Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Tula Toli Massacre: Alleged Witnesses

Tula Toli Massacre: Alleged Witnesses
January 3, 2017
last edits Jan. 4, Feb. 18

My point here is ... at least just for reference, to see the list, how big it is, what patterns emerge, select quotes and inconsistencies ... as usual, to cast doubt where mainstream establishment journalists apparently aren't allowed to but should have already. 

The size is impressive. Out of an initial group said to be between 1,000 and 2,000 people, everyone agrees a majority died and only a "handful" made it out. But was it 20, 100, or 1,000 who were lucky enough? About 20, and exactly 18, are specified numbers of survivors. Yet with fairly little unidentified overlap, I think, I have 80 entries here.

That's for people who survived and spoke to the media, and that I could find sitting here on the Internet. I also include some people they mention/speak for, but who haven't necessarily talked to the media themselves. This should probably be less than half the total of people who left that village, and usually you expect no more than about one in ten to get interviewed. It'll be higher in a case like this. That could mean anywhere from 160 to 800 people left alive, or maybe even more, like everyone in town, that was Rohingya anyway.

A few of these were just near enough to be witnesses, but the vast majority claim to be up-close observers of evil who miraculously survived, despite a concerted effort, or two or three, to kill them. Most managed to survive with about one other family member, but all mention losing someone, and most of them say their entire families were wiped out. One woman says she lost 60 members of her extended family. I don't know if it's even a valid clue, but the majority of surviving women - and none of the men - have the family name "Begum." 

So it's a massive pile of emotive and propagandistic claims, none of which is well-supported by the available video evidence. They agree on details like women being dragged to huts and raped, and the huts being set on fire, killing almost all of them. In fact, almost everyone claims to have seen most steps in that process, all playing out on a mother or wife, none of whom lived. Dozens of women claim to have smashed out of the burning rape huts after playing dead (fuller count and perhaps a short comparative post forthcoming). Conversely, these mostly all lost their husbands and all children or, more commonly, all but one child, who was also in the rape hut. Things like this seem highly suspicious to me - less like reality than like a bunch of little stories based on the same agreed script, crafted for maximum drama at the expense of the Myanmar's demonized government (and its army, and Buddhist community, territorial integrity, etc. Also, at the expense of justice, and our intelligence...)

The record is also rife with suspicious patterns of poorly-coordinated fakery. So far I've spotted one likely dead husband who also speaks as a witness (see entry 12 vs. 30). Several names seem recycled on different victims (a couple Nurul Amins, and a few other confusing Nuruls). (I suppose it might be a super-common name around there, but this common? And as Islamists they won't take husband's names, but where are all their brothers and fathers named Begum? They all got a different family name? Does that vary by gender there? Confusion, perhaps, on that front.)

And the same may go for stories - this will take more analysis. Some story cross-over may be with other massacres, and likely missed, but entry 73 is a likely case I caught - two 20-year old one-name women with similar names were among a "handful" to survive two massacres, where they each saw their husband killed the same way: "They seized him by the beard and cut his throat,” (same exact wording even). 76/77 may also count - two women each survived a massacre with rape and the killing of their own kids, then ran across an abandoned boy, aged 8 or 9, and took him with her. 

About 100 Miracle Survivors
of the alleged Tula Toli Massacre!
Spread the good news
and inspiring tales of survival!
Notes Jan. 4: a couple of duplicate entries stricken out - Numbering is already messed up - will revise it later, when I'm done correlating...

