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Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Who killed Oleg Abramov?

April 5, 2022 (Updated April 11)

Witness. Bucha. (04/2022) - English subtitles (video)
A terrified 48-year old woman, Irina Abramova stands in front of her house. Behind her are two rescue workers placing a man's body in a black bodybag. The dead man is Irina's husband Oleg Abramov.

On March 5th the Russians came in and shot at the house, telling everyone to come out. "We are Russians, we came to liberate you."

After the family came out, the "Russians" killed the husband.
"They took off his sweatshirt, took him out on the street, forced him to his knees and shot him in the head. And I was interrogated for 3 hours."
The body was lying on the street the whole time (one month) and they only moved him next to the house when they found out that "they" (the Russians) had left.

The first problem with the story is that the body is fresh, with pink hands and skin. It has not been dead for one month.

The house caught fire in the incident. Everything inside was burnt, papers, documents, clothing. Irina and her father complain that they have nothing to wear, except the clothes they had on them. They do not explain how they have managed one month without a house or a change of clothes.

It is clear that Irina Abramova is lying. Her husband cannot have been dead for a month. She is terrified of the people now in control. To save herself she is telling half truths. She is retelling the events as thay happened, but she is changing the date and the perpetrators.

I now suspect that the Ukrainians may have shot every male inhabitant of Bucha between the ages 16 and 60. We will not find many among the survivors or witnesses. 

For more, see the main Bucha massacre page Towards Understanding the Bucha Massacre or the Wiki page on ACLOS.

Update April 10, 2022

Irina's alleged house is in the southwest corner of Vokzal'na and Yabluska Street. The house was still standing in the Azov drone video from March 3rd, but was later destroyed by artillery.

Some additional questions:
  • If the massacre happened already on March 5th, as the witness claims, why was nothing heard about it until four days after the last Russians left Bucha?
  • Did the Russians really have enough forces in the area to do house-to-house cleansing.
  • Why would they target Russian-speakers?
  • What interest would they have in interrogating a local resident for three hours?
Update April 11, 2022

One of the shirtless bodies seen at an execution site must be Oleg Abramov. (video) He is a match for both the body on the stretcher and the photos provided to the press by Irina Abramova.

The story was widely covered in Western media, with photographs. Here are some headlines: (See more on ACLOS)


  1. Replies
    1. Was meaning to comment here in recognition of your first post here in a long time. Been busy. Ok, I would guess not, but possibly. If you think one is, maybe show matching details. And I don't suppose you have a visual geolocation for the video?

  2. Is this Oleg Abramov?
    Wife Irina Abramova claims he was killed on March 5, 2022, but the body does not look one month old.


    1. Here are photos of Oleg Abramov with wife Irina and a comparison screenshot from the video after death. It seems to be a perfect match.


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