Monday, August 27, 2018

Me and the Assadist Network

August 26, 2018

Regarding "International Assadists References Directory" by Kester Ratcliff at Yes, he's calling it an ISM, as if it has some external reality, and suggests some kind of plot, maybe.

I'm honored to be indicted along with 150 others (that's Adam Larson - right next to Joshua Landis, the most hardcore Assadist of them all, formerly if not still considered one of America's top experts on Syria). Paul McKiegue is amazing (his entry) Another listee I'm proud to be arbitrarily near to in the alphabetic listing is Janice Kortkamp (but not spelled quite right and not a good entry). She posted a sharp response on Facebook I'll direct you to instead.

Here's my entry and some notes:

... A Closer Look ON Syria (so the acronym is ACLOS, or because a German speaker picked the name) and this blogsite, Monitor on Massacre Marketing. And we do a good job of questioning a wide-sampling of mostly relevant, high-profile alleged "Assad regime" atrocities. The Houla one really is a great example. In fact I've tried repeatedly to elicit a debunk or analysis of our findings there, to no avail. I even created a whole blog for some reason. Best thing to look at and challenge is the 2014 report, with some corrections, here. I and people I've teamed with have also covered other massacres, all the chemical attacks, and some others events, patterns, and people. rather well, besides the same in Libya, Ukraine, and even Myanmar/Burma. There's a lot I/we don't know or cover, but what we do is done with unusual focus and success.

"I did not find any debunking articles on him yet,..."

Funny, that. It could mean I'm so obscure I don't matter. Or that no one can debunk me. Or, as I suspect, it's a bit of each, mostly in a cycle like this: some have set out to debunk me, but find they can't, and then decide maybe I don't matter enough and so they just say nothing (Eliot Higgins in particular). And so I remain obscure. I guess the trick to higher profile is make more mistakes so people will actually be able to do a partial debunk? I have thought of that... hoped natural accidental errors might do the trick, but these may be too few. I may have to up my failure game...

"... but when you’re familiar with the themes …"

My specific words are much better informed than most, usually very specific, and tending to be irrefutable. But the gist is pretty similar - I'm one of those who feels we're being denied the truth in the mainstream and official channels, and need to find it ourselves somewhere else. I flounder at it a bit less than some. And I've been following since the "peaceful protests" began in late 2012/early 2013.

The example case provided to show how I'm probably lying and stuff:
See here and here (same thread) and my responses as well. They were answered that the people who would join these groups already existed before the formation date. Just because they haven't grouped under this or that banner by a certain date doesn't mean they don't exist and only the "Assad regime"can be considered as culprits for any and all violence. Also, those aren't the only Islamist groups to consider, in the early days or now. Hence, this attempted categorical debunk totally fails, and my various theories that terrorists were behind at least some events will have to be considered case-by-case according to the evidence. Sorry.

IF I did blame something specifically on ISIS or Al-Nusra that occurred before they formally existed, apologies; it would have been sloppy shorthand for 'those kind of guys, in whatever grouping.' I haven't that I know of, but perhaps. Usually specifics are lacking on just who really did the work attributed to the "regime." Someone who's friends with the "activists" who wind up with all the bodies in pickup trucks..

I find it interesting to note some of the people who aren't listed:

* Adm. Lord West of Spithead, former First Sea Lord of the Royal (UK) Navy: questioned whether Syria was behind the Douma chemical attack in April, suggested terrorists might have faked it

* Maj. Gen. Jonathan Shaw, a former Assistant Chief of Defense Staff and was also Director of Special Forces: “The jihadists and the various opposition groups who’ve been fighting against Assad have much greater motivation to launch a chemical weapons attack, and make it look like Assad was responsible. Their motivation being that they want to keep the Americans involved in the war—following Trump saying the U.S. was going to leave Syria for other people to sort out.”
“That’s not just my opinion,” Shaw stated, “it is shared by senior commanders in the U.S. military. There is no rationale behind Assad’s involvement whatsoever. He’s convinced the rebels to leave occupied areas in buses. He’s gained their territory. So why would he be bothering gassing them?


* Alex Thomson, chief correspondent for Channel 4 News (UK): among other things, reports outside "FSA" channels, reporting on their efforts to get him killed when he did go with them once, has questioned massacre claims at Aqrab, Dec. 2012 (Just see the filth here). He even gave some support to my research supporting a managed massacre of Alawite civilians by the Islamists.

* Jonathan Steele is included however. He repeated government claims about the 2013 "massacre" by "terrorists" in Latakia. A few people promoted that... see below:

* Lama Fakih, Human Rights Watch penned a report using government-supplied info to echo government and alleged eyewitness accounts to blame "terrorists" (or more tactfully "armed opposition groups" that include others besides ISIS and JAN) for the killing and abduction of hundreds of Alawite civilians in Latakia, August 2013. Assad refers to all his opponents as terrorists, and their kids. And all Sunnis oppose him, so Lama Fakih is calling every killed Sunni baby a terrorist and blames them for a probably fake massacre. Yet she's not listed? 

* etc.

Some folks couldn't be listed and still leave room for Alex Jones, Richard Spencer, "weird duk," "baked alaska," the Greek Golden Dawn political party (but somehow not the ultra-nationalists in Ukraine, who love the Syrian opposition), guy you hate, crazy Nazi, dumbass, bad guy. Some Western politicos on the left who need more pressure. Corbyn, Gabbard ... the Swiss Press Club for refusing to block a presentation by Dr. Marcello De Noli, as demanded by 'freedom' advocates at Reporters Without Border, etc...

All united by … what? Similar rhetoric, similar doubts, beliefs, adherence to open dialogue? Or simply a less-than-total adherence to the officially-sanctioned blame game?

Well the spider-web effect of the graphic with the article suggests some kind of order, maybe planning, like a nefarious devil-spider behind it all. Yes, it's all linked, the 'rationalist' might conclude: Tulsi Gabbard, Baked Alaska, Golden Dawn, other Nazis, Arab anti-Semites, and so on, all went to same Assadist summer youth camps to learn how to help spin these webs. It's clear why they need cleared out. The picture suggests take out Beeley and 21 wire in the vein of Alex Jones, and we might take down the hate speech and let the well-funded and highly-promoted Sunni activist love speech flow unhindered.

Gotta run and check the pumpkin patch for my latest instructions.

1 comment:

  1. On the plus side it might mean someone will find your work on the Khan Sheikhoun wind direction and disagree, adding valid observations.

    And if you, Mother Agnes and others do happen to be a large organized network, maybe suggest to Russia to present detailed radar data for the sarin incidents. Put cameras in the back of the helicopters or any other, better method as proof that all the cylinders falling down chimneys have nothing to do with the SyAAF.


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