Amnesty International witnesses
1. Shafiqur Rahman, 29, said the guns were “part iron, part wood” (because he's definitely no militant, right?) and described the kind of patch soldiers wear around there, saying the killers wore it.
2. C.B., a 15-year-old girl "everyone was forced to crouch down, facing forward; she said the soldiers then took many of the women and young children to a nearby ditch, where the water went up to her knees" ... "I was in and out of consciousness, but I was looking outside, and saw [them set the fire]. They used matchsticks and dried hay, I saw it with my own eyes… The roof was falling down – pieces of  the roof. A few of us were able to push out of the bamboo [exterior]. [But] my mother and sister were not able to move. They had been beaten so much they were weak. They died that day…"
3. O.B., 20 was one of the women separated out “I saw when they shot the men. I heard the gunshots. We saw the people dying. They were shooting for a long time.” "...while she was being held in the ditch, soldiers marched off two of her sisters. She has not seen them since. O.B. was then taken with five other women and their children to an abandoned house in the Rohingya part of the village" (children killed? Not mentioned. "an elderly woman in the group was the only one not raped. ... “After we were raped, we were beaten with wooden sticks.” “From one corner, they set the fire. I looked around and in the other corner, I saw there was some weak fencing in the bamboo. I pushed through. The soldiers were still out there, but a bit away. I went to the hillside." (The B on OB and CB probably stands for Begum, the most common family name for females))
4. S.K., 30 (woman)  All details say this is Mumtaz Begum, and shouldn't be counted twice. Though oddly, SK aren't her initials (or are they?). “The men were shot dead. They separated us and targeted the men and shot them. Some women and children were also shot.” “she and many other women and younger children were taken to a ditch, where they were forced to stand in knee-deep water: "From there, they took the women in groups to different houses. I was taken to a Rohingya house. There were five of us [women]," They were robbed and beaten, all their children brought with were killed. "They first hit us in the head, to make us weak. Then they hit us [in the vagina] with the wooden sticks. Then they raped us. A different soldier for each [woman].”97 S.K. said the soldiers then left and closed the door. They set fire to the house ... Her 7-year-old daughter, Rozia, who had survived the soldiers’ beatings, found a weak point in the house’s bamboo siding, and S.K. followed her. “I was burned all over,” ... it was around dusk when they escaped; they saw soldiers standing in the distance, and fled unseen to a rice field." 
5. Mohamed Suleiman, a 40-year-old mullah, broke down crying as he counted off six people in his family who were killed: his wife, Lila Begum, 35;..." He and some others "had been in the back of the group, near the river, which allowed them to survive by jumping in and swimming across to the village of Wet Kyein."
6. Nurul Amin, 47, swam to safety, "my heart was in the village… I could see the bodies falling" - wife and 7 children were killed here, not in another village (see Nurul Amin, 33) “My world is finished,” he said. (report given this title)
7-10 - four others: they spoke to 10 witnesses, those 6 plus "three other men and one 14-year-old girl interviewed by Amnesty International" who say they swam across with Nurul Amin Mohamed Suleiman. No account details given. May overlap... those with initials may overlap with other entries. Even people using different names might overlap, for that matter.

Human Rights Watch, December report
11. Hamid Musaem, 29: day laborer from Dual Toli (fled to Tula Toli, survived that too)
12. Khotija, 42: "Khotija said she lost her entire family in the massacre. Her elderly father, Abu Shama, and husband, Nur Kobir, 50, died with the men on the beach." (see next batch, #30) Khotija "said that on August 29, a military helicopter had landed in a nearby Rakhine village, and that the helicopter returned with the security forces on August 30"
13. Omar Ali: said that he had witnessed the landing of the helicopter and the distribution of weapons and uniforms to the Rakhine villagers from the helicopter.
14. Rajuma Begum, 20,
15. Rajuma Khatoum, 35
16. Hafez Mohammed Akram, 30
17. Mohammed Zakaria, 51
18. Hassina Begum, 20 The army forced Hasina and many other women to stand waist-deep in water and watch while soldiers dug a pit to burn the bodies of those they had killed. She tried to hide her infant daughter under her shawl, but a soldier noticed the baby, snatched her away, and tossed her into the fire." Her and her sister-in-law both escaped their rape hut, with burns/injuries.
19. Asma, 18: her sister-in-law. 
20. Shawfika, 24: (alt. Shofika) played dead, broke out of burning rape hut ("Shawfika was one of 18 survivors of the Tula Toli massacre" per Epoch Times)
21. “Fatima” (not her real name), 15
22. “Abdulaziz” (not his real name), 9 who fled to Bangladesh with his younger brother “Zahid,” 6,
23. “Ali” (not his real name), 10 (spoken for by others)
24. Mohammed Suleiman, 43, (see 5)
25. Mohammed Amin, 25
26. Nur Mohammed, 19
27. Mohammed Ayas, 16, "said he saved his life by swimming across the river when the shooting started. He was wounded while running toward the river, but two men helped him cross and make it to the other side"
-- one other: HRW spoke to 18 witnesses, but I only found details from those 17. So #18 may well collapse with another entry.

