez, a member of the commission and a former CIA officer, told MailOnline.

    She blamed the Obama administration for failing to stop half of a $1 billion United Arab Emirates arms shipment from reaching al-Qaeda-linked militants.


    Remember, these weapons that came into Benghazi were permitted to enter by
    our armed forces who were blockading the approaches from air and sea,’ Lopez claimed.

  163. the ship was returned to its Libyan owner

    Malta to Misurata Relief Effort (MMRE) has made nine successful trips using two vessels,
    bringing much needed supplies and personnel to the besieged city of Misurata in Libya.

    These follow a first unsuccessful mission late February which was aborted when the relief vessels were intercepted by Libyan patrol boats.
    Since then, the Mae Yemanja
    has successfully concluded two trips with an average load each of 100 tons
    and Al-Intisar has made seven successful trips with an average load of 200 tons.

    Mae Yemanja departed from Malta to Misurata again on 28th April 2011.
    Al-Intisar arrived back in Malta on 28th April 2011 to be reloaded and re-despatched to Misurata

    So far, supplies have predominantly been privately funded charities focussed on aid for Libya, including:
    • I-GO Aid Foundation
    • WMC Libya
    • Libya Aid Dubai
    • Various Libyan UK Doctors Associations
    • Arabic/Muslim world foundations such as Islamic Relief, Wefaq N.I Society and others

    “Abdel Basit Haroun was with us in the February 17 brigade before he quit
    to form his own brigade,” said fellow brigade commander Ismail Salabi.
    His weapon dealing activities appear to be well known, at least in Libya’s east.
    Abdul Basit Haroun says he is behind some of the biggest shipments of weapons from Libya to Syria,
    which he delivers on chartered flights to neighbouring countries and then smuggles over the border.
    After fleeing Libya in his 20s, Haroun established himself as a property developer in Manchester.
    After fleeing Libya in his 20s, Haroun established himself as a property developer in Manchester. After about two decades in the British city, he returned to Libya in 2011 to fight in the revolution, where he became a prominent rebel commander.In Libya, he helps the government with state security, according to interior ministry spokesman Majdi al-Ourfi.
    He also has credentials as a commander from the days of the revolution.

    1. It is said to be part of batch sold decades ago to Yemen, Egypt or Libya.
      That would fit with reports that, following the collapse of the Libyan state (courtesy of our last “humanitarian intervention”),
      Gaddafi’s stockpiles of munitions,
      including chemical weapons,
      were bought up by militias in the region, including rebel groups in Syria.

      Reflecting ongoing concerns about the proliferation of weapons,
      UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon met with the director-general
      of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW),
      Ahmet Üzümcü,
      on 1 March.
      Üzümcü reviewed OPCW’s work to verify the destruction of chemical weapons stockpiles in Libya, as the Security Council instructed the organization to do in cooperation with Libyan authorities last year.255

      255.“Libya and Syria top talks on chemical weapons between Ban and key official”,
      UN News Centre, 1 March 2012.

  164. Libyan Relief Effort – Paypal Naeem Gheriany naeem @ easy . com

    the Syrian National Council has received $20.4 million from Libya

    Barely two months later, on December 17, 2011, the Spanish paper ABC, carried a report by Daniel Iriarte entitled:
    Libyan Islamists move to Syria to help the revolution. During his visit with the Libyan rebels in Syria, Mr. Iriarte meets
    three Libyan rebels: Adem Kikli, who says he works for Belhadj; Fuad, who appears to be a body-guard; and none other than Mahdi al-Harati. Al-Hariti told the ABC reporter that he and his friends are in Syria to "evaluate the needs of our Syrian revolutionary brothers, not to fight".

  165. semi-secret” meeting in London (reported on December 10)
    What was on the drawing board of a recent “Semi-Secret” Meeting in London,
    hosted by General Sir David Julian Richards, head of Britain’s Defense Staff  is a coordinated military agenda characterised by “air and naval support, plus military training for the opposition”.

