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Monday, August 16, 2021

What the "Rocket Man" Wants us to See in Ghouta

Posted Aug. 16, 2021

filled-in ...

For anyone who didn't know or forgot, on August 2013, the Syrian government allegedly killed at least 4-500 people - perhaps over 1,400 as reported - in chemical attack on Eastern and Western Ghouta. It was by far the deadliest chemical weapons attack since Halabja in 1988. As the 8-year anniversary of this massive event draws near, we're finally getting the picture to undeniable clarity with a breakthrough visual analysis publicized this June and still gaining in awareness. The sarin rockets were fired by opposition forces from a certain opposition-controlled field - and they did it on video we have and can match by all visual details to the site with consistent scorching just a few meters from where our 7+ trajectory estimates converge. See 2021 Ghouta Reports overview post.  

In the process, we have again exposed Eliot Higgins and his Bellingcat group as frauds of the first order. Higgins' rise to fame allowing the Bellingcat project was greased first and foremost by his analysis of this incident. He was dubbed "the rocket man" - the master of Volcano rocket analysis, mainly to demonstrate they were government-made, government-used weapons, Because it was always possible opposition forces could steal some, or possibly make their own replicas. and also with less success, tried to bolster that w/fired from gov-held areas. 

As I will show in this post, that work was largely based on lazy absorption of others' analysis, including flawed guesses he never corrected, and was clearly driven by politically bias to bolster the regime-change campaign against Syria, regardless of the truth.

The main content is forthcoming, but will cover his/their criticism of our findings / report(s) AND their own heralded take of 2013/14. For now I have this post up to collect the 3 sub-posts needed to explain some tedious details... (these will later appear in the course of relating the Higgins-Bellingcat investigation)

Copied Impact Site Mix-Up 

Some Government-Held Firing Spot or Other

What the "Rocket Man" Wants us to See in Ghouta: Nothing, Just Blindly Trust the "UN Azimuth"

Some previous posts that will come up:

Higgins replicates UN, original article

Whose Hexamine?

> a sarin blame shell-game

Related - other Syria CW attacks covered poorly by Bellingcat:

The Evidence vs. Bellingcat vs. Khan Sheikhoun False Flag Theories

Postol-Higgins Debate Winner: Confusion

On OPCW-Bellingcat "Collaboration"

On the Limits of Tariq Bhatti's Chemistry Analysis

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