28. Mohamed Suleiman, (see 5)
29. his daughter
30. Noor Kawbir: appears possibly 50 years old. A Nur Kobir, 50 was married to "Khotija" above, but he died... maybe it was a mix-up, and a happy reunion awaits?
31. Anora Begum, watched her neighbor's 12 children killed and thrown in the river - said to be the same pale children shown washing up on video.
32. Nabi Hussein (older man)- lost several family but fled alive, places a supposed call to the village chief who was clearly in on the massacre.

33. Khald Hossein, 29, labourer - people made to live on the back days before the event
34. Petam Ali, 30, rice distributor - his was the first home burned at 3:30 am
35. Kabir Ahmed, 65, rice farmer
36. Zahir Ahmed, 55, rice farmer (Kabir’s brother)
37. Mohammed Idriss, 35

38. Amin Khartoum, 22,
39. Mohammed Rashid, 50
40. Mohammed Islam, 40, was coming back from another town, not rounded up, but saw the massacre from a hill nearby - his wife and 3 kids were killed
41. Islam's 10-year-old daughter Nor Kaida was in the village, with the women in the water. She swam across the river and escaped.
42. Haj Jaford Alam, 75, former village administrator. "One of the burned houses belonged to Haj Jaford Alam, 75. Many of the relatives he shared it with were killed in the attacks, he said." He wants to go back, but only when they have their rights restored.
43. Nurul Huq, 65: (other say and I prefer, Haq) - source for the article's title: “There is no Rohingya left in Tulatoli.”
44. Mohammed Nasir: (apparently not the same Mohammed Nasir who was hit in the elbow running from the Maung Nu massacre 3 days earlier?) "Nasir himself had escaped to a nearby hillock with his family. From his vantage point and before he left for Bangladesh later that day, he recounted how “bodies were thrown into large pits near the river, covered in straw, doused in petrol and torched.”"
45. Zahid: “I have lost nine family members including my wife, two sons, two young sisters, my brother’s wife and son” "Zahid described in disturbing detail how many of the women villagers lost their lives. It is a gruesome scenario which suggests the military were vacillating about how exactly to kill the women. “Many of the women were near the river. After the military had torched the homes, they told the women to get out of the river and sit down on the bank. Then they changed their minds and ordered them to stand up. Then they again ordered them to sit down. Finally they said stand up and form a line. They then shouted at the women to run.
As they ran, they brush fired them. After the shooting, around 30 women survived. They told these women to wait in the water again. And from this group of 30, they would take 5 women at a time into huts to rape them. After raping them, they were robbed off their jewellery, and then beaten to death and the huts set on fire. ... Four women survived this ordeal according to Nasir. These women are now in Kutupalong MSF clinic with burns and other injuries. "

46. his 10-year-old nephew Osman
-- Nurul Amin (see #6, probably, and.or #81)
-- Shofika, Nurul Amin's niece: see #20. "Nurul Amin’s niece, Shofika, is one of the (four) victims receiving care at the MSF clinic. He simply cannot believe that she is alive. He told me “you can see her brain such is the size of the fracture in her skull, and she has another wound down one side of her body. I do not know how she is still with us”. 
"As she made her escape, she saw children hiding in the paddy fields. She said “The military caught these children, put them flat on the floor and drove long knives into their chests and their stomachs. The lifeless bodies were thrown in the river.”  "With my own eyes, I saw the dead bodies of not less than 300 small kids and about 200 women of my age"
Some Wounded Women
47. Sobika lost 10 family members, suffered burns  (a video)
IBT, Allison Joyce interviews and photos.
48. Mumtaz Begum, 30, "They shot her husband in front of her and as he lay dying, he asked the military for some water. They responded by shooting him again, and he died."
"Then the military took her and five other women to a house, with some of their children ..." killed most kids, raped the women, set the house on fire. "Mumtaz crawled through the flames and her clothes caught fire and the roof caved in, but she was the only woman who managed to escape. The other five women burned to death." (weren't killed, just couldn't move? "She hid in the forest until a group of people found her and carried her to the border and into Bangladesh."
49. her daughter Razia, 7 "They started raping [Mumtaz] and the other women and when the children screamed, they hit them in the head with machetes. They hit one of her sons, splitting his skull open, and he died. They also hit her daughter, but she survived and escaped the house."
50. Roshida Begum, 22, (see also Vice News)
51. Dildar Begum, 30 (not this Didar Begum, age 30 - diff. face and story, different village and time of day, etc.)