    The meeting in London included the participation of  the military chiefs of
    France, Turkey, Jordan, Qatar, the UAE and the US.
    No further details were made public (See Felicity Arbuthnot,  Secret Meetings in London Plotting to Wage War on Syria without UN Authorization, Global Research, December 11, 2012

    Training Terrorists in the Use of Chemical Weapons
    The training [in chemical weapons], which is taking place in Jordan and Turkey,
    involves how to monitor and secure stockpiles and handle weapons sites and materials, according to the sources. Some of the contractors are on the ground in Syria working with the rebels to monitor some of the sites, according to one of the officials.

    The nationality of the trainers was not disclosed, though the officials cautioned against assuming all are American. (CNN, December 09, 2012)

  166. 31.10.2015
    The US has openly committed to the invasion and occupation of Syrian territory.
    It does so with the intent of carving Syria up into a series of dysfunctional, weak zones to literally “deconstruct” Syria as a functioning nation-state.

    It is doing this unable to cite any credible threat Syria poses to US national security and without any semblance of a mandate granted by the United Nations.
    It also does so with the prospect of triggering direct war with nuclear-armed Russia in a region Russia is operating legally.

     Wikileaks leaked documents from the CIA and the US State Department revealed the full details of the conspiracy against Syria and how it was planned.
    The documents described the methods of organizing spies in Syria through Google Maps during a conference in Zurich in 2010.

    Organizing the spies started since 26 March 2009 with finance by the CIA..
    Those youths worked on selecting the best suitable locations for sit-ins and protests and the more suitable military sites where controlling is easier.

    the SALAFIST , The MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD and AQI are the major forces driving the insurgency in Syria


  167. Sheik Yusuf Qaradawi, someone who has been described as the spiritual head of the Muslim Brotherhood,
    said on Al-Jazeera toward the end of 2011,

    “If it is necessary to kill one third of the Syrian population to get rid of the heretical regime,
    it is OK”. Sheik Qaradawi was effectively condoning the killing of 7 million people.


  168. In her February 2012 “Questioning the Syrian Casualty List“, political analyst Sharmine Narwani laid out the logistical difficulties of collating the number of deaths, including:

    Different casualty lists and difficulty confirming accuracy of any of them.

    Lack of information on: how deaths were verified and by whom and from what motivation.
    Lack of information on the dead: civilian, pro or anti government civilians; armed groups; Syrian security forces?”

    She found that one early casualty list included 29 Palestinian refugees “killed by Israeli fire on the Golan Heights on 15 May 2011 and 5 June 2011 when protesters congregated on Syria’s armistice line with Israel.”

    Jay Tharappel looked at two of the other prime groups cited regarding casualties in Syria: the Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) and the Violations Documentation Center (VDC).


    The UN estimates 220,000 deaths thus far in the Syrian war.

    But almost half are Syrian army soldiers or allied local militia fighters, and two thirds are combatants if we count opposition fighters.


    Either way, the ratio of civilian to military casualties is roughly 1:2, given that the opposition is also inflicting civilian casualties.

  169. Compare that to the roughly 3:1 ratio in the US war in Iraq and 4:1 in the Israeli attack on Gaza in 2008-9. (The rate of Palestinian to Israeli casualties was an astronomical 100:1.)

    In the decades following the destruction of Vietnam, the United States killed a lot of people in a lot of wars, but relatively few U.S. soldiers died.


    The Gulf War saw 382 U.S. deaths, the highest number of U.S. casualties between Vietnam and the “war on terror.” The 1965-1966 invasion of the Dominican Republic didn’t cost a single U.S. life. Grenada in 1983 cost 19. Panama in 1989 saw 40 Americans die.

    Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo saw a total of 32 U.S. war deaths. Wars had become exercises that killed very few Americans in comparison to the large numbers of non-U.S. non-participants dying.

    The wars on Iraq and Afghanistan similarly saw the other sides do almost all of the dying

    If the numbers above are correct, World War II killed 67 percent civilians, the War on Korea 61 percent civilians, the War on Vietnam 77 percent civilians, the War on Iraq 99.7 percent Iraqis (whether or not civilians), and the Drone War on Pakistan 98 percent civilians.


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