52. her daughter (Nurkalima, 10, per Epoch Times)

-- Sunuara, 25, (included in report, but from Boulibazar, not Tula Toli) 

53. Minwara Begum, 17 - was shot, then raped in a hut, the fire burned her ropes but not here, and she was able to escape - 2 other women were still alive but she couldn't carry them.  (details from Daily Mail)

CNN video
- Nurul Haq (see 43)
54. Rehana Begum: Rehana Begum, said she was also told to leave her home and stay near the river. ""The soldiers rounded them up on the river bank and separated the men from the women. We couldn't escape. Many children were shot and fell on their faces," she recalls. "Those lying on the ground were picked up and chopped and thrown into the river." (transcript) "
- Mumtaz (see 48)  To CNN she claimed to have been shot and left for dead in a pile of bodies, after her husband was killed. Then she was found alive, and dragged to a raping hut, along with some living children (who were not on that pile, but somehow reunited to die with her?). Two of her younger kids were brutally killed there, and they tried to kill Razia too. Then Mumtaz says she was beaten, raped, and left for dead again, as they lit up the hut. But she woke up with the help of Razia noticing her finger was on fire, and escaped from the burning hut, smashing through the wall to find Razia already outside. Both managed to flee the scene without being shot, and made it to Bangladesh to tell this story. (her other accounts skip the first attempted killing that left her in the pile, and have her just waiting in the water before the hut, like usual)


-- Rajuma Begum, 20 (see 14) "survived the August 30 massacre in Tula Toli, believed to have been one of the most brutal incidents of Myanmar army violence. Villagers were taken to a beach by the river where the men were separated from the women and children and then gunned down, hacked to death and bayoneted."
Rajuma was holding her son, Mohammed Saddique, in her arms, when four or five soldiers began taking women away in groups of five to seven.
"They took me along with another four women inside a house," Rajuma recounted, speaking at a school in Kutupalong refugee camp.
"They ripped my son from my arms and threw him [on the ground] and cut his throat," she said, before burying her head in her hands and starting to wail.

-- Rajuma (see 14) (NYT)

55. an old lady
56. a young guy
57. older woman

58. A younger woman
59-66. At least 8 women of different ages
67. At least one man I don't recognize here (2 others and a child I do... Mohamed Suleiman and his daughter)
(likely overlap in this section)

68. Mohamed Rafiq: "“People were shot in the chest, stomach, legs, face, head, everywhere,” said Mohammed Rafiq from Min Gyi village, also known as Tula Toli, in Maungdaw Township. Trembling as he recalled the events, he told me soldiers gathered a large group on the banks of a local river and opened fire. “They poured fuel on the bodies and burned them.” Multiple survivors from his village described how perpetrators slit throats, raped women, and burned “piles” of victims, including infant children. Eyewitnesses estimated a death toll of
hundreds in that village alone."
Presumably not the same wounded Mohammed Rafique, 25, who survived the wrong day Maung Nu massacre (WaPo)

69-72. Sukhutara, 12, her uncle Jahur Alam and his wife Nosima, and their baby. Sukhutara: "“The military shot my father, and then as he lay on the ground a soldier cut his throat,” she said." She "sobbed as she described how troops dragged her mother and several other women into a hut. She heard screams from inside. Then the soldiers came out and set the hut ablaze." And then she didn't die. ?? "Tulatoli, the village where Sukhutara lived, was home to between 4,000 and 5,000 people before the massacre. It was victim to among the worst violence in the military’s campaign, with witnesses saying that at least several hundred people were killed." (on Aug. 30)

Dakha Tribune
73, 74. Rafiqa, 20, her child: "The blow fell hardest on villages like Tulatoli in northern Rakhine. Rafiqa, a 20-year-old Rohingya woman who goes by one name, said she was feeding her baby on the morning of August 30 when the army swept in. ... Rafiqa said soldiers dragged young women into huts to be raped and then set fire to the huts. She doesn’t know how many villagers were killed that day but says only a handful made it out alive. Her husband was among the dead. “They seized him by the beard and cut his throat,” she said. Rafiqa said she crawled into the bushes with her child and after the soldiers left, joined other villagers on a three-day trek to Bangladesh. (side-note: another article says "Rizwana, 20 years old, said her village, Hasurata, was attacked by the army and Rakhine militia on Sept. 16. She said only a handful of villagers made it out. Her husband was among the dead. “They seized him by the beard and cut his throat,” she said." How does that happen? Same age even...)

Sabrag India
75. Nurul Hakim (not Nurul Amin, but maybe Nurul Haq?) "was among about 20 or so fortunate enough to have survived the massacre. He told this correspondent that the soldiers had picked out all the beautiful teenagers and killed them. “They picked up beautiful girls from our village between 12 and 20 years old, then they were tortured and raped by the Army and the Rakhine,” he said. "Those girls were killed and then they locked them in a house and set fire to it,” he said."

76. Almas Khatun, 40 "pulls a pink shawl from her face to reveal scars across her cheek and throat.
“I saw my family killed with my own eyes,” says the softly spoken 40-year-old survivor of Tula Toli, the most horrific massacre in a pogrom of indiscriminate killing, mass rape and arson targeting Rohingya Muslim civilians in Myanmar.
Almas says that every night she sees in her nightmares a soldier pulling
 her three-month-old baby from her lap and slashing open his stomach, moments before her house was set alight.
“They shot my old father, they put a log of wood in his mouth and then slit his throat,” Almas says, wiping tears from her eyes. “I keep thinking about my children. I couldn’t save them. They killed seven of my children, my husband and his two brothers.” Almas says 60 of her relatives who were living in three houses in the village are dead. “Some were slaughtered by monks.”
77. Mansur Alam, 8 who also survived Tula Toli, tells us in a separate interview outside a makeshift Muslim school, on a hilltop overlooking the camps, that he saw monks slashing and shooting people in the village, including his own parents, as he hid in bushes. “The monks were in the forest and one slashed me on the head with a kirji (farming sickle),” he says, pulling apart his hair to reveal a scar across his scalp.
Almas has now adopted Mansur as her son. (side-note: "F" - survivor of another incident and not listed here, also sort-of adopted a boy, aged 9, that she ran across abandoned after having her own kids killed and surviving rape. (see here))  

78, 79. Shamsul, 8, and Jafar, 11: "Jafar said he took refuge on a small hill overlooking his house and watched as soldiers beat his mother, Monira, and three of his siblings, Somuda, 15, Khurshid, 7, and Shalida, 3 months. They pushed them into the house, barricaded the door and set the structure on fire. His family was burned alive inside, Jafar said. ... "They are only alive thanks to Allah," said Ali Mia, a local leader. "God saved them.""

Telegraph, September 9
80. Nurul Amin, 33, (should not be Nurul Amin, 47 as above) "said such a promise [of no attack] persuaded him to take refuge in the settlement of Tula Toli, a mixed Rakhine and Rohingya village, after witnessing vigilantes and soldiers massacre his wife, their three children, and his mother and mother-in-law in the neighbouring village of Garatabil on August 28." (where the hell is that? Sounds kind of like Wet Kyein/Dual Toli across the river, but a different name) (note: Nurul Amin, 33, had his family killed right there in Tula Toli) “I watched it from behind a tree, but there was nothing I could do. I saw little children. They threw the children into the burning houses.” “I didn’t try to go to Bangladesh then, because there was nowhere to run to." Bangladesh would be invented soon. "And in Tula Toli the village chairman said ‘stay here, I am here and I promise you will be safe’,” he said. Mr Amin said he did not know whether the chairman, an ethnic Rakhine, had prior knowledge of a similar attack that hit that village two days later." But probably. Naiive Mr. Amin survived that massacre too, and deicded to be fooled no more, fled to Bangladesh.
-- Mohammad Islam (see #40) "a native of Tula Toli who said he had received the same assurances of safety, said there was no question of the official’s involvement: “When I next saw him he was wearing the uniform of the military. He entered the village with them.” (these are people who'd like to see entry 42, the former village administrator, get his old job back instead of this mass-murderer who replaced him.)

81. Mohammed Shofique, 11 (Middle East Monitor) Taken with some mother and aunt into a house, hit on the head with a sword, so he passed out (he's careful to show the scar and let the reporter feel it.) When he woke up, his mother had her throat cut, dead. "the boy ran from the house when he realised it was on fire. As the flames ripped through the building, Mohammed ran towards nearby paddy fields and hid there until the following morning."

82. Rashid Ullah, middle-aged bearded guy, appears in this video on Facebook: lost 17 family members (per titles). Account in Rohingya, not translated. Very calm factual delivery of details.  May not be an actual miracle survivor, but I suspect he does claim this like usual, so he can say he saw it with his own eyes, which matters a lot when you're talking to an Islamist who's encouraged to lie to infidels to further the jihad. Post claims "The statement on Massacre of Tulatuli. According to eyewitness 1800 hundreds of Rohingyas were massacred by Myanmar terrorist regime and notorious Mogh (Rakhine) extremists" That is exactly in line with the story told by all these others (that is 1800, not "1800 hundreds"). That even sounds like the right death toll everyone agrees on. It's preposterous, but they're consistent about it.

83 and 84. These two kids? Poster says Tula toli, video says DiyolToli, which could be Dual Toli/Wet Kyein ie the same massacre and/or the one right before across the river. A boy and a girl both lived, parents shot, out in the field, not at the beach or locked in a burning hut...

85 Rabiya Hatu, older woman from Tula Toli, says her daughter and niece were raped and killed

86-88 The old woman is listed, but at least 3 unfamiliar men speak here -

Arakan Times interview a Rohingya Man of Tula Toli village, Maungdaw north - no subtitles of ruther details. Is he listed already?

89 Ruhul Amin
RNN interviews Ruhul Amin of Tulatuli
Ruhul Amin an eye-witness and survived person of Tulatoli Carnage

90, 91. Rafiq, 14, + little brother - Rafiq lost his parents and five of his siblings at Tula Toli
UNICEF, Feb. 15
"he fled to Bangladesh alone" - describes "WE had to leave OUR home and everything WE had."
(but separately - he found his younger brother in camp a week later.) Only other detail: the soldiers took all the women and girls to a single house, "they took five at a time and stayed for half an hour" doing who knows what. "After a while they set the house on fire" with the girls still inside. He saw that, one house burning. after watching all of the 30-minute sessions unfold inside the one house...  should take between 3 and 7 hours or more, depending (see below)

-?-, -?- A man and a woman speaking unnamed on video shown here:, spamped vision:Amnesty International possibly listed already.
Add Jan. 4:
Did Half the rape Hut Women survive?
At least 10 women, maybe 14, and 3 4 children escaped, with some other accounts needing checked. So this is an incomplete but likely close minimum. If every one who escaped also spoke to the media. Otherwise there could be more.
Original story, from Mohammed Nasir, watching from a nearby hill, after swimming the river and climbing the hill in time: he saw about 30 women were made to stand in the water, no more than this. "And from this group of 30, they would take 5 women at a time into huts to rape them. ... then beaten to death and the huts set on fire. ... Four women survived this ordeal according to Nasir. These women are now in Kutupalong MSF clinic with burns and other injuries." So about 26 women (plus their children, who seem to go as unmentioned appendages of the women) died.

30 divided by five would be about six groups of women, and their children, and so about six rape houses. Some groups were said to be of 6, so it's like 5 or 6 groups. About 2/3 of these rape houses on average yielded a surviving woman, for four woman total (and maybe some children?) escaping. 

But from what's above and a bit more checking, here's who I found claiming to survive the ordeal from the inside, who managed to survive the assault and attempted murder, and escape the burning hut, and avoid being shot after that, and to make it to safety and to tell the story.

1) Rajuma Begum, 20
2) Mumtaz Begum 30 SK (not initials)
2a) her daughter (same hut)
3) Hassina Begum, 20  (sisters-in-laws, same hut)
4) Asma, 18 (sisters-in-laws, same hut)
5) Shawfika, 24
6) Sobika
7) Roshida Begum (let's say they'e the others in H2)
8) Dildar/Didar? Begum
8a)- her daughter  (same hut)
9) Minwara Begum, 17
10) Rafiqa, 20
10a) - her child  (same hut)
--) mother dies, but
11a) Mohammed Shofique, 11, manages to escape 
- CB, 15,  (might collapse, B may mean Begum)
- 2+ others: C.B. says "a few of us" escaped that house (might collapse)
- OB, 20 (might collapse, B may mean Begum)

Maybe Mr. Nasir just had an incomplete picture: others were held in an other pool he couldn't see, ran different ways to different people so he hadn't hear their stories yet. Added up, minimum of 10 women, maybe 14 or more, and at least 3 of their children, got out of what seems like 9 10 or more separate huts. If there were any others no one escaped from, there must be more yet.
Add 2-18: Rafiq, 14, told UNICEF there was just one big rape hut and the groups of 5 were raped there in turns of 30 minutes, then all burned at the end. Who told him to say that? It's inconsistent.

Unless about one third to one half of all women made it out, there must have been way more than 30 in that starting pool. On a house-by-hut basis, it sounds like about one woman in five usually survived, in a lucky case where anyone did. By that, 10-14 survivors (minimum) suggests the original pool would have to be at least 50-70 women, and perhaps far more. Including their children (sometimes zero, sometimes 3-5, generally killed but often with a survivor). That's like 200 people implicitly put through this ordeal. But happily, it also shows an unexpectedly high survival rate.

So in short, this aspect fails to line up, with the same inflationary problem seen in the general overabundance of survivors and their attached stories. They had too many talkers come out pushing the story. But it was quite dramatic.

Add Jan. 7:
Shafiur Rahman @shafiur 2 Dec 2017
Tula Toli survivors amongst the audience for the third screening of my film on the massacre.  At a madrassah in Taingkhali, Hakim para #rohingya #refugee camp. #genocide
(quite a few bearded faces, none that I instantly recognize... some smiling kids, everyone excited to see how their story works on screen)

1 comment:

  1. adding by comment an odd case perhaps giving 3 more survivors, but possibly already listed, and another may or may not add to the list:

    1 of 3 "Ullah" sisters
    Sep 14
    Mojib Ullah or Mr. Ullah [sic - Mr. God? No... it should be MujibUllah of some family. Mujibullah translates respondent of god] The guy ngiving no family name (or is it different in Burma?) "lives in Rockhampton, Queensland" but "one of Mr Ullah's sisters lived in Tulatuli, a village in the district of Maungdaw in the Rakhine state.

    "She fled to the mountains and watched as the military rolled in and attacked. Mr Ullah said that was on August 25. When she returned, there was nothing left."
    "She's now in Bangladesh at the Kutupalong refugee camp," he said.
    His other two sisters also made it to Bangladesh, and Mr Ullah said he was in constant contact with other family members and friends on the ground.
    Mr Ullah's [sic] three sisters are among those caught up in the latest crisis and they have been living in squalid, overcrowded conditions with little food or water and no security.
    "I don't have an appropriate word to describe it. They don't talk much," he said.

    Both stories show the man, with beard, smiling in Australia.

    Mujib Ullah
    Shown on video, not the same guy, beardless, living in the camp, not Australia. Also giving himself only as Mujib of the God family, or having it taken that way. He says he lives now with his sisters (plural - 2 or 3?) in the camp, and his brother was killed in a village attack he has video of - the place burns as Rohingya men mill about watching.
    Mujib Ullah is sitting with his sisters in their new home, a dark one-room shelter made from bamboo and plastic sheets. Ullah [sic], 22, is showing a video of people in the Myanmar village of Borgiyabil frantically trying to extinguish the flames after soldiers lit their homes on fire with Molotov cocktails. The villagers used buckets of sand and water to try to put out the fires, but the homes kept burning, Ullah said. (not seen on the video - they're just watching)
    A few hours after shooting his video, Ullah returned to his own village nearby and found his neighbors coming out of their homes. Everyone thought the soldiers had left. Suddenly gunfire rang out. Soldiers they hadn’t spotted were firing into the crowd.
    “Some people were able to save themselves, others could not,” Ullah said. “My brother could not save himself. He was riddled with bullets.” (he has no video at all of this scene)

    Borgiyabil =? Borigga Bil [Re-dwúang Séik] (Village track)
    under Maungdaw town NORTH area
    Bor Gouzo Bil [Reké Cháung Kwássung] (Village track)
    I couldn't place either on the map. I've seen villages with Bil in the name, but now can't see any. So, eh.

    Unnamed older man, had 4 brothers killed
    (Google translated from Turkish)
    One of the men in the images came from the Tulatuli region and stated that everyone was killed, saying, "They attacked us when passing the river from Tulatuli, my 4 brothers were killed." she said.
    An old man said, "They're killing, with guns, with gasoline." He expressed the violence in the region with his statements.
    Without saving the image, the person said, "Watch, we can do these brothers, these brothers come from Tulatuli." said.


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